I can summon myself

Chapter 90 Who do you think you are?

"yes, I'm sure."

Bai Chen's voice was full of confidence.


Wu Huang'er, who was behind the old monster Wu, curled her lips in disdain.

Past inspection? In the past, inspections were able to solve problems that even the City of All Souls could not solve?

In her opinion, Bai Chen just wanted to use this impossible method to deceive Zuo Miao.

Because even if Bai Chen wanted to go there, he wouldn't be able to get close to the mysterious area that was jointly blocked by Dongtu, Western Alliance, and the City of All Souls.

When the time comes, push the pot towards Dongtu.

Bai Chen no longer has any responsibility.

"Sister Zuo Miao, don't let this guy..."

The remaining word of deceit has not yet been uttered.

A burst of spiritual energy fell from the sky.

Wu Huang'er, who successfully reached the third level, found that she had been banned by her ancestor.

"Tell me your plan."

The old weirdo closed the door.

"Find a boat first."

"While looking for a ship, we also found three major experimental equipment suppliers to customize some special instruments."

"I have a special batch of psychic texts here."

"Then reach the edge of the subspace barrier and use these special instruments to test its psychic properties."

"With this data, we can confirm its nature and devise ways to open the barrier."

Facing the old monster Wu's eyes that seemed to be real.

Bai Chen did not dodge or evade, and expressed his thoughts without being humble or silent.

The old monster Wu immediately caught his keyword.

"You mean this is a subspace?"

Bai Chen nodded: "Do you have paper and pen?"

The old witch took out the charcoal pen he never lent to outsiders from his white coat.

"Draw directly on the wall."

He pointed to the white walls of the office.

Bai Chen first drew a small circle.

"This is Earth."

Then he drew a large circle to envelop the small circle: "This is the range of the earth's psychic radiation."

Then draw a third circle that intersects with the big circle and finally connects with the small circle.

"This is unknown psychic energy."

He painted the area where the third circle was in contact with the earth black: "This place is the subspace where unknown spiritual energy and the earth overlap."

"It is not within the confines of Earth due to unknown psychic powers, but is a subspace independent of Earth and unknown psychic powers."

"If we want to break the barrier of subspace, we must obtain its real-time parameters."

The old weirdo frowned.

The old woman on the side said, "You mean that this sea area is separated from the earth due to unknown spiritual energy?"

"Where does unknown spiritual energy come from? Why does the intersection of it and the earth's spiritual energy create subspace? How can we prove the existence of subspace?"

"Is there any formula to support it, and is there any experiment that can be repeated?"

Her eyes were sharp.

"Yes, yes, you said subspace, it means subspace!"

"Who do you think you are? White Newton Einstein Chen?"

Wu Huang'er, who was finally able to speak out, had sharp teeth and a sharp mouth.

Compared with the unreliable field investigation, Bai Chen's subspace theory is even more nonsense.

In her opinion, this is simply metaphysics.

"I'm Bai Chen."

"The whiteness of the day, the brightness of the stars."

Bai Chen said coldly: "I don't have time to prove my statement now, and this is not an academic seminar. I just want to save my master and Zuo Miao's mother."

"When it comes to subspace, you may believe it or not."

"None of it matters."

"I don't ask for your approval, I just ask that you don't get in the way like Wu Huang'er."

Bai Chen's words.

It directly exploded Wu Huang'er.

Just when she was stamping her feet and preparing to fight back.

The old monster Wu opened the door directly.

Kicked her out.

Bang, the door closed again.

Wu Huang'er's face turned the color of pot.

But no matter how angry she was, she never dared to enter the house again.

The old witch looked at the pattern drawn by Bai Chen: "It seems to be consistent with some of the research directions of the City of All Souls."

"But if you want to get permission to go to the barrier, this hypothesis alone is not enough."

The old monster Wu can talk to the Jiangnan region.

But more evidence is needed.

Bai Chen didn't speak, and wrote a basic psychic formula set on the wall.

"Use it to create unknown psychic powers."

"As long as the equipment is accurate enough, you can observe the emergence of subspace."

"This is not considered direct evidence."

The old woman was embarrassed to find that she, who had been studying the direction of psychic space all her life, could not understand this set of formulas.

Not to mention the old wizard who is not in this direction at all.

His reaction was similar to Professor You's when he saw Bai Chen's graduation thesis.

If he knew every letter and could form a formula, that would be beyond his ability.

However, the old witch is still the old witch after all.

He came up with a solution instantly.

"Student Bai Chen, this experiment is left to you. With the full support of the college and the three major experimental equipment suppliers, how long will it take you?"

As long as Bai Chen can create artificial subspace with his own hands, doesn't that also prove that his statement is reasonable?

In this way, the old wizard can be sure to convince the big bosses of the Jiangnan region who witnessed the experiment together, and get permission to go to the subspace area.

"I want to first see the list of instruments that the three major suppliers can provide. In addition, I also want to know the technical strength of our college in the preparation of experimental instruments."

Bai Chen said cautiously.

If the technical strength in this area does not meet the standard.

He will not waste time starting from scratch.

It is better to pull Mo Qianxing and go to the subspace area with Zuo Miao secretly.

As for how to get the parameters, we will find a way at that time.

The old woman looked at Bai Chen with surprise.

She thought Bai Chen would directly tell a time.

Unexpectedly, he was so cautious.

However, this made her feel that Bai Chen's statement about the subspace seemed to be more than just a hypothesis.

Wu Laoguai admired Bai Chen's rigorous attitude.

"From now on, I will fully cooperate with you."

"I will call my friends in Jiangnan District immediately and start preparing the ships and supplies you need."

"You can also start preparing the experimental instruments you need while preparing the experiment."

"Once your statement is confirmed, we can set off as soon as possible."

"What do you think of this arrangement?"

Bai Chen nodded.

Wu Laoguai really took care of everything.

One and a half hours later at five in the morning.

The three founders of Sun Moon Star, as well as Zhang Nangua and Hall duo appeared in front of Bai Chen yawning.

"You guys!!!"

Tian Gang and Zuo Miao recognized the three founders at the first time.

Didn't they claim to be senior managers of the three major suppliers?

But their real identities are actually founders?

"Bai Chen, we meet again."

"No more nonsense."

"What do you want? Let's discuss it carefully."

Bai Chen didn't have time to argue with these three cunning old men who deliberately hid their identities. He directly took out the special psychic matrix provided by Blue Star Bai Chen.

Seeing this new matrix, no matter how complicated it is or how to use psychic energy, it is far beyond the imagination of the three major suppliers.

The office was full of gasps.

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