I can synthesize extraordinary genes infinitely

Chapter 786 [798] How to survive in a different world (please vote for the end of the month)

[Fairy Rain Technique]

Pei Jinye silently read the message on the gold paper, and his face gradually became better.

This technique is different from the power of the stars. It has great requirements on the practitioner's perception of the wood element. After being used, it will be of great help in growing plants.

"It helped me a lot."

Pei Jinye took some time to start practicing.

The progress is indeed not as good as other techniques.

One night.

The proficiency level has only reached 98% of Xiaocheng level...

"But it's enough to perform."

After running the technique.

A stream of spiritual energy surged from the fingertips, pulled by the wood element in the air, and transformed into weather and rain.

"Yes, the effect is much better than I imagined."

Fragmented world.

The moment the blood energy burst out, the bamboo forest in front of him seemed to have been violently bombed.

After the dust falls to the ground.

Li Xiangshan knelt on one knee, grabbed the hilt of the sword with his right hand, leaned the sword on the ground... and gasped for air.

"I succeeded."

"The "Blood Sword Oven" is very powerful...much stronger than I imagined!"

He slowly stood up and calmed down.

Li Xiangshan walked out of the forest.

A guard wearing a ghost mask knelt down on one knee: "Young Master, the identity of the traitor has been found out..."

Li Xiangshan slowly raised his head and said unhurriedly: "Bring people...forget it, I'll go there myself."

The ghost-faced guard clasped his fists tightly: "Yes!"


Xuan Tiedun was struck by a sword.

The dark-faced strong man had a look of astonishment on his face, as if he had never expected that the legendary young master with no strength to tie a chicken could actually have such swordsmanship.

"You Li family...you really have so many thoughts!"

"I originally just wanted to be a laid-back young man, but you guys kept pressing me every step of the way, insisting on my death...could this glory and wealth be a threat to you?"

Li Xiangshan opened the door with a cold expression.

The black-faced strong man said angrily: "If you don't die, how will the Li family fall! How will the world be determined! So you should never live in this world!"

After saying that, he pounced hard.

His arms were like angry dragons, trying to lock Li Xiangshan to death together.

"It's as if I caused all the chaos in the world. What a joke!"

Li Xiangshan completely scoffed at the other party's bullshit remarks.

Raise your hand.

Blood surges.

The sword in his hand suddenly burst into red light.

The figure that rushed over was instantly shrouded.

The smell of blood hit his face.

The huge impact blasted directly through the wall ten meters away, causing a large amount of smoke and dust to rise.

Wait until the dust settles.

The guards brought by Li Xiangshan stood in place, remaining silent in some tacit agreement, watching in amazement as the blood mist in front of them dissipated with the wind.

They couldn't believe that their young master could kill someone with just one sword.

Even they who often kill their enemies with their hands cannot do this.

This kind of explosion must be the essence of energy, and the energy and blood are not simply erupted to the peak, but must be accurately controlled to reach the peak state.

"Seal the scene, I'll take care of it here."

Li Xiangshan dropped these words and walked towards the back room.

The group of guards behind them looked at each other, then turned away and began to seal off the scene.

Li Xiangshan waited until no one was around and took out the blood demon seedlings...

Then a large amount of Qi and blood was swallowed and replenished into his body.

The Lotus Treasure Book is updated in real time.

[Newly added vitality and blood +328 cards]

at the same time.

Inside Dongzhou Villa.

Pei Jinye saw more than 600 new cards of energy and blood on the attribute panel.

Of course the blood value he drained accounted for a greater proportion.

There is no reason why the platform should take advantage of the small one.

"However, this kid started practicing cultivation later than others, but he is still able to progress so quickly... In addition to the reason I provided for the cultivation technique, it also further proves this kid's talent!"

"Grow up."

"The stronger you become, the more I will get!"

In the fragmented world.

Li Xiangshan's face was covered in blood.

"Don't kill me, don't kill me... Young Master, I know I was wrong! Butler Zhou forced me... Pfft!"

Li Xiangshan didn't say any nonsense.

He raised his sword and dropped it.

His head, filled with unwillingness, rolled directly to the ground.

The blood demon seedlings penetrated, and the blood turned into essence and flowed into his body.

"I'm stronger again!"

Li Xiangshan felt the surge of qi and blood in his body, and felt very happy.

Suddenly his ears twitched.

Something was heard.

He turned his head and looked.

In the corner, a servant in uniform was covering his mouth tightly and trembling.

I sighed in my heart.

Li Xiangshan walked over: "Did you see it?"

The servant didn't dare to make a sound at all, or was too scared to make a sound at all, so he could only nod tremblingly.


A sword pierces the heart.

Li Xiangshan took out the sword from the opponent's body with an expressionless face.

"But it's a pity that no other person can know my secret."

This time he personally led the team and killed all the traitors.

The smell of blood emanating from the entire Zhuangzi was very pungent.

When Li Xiangshan was hunted down, he had never seen anything like mountains of swords and seas of fire, so he was completely accustomed to scenes of this level.

Searched Zhuangzi.

There were more than a dozen boxes containing cash alone. God knows what these guys did behind the back of the Li family.

"Young Master, Zhou Fuhai's mouth has been pried open." The ghost-faced guard bowed to report.

"What did he say?"

Li Xiangshan turned his back to him and was wiping his sword.

"The person who ordered him to do things came from the capital, but when he came into contact with him, he never showed his true identity. His code name was [Jade Tiger Scholar]."

"Jade Tiger Scholar?" Li Xiangshan frowned slightly, "It sounds familiar."

When he was forced to leave his hometown and travel around the world, he had indeed heard of this name...

But I didn’t know much about it.

"Perhaps... we can go to Yunyu Club to find out more information about this person." Ghostface guard asked for instructions.

Yunyu Society...an organization that specializes in intelligence work.

Li Xiangshan had a thought.

"I'm so stupid... I can definitely get information about the treasure from them."

In his heart, exchanging the treasure for the treasure mirror is the most important thing!

This is also his next way of survival.


"As long as this kid can survive, he will be like a moving cornucopia."

The corners of Pei Jinye's mouth raised slightly.

Then he recovered his mind and continued practicing.

Only when his soul has grown to a sufficient level can he truly come to another world.

Whether it is cultivation techniques or cultivation resources, the other world basically crushes the federal world in all aspects.

Pull out the properties panel.

[Qi and blood]: 5.7212 million;

[Stamina]: 5.6427 million;

[Mental Power]: 5.6626 million;

Although the three attribute values ​​​​are already struggling to catch up to 6 million, Pei Jinye is very clear that the increase rate of these attribute values ​​​​is slowing down.

If he could descend to the fragmented world at this moment and receive support from the resources of that world, his cultivation speed would naturally be much faster!

In the blink of an eye, half a month later.

Li Xiangshan used another star pattern tactic in exchange for his understanding of swordsmanship.

And this star pattern tactic happens to be related to mental power.

"Come to another world and start the countdown!"

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