I can summon myself

Chapter 92 The excavator also wants to fly?

A large group of people gathered in front of the playground where Bai Chen was.

Except for the college aspect called by the old wizard.

The rest were all caused by Wu Huanger's errand boys and girls.

Most of the students are top academics, and the rest are star students who have made all the difference in the academy and have countless fans.

Wu Huang'er wanted these elites of Yanyu Academy to see clearly that even if Bai Chen got lucky, he was still a liar who talked wildly but could not do anything.

When she saw Bai Chen, with the help of A, B, B, D and D, carrying two huge psychic weapons towards the excavator, she laughed proudly: "The excavator also wants to fly? Hahahaha!"

“I thought he could make a plane in one morning, but I didn’t expect that he actually wanted to put an excavator into the sky!”

Wu Huang'er, who was hiding behind the errand boys and girls, held her belly.

The celebrity students watching the excitement couldn't help but shake their heads.

Originally, they were very curious about Bai Chen, a guy who was in the limelight recently.

Being dumped by your girlfriend will make you stronger.

They want to experience it.

So, when I heard that Bai Chen was going to build an aircraft to go to the missing location to rescue the division commanders.

They took the initiative to put down everything they were doing and prepare to witness this miracle with their own eyes.

But there was no plane, nothing that looked like it could fly.

There was only an excavator spewing black smoke and a large bucket with metal tracks.

And Bai Chen actually wanted to use two psychic weapons to make this big thing over a hundred tons fly into the sky. This made them feel that Bai Chen was openly insulting the IQ of everyone in Yanyu College.

"This guy is so arrogant."

"Even if he is insane, he shouldn't be crazy enough to let an excavator fly into the sky."

"It seems that being dumped can not only make you stronger, but also make you crazy."

"I want to see what excuse this guy will come up with to explain why the excavator can't reach the sky!"

"The excavator is too heavy, the weather is too good today, the turf is too dry, the turf is too wet, the turf is not dry or wet?"

"Wu Huang'er is right. This guy is so praised that he doesn't know how much he weighs. He wants to fly to the sky with an excavator. Hahaha, please allow me to laugh three times."

"If the excavator can go to the sky, the labor and management will call him Bai Chen's father."

The star students made no secret of their hostility towards Bai Chen.

In their view, Bai Chen not only teased everyone's emotions and insulted everyone's IQ, but more importantly, Bai Chen, who had become a star student through his recent troubles, seriously affected their image.

Using the missing delegation to sensationalize, such a liar who wants to fly the excavator into the sky is simply a shame to Yanyu Academy.

Star students are ashamed to be in the company of Bai Chen.

"Students, what do you think?"

"We should expose this liar's tricks."

Wu Huanger, who successfully aroused the anger of the star students, walked into the top school.

Compared to the star students, the top students are the backbone of Misty Rain Academy.

As long as I can get their support, Bai Chen, a liar, will definitely harm the reputation of the college.

Bai Chen's future at Yanyu College will be very difficult.

This was the reason why Wu Huang'er wanted to cause trouble even though she knew her ancestor admired Bai Chen.

Even my ancestors couldn't take advantage of the academic tyrants and continue to support Bai Chen, a liar.

The top students looked coldly at A, B, C, D and others who were connecting the power of Juwen and the excavator.

Just when Wu Huang'er thought they were also dissatisfied.

A certain leader among the top students spoke.

"You're so idiotic. Why didn't Junior Bai Chen come to me for such a thing as the excavator going to the sky? Instead, he went to these four losers, A, B, C, and D?"

Wu Huang'er's beautiful eyes were wide and her pretty face was full of disbelief.

Did she hear it wrong?

The cold faces of the top academics are not directed at Bai Chen, but at Bai Chen and his assistants?

She must have heard wrong.

There is no such thing.

"In terms of talent, we are the best in the world. In terms of strength, we are one of the best in Yanyu College. In terms of hands-on ability, who can be better than us? In terms of teamwork, we also start from the most basic steps of washing test tubes and killing mice. In what way is he inferior to A, B, C and D? "The bald postdoctoral fellow is angry.

His statement aroused the hatred of top academics.

"If A, B, B, and D can barely be considered classmates of Bai Chen, we can give these four people a chance, but what do these graduate students count?"

"That's it, it's so unfair, Junior Bai Chen. Just because these graduate students look familiar, you gave them the opportunity to participate?"

"I hate it so much. I hate myself for why I didn't let go of my senior brother's pride and show my face to Junior Bai Chen early."

"The excavator going to the sky is an experiment that is destined to be recorded in the history of Yanyu College, Jiangnan Region, and even the entire Eastern Tu. We, the academic masters of Yanyu College, are not participating in the experiment. Instead, these four salted fishes, A, B, C, and D, and these graduate students are allowed to It’s really embarrassing for me to rob Xian.”

The words of the top academics were like countless sharp arrows pricking Wu Huang'er's heart with holes.

She heard it right.

The academic masters did not think Bai Chen was a big liar as she imagined, but they wished they could replace A, B, C, D and others and personally participate.

"Why are you like this?"

"How could an excavator go to heaven? Bai Chen is clearly a big liar!"

Wu Huang'er's yelling made the top students give her countless pity looks.

Wu Huang'er was stunned. What was her reaction?

Why are top academics willing to believe in the unscientific delusion that an excavator can go to heaven?

Don't believe her, Wu Huang'er?

"For the sake of the old principal, you should read more books, Junior Sister Huang'er."

The good man among the top students said earnestly.

"It's terrible to be uneducated. It's really embarrassing for the old principal Wu."

A certain female top student sighed.

"Do you know there is a kind of psychic matrix called psychic matrix: Han?"

"Do you know that Junior Brother Bai Chen sold a basic psychic formula for a sky-high price of 100 million?"

"Do you know that Junior Brother Bai Chen's half-paper is enough to knock on the door of the ultimate goal that all top students dream of, the top academic journals of mankind?"

Wu Huang'er was stunned, and the confusion on her face made the top students shake their heads.

"Junior Sister Wu Huang'er, even if you want to love and hate Junior Brother Bai Chen, please first find out who Junior Brother Bai Chen is."

"Otherwise, it's really ridiculous that you think Junior Brother Bai Chen is a big liar without knowing anything."

It was Bai Chen who finally rescued Wu Huang'er, who knew nothing, from the embarrassment of shame.

When Bai Chen confirmed that the two psychic matrixes had been successfully installed on the excavator.

He opened the cockpit of the excavator.

"Junior Brother, do you go yourself?"

Zuo Miao and Tian Gang looked like they had seen a ghost.

"No one knows how to drive an excavator better than me."

Bai Chen accidentally said the catchphrase of Blue Star Bai Chen.

The driver of the excavator was not happy.

"Boss Bai Chen, this is not right."

"I am the real excavator driver, okay."

How could Bai Chen, a big boss of the client, steal his job?

"You don't understand psychic matrixes."

Bai Chen said. The driver and Wu Laoguai, who wanted to persuade Bai Chen not to take risks, were speechless.

This reason was very good and powerful, and they could not find any angle to object.

Bai Chen got into the cockpit of the excavator skillfully.

With a more skillful technique than the excavator driver, he started the power system of the excavator.

Everyone focused on Bai Chen.

He pushed the joystick hard. The two spiritual energy matrices fixed on the main frame of the excavator suddenly shone.

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