I can summon myself

Chapter 89: Collective Loss of Contact

Bai Chen returned to the academy and was taken to the largest conference room. The hall, which can accommodate 3,000 people, was bustling with people.

Listen for a while.

Bai Chen and Zuo Miao looked puzzled.

There were so many people present, but no one knew what was going on.


Zuo Miao grabbed a young man who looked familiar.

"Demon King Zuo, I was also caught here. I don't know anything."

The young man looked frightened, and before Zuo Miao could speak, he poured out everything he knew like beans from a bamboo tube.

Zuo Miao curled her lips and let go of her hand to indicate that he could leave.

Tian Gang emerged from the crowd on the side, and he wondered: "I asked several colleagues, and they were all confused."

Bai Chen and Zuo Miao sighed silently.

This is really strange.

It’s fine that they don’t know anything in the Misty Rain Mountains.

The people at the college didn't know what happened, so they were called back to the college urgently.

This is the first time in nearly a hundred years.

time flies.

It was the early morning of the next day amid rising resentment among the entire audience.

The door to the conference room slowly closed.

A giant curtain hangs from the stage.

The old monster's voice came from the sound system.

"I received a notice from Jiangnan Region asking everyone to come and watch the news."

"As for the news, I don't know."

The old monster Wu's voice was full of helplessness.

After asking around, he only got some ambiguous information.

The only thing confirmed is that urgent news about to begin will reveal the mystery.

When the hands of the clock reached three o'clock in the morning.

An image finally appeared on the white curtain.

What appeared in front of everyone was a city wall with a height of more than one thousand meters.

"The City of All Souls!"

"Don't tell us that our delegation passed the ticket review of the City of All Souls and got its admission ticket."

"You're so drunk without a drop of wine. What nonsense are you talking about?"

Amidst the discussion, a middle-aged man with black hair appeared in front of the news cameras.

Don't know anyone.

But he quickly began to introduce himself.

"Hello everyone from Dongtu Jiangnan Region."

"I am Yokota Fuji, the representative of the aftermath handling team of the City of All Souls Abnormalities Center."

In this ninety-degree bow from Yingzhou.

Everyone had an ominous premonition.

"I regret to inform you that except for the delegation that advanced, all the other 155 delegations in Jiangnan Region have lost contact."

A giant map appeared on the screen.

"From the first batch of the Misty Rain College delegation to leave, to the last batch of Jiangnan City delegation to leave five days later."

"One hundred and fifty-five delegations from your region, 3,460 delegations from Eastern Europe and 14,900 delegations from the Western Alliance have also chosen this route this week, sailing on In this area, there are 125 large and medium-sized transport fleets, 17 Eastern-Turkish-Western Alliance joint patrol fleets, as well as seven delegations of different civilizations who came to the City of All Souls to participate in academic exchanges, and several independent aircraft. A total of 2.35 million people have collectively lost contact in the 200,000 square kilometers of sea area represented by this map."

There was silence in the conference room of Nuoda.

What a joke. More than two million people disappeared just because they said they would disappear?

This is too metaphysical.

"City of All Souls, Eastern Earth, Western Alliance, we have activated emergency plans."

"The good news is that our reconnaissance team in the outer area of ​​​​this area did not find any wreckage of aircraft, ships, or various personal belongings. Various aircraft manufacturers also confirmed that they were just unable to contact the aircraft on which the delegation was traveling, rather than encountering any aircraft. When it comes to the outcome that no one wants to see, such as the aircraft crashing, these people in your region may still be alive. "

"The bad news is that the psychic space scientists from the City of All Spirits and alien civilizations have tried various methods, but they have been unable to open up the outer psychic boundary of this area. We still don't know what happened in this area." "

At this time, Lan Xing Bai Chen's voice sounded in Bai Chen's sea of ​​consciousness.

"My dear, your earth's psychic technology is really worrying. Isn't this a psychic collision between a psychic civilization in a certain parallel time and space and the earth, resulting in the emergence of this subspace region that is not on the earth?"

"Without cross-space communication, of course they lost contact."

Lan Xing Bai Chen's awakening made Bai Chen feel refreshed: "Do you have any idea?"

It would be great if Blue Star Baichen could solve this problem.

He didn't want his master Zuo Guang and his teachers to end up in this kind of place inexplicably.

"Normally, our Blue Star directly sends out relay satellites across space."

Bai Chen's eyes twitched. The level of technology is so high, isn't it?

"It definitely won't work here. Apart from the other things, the pan-space psychic matrix chip required by the relay satellite is not a high-tech technology that the earth can produce."

"But my dear, don't worry, I'll think about it."

Lan Xing Bai Chen entered a state of contemplation.

The representative taking the blame in the news is still chattering: "Please rest assured, we will definitely find a way to contact the trapped compatriots and rescue them at all costs."

There were sobs in the conference room.

Soon there were cries.

Suddenly a staff member came over.

"Zuo Miao, Bai Chen, Tian Gang, come here."

He took Bai Chen and the other two people out of the conference room and took them to an office nearby.

In the office, an old lady who had a good relationship with the Zuo family was sighing.

Bai Chen's heart skipped a beat.

Zuo Miao was filled with an ominous premonition.

"Xiao Miao, I just received news from the City of All Spirits."

"Your mother Muse and your mother's partner Ye Yu, they also entered this area and lost contact."

"Fortunately, your brother is still in the City of All Spirits."

Zuo Miao's legs softened, and Bai Chen, who was quick-eyed and quick-handed, quickly helped her to a chair.

"I'm fine."

Zuo Miao's voice was full of weakness.

Bai Chen didn't have much impression of Zuo Miao's mother Muse, but he didn't want to see his senior sister heartbroken for this.

"My Lord, don't worry, I'm trying to find a way. The key is that we know too little about that area."

"It would be great if we could go there to investigate, otherwise many things can't be explained clearly."

It's not that Bai Chen of Blue Star is incompetent, but mainly because there is too little information about this area, and ordinary psychic equipment on Earth can't check the parameters he needs at all.

There is no such data.

Even if Lan Xing Bai Chen is a top student, he can't design a reliable plan.

If the technical route doesn't work, the only thing left is the force route.

The invincible Cat-Seeking Bai Chen can punch through the subspace barrier formed by the intersection of the earth and the unknown psychic civilization.

But even if Bai Chen's body is constantly improving with the Great Void Cultivation Method, he still can't accept the invincible Cat-Seeking version of himself.

Therefore, the technical route is still the most appropriate choice unless it is absolutely necessary.

Lan Xing Bai Chen passed his ideas to Bai Chen.

Bai Chen thought about it and decided to follow his plan.

Compared with the City of All Spirits, he only believes in the version of himself in Lan Xing Bai Chen.

"Senior sister, let's go over there."

Zuo Miao raised his head suddenly, and Tian Gang also subconsciously widened his eyes.

"It's hard to explain for a while, but only when we get to the scene can we find a way to enter."

As soon as Bai Chen finished speaking, a familiar voice came from outside the door: "Are you sure?"

Wu Laoguai strode in.

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