I can summon myself

Chapter 93 Remember to call Bai Chen dad

Wu Huang'er and a group of star students watched in stunned silence as the excavator weighing a hundred tons slowly floated into the sky.

"This unscientific!"

"This isn't magic either!"

"This is very ineffective!"

The star students couldn't believe what they saw.

They thought Bai Chen was grandstanding and used the excavator to attract people's attention.

The facts gave them a resounding slap in the face.

Bai Chen was not the big liar they thought he was, but he did what they thought was impossible.

The stars of Mist and Rain Academy were all blushing.

Bai Chen has no shame.

What's shameful are these dissenters who know nothing about Bai Chen's abilities.

Wu Huang'er couldn't help rubbing her eyes.

The excavator from heaven gave her a huge blow.

Such unscientific things could happen before her eyes.

At this moment, she finally understood that Bai Chen was not the ordinary person in her impression at all. The current Bai Chen was a monster.

The top students watched intently as the excavator flew a hundred meters high and circled around the playground.

They only have one idea, which is to throw A, B, B, D and a group of graduate students into the Misty Lake so that they can become Bai Chen's new assistants instead.

"My dear, I was wrong."

In the cockpit of the excavator, Lanxing Baichen said sadly.

Even if he didn't speak, Bai Chen would notice something was wrong.

The excavator can move up, down, left, right and backward.

The problem is that it's much slower than calculated.

"My dear, the spiritual power of the earth you are on is far less powerful than that of our Blue Star, and what I provide you is the most powerful model of Blue Star's psychic text."

"As a result, it was not adapted to the climate. Not only was it unable to exert the power of the strongest Jianwen, but it was almost unable to fly."

"It seems that only the ancient text written by Blue Star from hundreds of years ago is more suitable for the current spiritual energy level of the earth."

Bai Chen was defeated by the academic version of his own reasons.

Well, it would be a mistake to put Xeon's black technology on Earth.

“You have to adapt to local conditions.”

Bai Chen slowly lowered the excavator in front of the old wizard.

This sluggish experience is terrible.

But as soon as he opened the door, he was startled by the red eyes of the old man Wu and the big guys in the college.

"In order to further evaluate the flying ability of the excavator, Mr. Bai Chen, I, Old Monster Wu, want to test it myself."

The righteous old man Wu just took a step toward the excavator when the college boss grabbed him by his white coat.

"Old principal, you are the academy's Dinghai Shenzhen. How can you go to heaven yourself?"

"Let us juniors do it for you."

"Classmate Bai Chen, please come out quickly."

In order to get on the excavator and experience it for themselves, the college bosses started fighting hand to hand.

The old wizard was overwhelmed by the swarm of them.

"Junior brother, let me try."

While no one was paying attention, Tian Gang sneaked up to Bai Chen.

"you dare!!!"

The old wizard shouted angrily.

The coercion of the ninth-level awakeners was directly released, suppressing the entire audience.

"Tian Gang, go aside."

Senior brother Tian Gang gave up decisively.

"And you guys are so outrageous. The high-level officials of the academy are actually fighting in public. Do you still look like a boss?"

The old witch released the Great Speech Spell.

He walked up to Bai Chen and said, "Classmate Bai Chen, your verification was successful."

“Now, it’s my turn to experience the excavator!”

Facing the aura of the old wizard.

Bai Chen didn't seem to be affected in any way. He said seriously: "Old principal, there is something wrong with my psychic equation. The values ​​are not calculated correctly."

The old wizard waved his hand indifferently: "If you can fly, it is a success. The data can be adjusted at any time."

Bai Chen shrugged and watched the old man Wu enter the excavator.

The excavator took to the sky again.

"Ninth-level awakeners, how amazing are they?"

"The old principal bullies people."

"Draw a circle to curse you."

The senior college officials who had the excavator taken away couldn't help but curse.

The next moment, the excavator controlled by Wu Laoguai crashed into a nearby dormitory building that was about to be demolished.

This is the end of the experiment of taking the excavator to the sky.

"Oops, I seem to have forgotten to add psychic powers."

The official driver of the excavator said in annoyance.

The college bosses silently gave a thumbs up in their hearts.

I asked you to steal the excavator.

You must be stupid now.

"It's gone, it's gone."

The college bosses walked up to the melon eaters.

"Confidentiality, do you understand?"

The top students kept nodding.

Even if the bosses didn't mention it, they knew they couldn't reveal the secret of the excavator's ability to reach the sky.

"Now that the prototype has been successfully tested."

"Then the official aircraft must include us."

"That's right, these four scumbags A, B, C and D will only hold back Junior Bai Chen."

"Please join, please be admitted, please work."

Top academics expressed their intention to participate in Bai Chen's project.

The bosses are very satisfied with their attitude.

But he won't overstep his authority.

"Classmate Bai Chen has the final say. If you want to join, you should go to classmate Bai Chen."

The bosses looked at the star students again, and their attitudes became much worse when faced with these guys who wanted to see Bai Chen suffer.

"Watch your mouth, understand?"

The star students nodded wildly like chickens eating rice.

"Remember to call classmate Bai Chen dad."

Although the bosses are not ninth-level masters like Wu Laoguai, they are all sharp-eyed and have seen and remembered the performance of these guys.

Perhaps, these guys are usually pleasing to the eye.

But when they choose to stand on Wu Huang'er's side and oppose Bai Chen, they naturally become villains in the eyes of the bosses.

In the eyes of the bosses, these star students are not as important as Bai Chen.

Bai Chen, who can make an excavator fly into the sky, is the most important treasure of Yanyu Academy.

No one can affect Bai Chen.

If Bai Chen is in a bad mood, the bosses will not be in a good mood.

If the bosses are in a bad mood, the guys who provoke Bai Chen will have to think carefully.

As for the culprit Wu Huang'er.

The bosses believe that Wu Laoguai will deal with his most beloved junior.

The bosses return to Bai Chen.

"Don't worry, classmate Bai Chen, we will definitely cooperate with you."

"We don't understand the psychic matrix, but we are good at coordinating the three major suppliers and organizing people to join your plan." "Now you just need to put forward your various requirements with peace of mind, and leave the rest to us."

The bosses are very kind.

Bai Chen nodded, indicating that he would not be polite.

At this time, Wu Laoguai, who was unharmed, crawled out of the ruins of the dormitory building.

"Classmate Bai Chen, I'm sorry to make you laugh."

"I'll go and get an excavator driver's license later."

"Now let's go back to the office."

Bai Chen has proved the effectiveness of his psychic matrix with the excavator that went to the sky.

Wu Laoguai needs to have a good talk with him about what kind of aircraft to build.

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