I can summon myself

Chapter 70 Psychic Principle: Cold

The addition of Drs. A, B, C, and Ding greatly stimulated the graduate students.

To show their hard work.

The four hours of spare time every day turned into twelve hours a day without stopping.

In just three days, they spread the black iron energy guide plates throughout the entire artificial cold room.

After checking and confirming that all psychic circuits meet the design requirements.

Real brick-moving boss, the construction leaders of the three major suppliers gave them a thumbs up.

"Performing well."

The graduate students smiled reservedly.

Everyone's attention was focused on Bai Chen, who was standing at the core of the artificial cold room.

This is an artificial cold room with an area of ​​nearly 400 square meters.

The psychic text taught by the system grandfather to Bai Chen: Is the cold effective?

Just look at this last step.

Bai Chen took the cold spiritual energy crystal that had been prepared earlier from Tian Gang and put it into the reserved inlay position on the black iron energy guide plate.

As the cold energy emitted by the crystals poured into the spiritual energy channel inside the black iron energy guide plate.

Threads of blue ice spread in all directions along fixed pathways like spider webs.

One after another, as energy passes through, the temperature of the black iron energy guide plate drops simultaneously.

When the last batch of black iron energy guide plates at the entrance of the passage were penetrated by cold energy.

The temperature of the entire artificial cold room began to drop.

to the cheers of graduate students.

The depleted cold spiritual energy crystallized into nothingness.

However, the temperature of the artificial cold room not only did not rise, but further dropped towards the target temperature.

"Fourth degree."

"Zero degrees."

"Fifteen degrees below zero."

"Minus thirty-two degrees five."

"Forty below zero."

"Ninety below zero."

Under the influence of psychic energy, the temperatures in the six zones of the artificial cold room dropped perfectly to the design temperature and finally stabilized.

Psychic Moment Text: Cold, activated successfully.

"Yes, yes."

"Grandpa System, it's really scary."

"One text, six temperature zones."

"Directly absorb external spiritual energy and convert it into cold-attributed spiritual energy."

"What is perfection? This is perfection."

Although in this area of ​​minus 15 degrees Celsius, the graduate students who moved bricks turned pale with the cold and their mouths were trembling.

But under the guidance of Tian Gang under the guise of the grandfather of the system, they successfully illuminated the psychic text of the bad street over there that Bai Chen obtained from Earth 233: Han Liang.

Everyone is excited.

They had never thought before that there really was a psychic text as big as 400 square meters.

He never thought that through their hands, he could successfully become the source of cold energy for the artificial cold room.

"I praise you, Grandpa System."

"Great psychic moment literature!"

"Junior brother Bai Chen can stage a king's counterattack with the help of the system grandfather, and so can we."

"CEO Tian Gang, I beg you to join the system hunting group, and I beg the big boss of the hunting group, the system grandfather, for guidance."

The graduate students who moved bricks surrounded Tian Gang, CEO of the system hunting group, and tried hard to make their presence felt in front of him.

No one noticed that Zuo Miao and Mo Qianxing, who wore big sunglasses and a big mask, were pointing at them.

"Grandpa System?"

Mo Qianxing didn't believe in the existence of the so-called system grandfather.

"Junior brother Bai Chen felt that if he was revealed to be the boss of the system hunting group, people like these graduate students would not believe that he could come up with good things, so he used the name of the non-existent system grandfather to use his recent Changes have proved successful and convinced graduate students that there is an omnipotent old man named Systematic.”

"Psychic Moment: Han is the first test mission released under the guise of the system grandfather."

"You have also seen the result. Not only did these guys work as coolies for junior brother in vain, but they also believed deeply in the system."

Zuo Miao resisted the urge to laugh and introduced the ins and outs of the artificial cold room to Mo Qianxing.

Bai Chen set up a system grandpa.

This group of graduate students, who can be considered excellent after all, not only took the initiative to become bricklayers. With the success of the psychic text: Han, they fell completely into the big hole dug by Bai Chen and became the first batch of errand boys in the system hunting group.

And what did Bai Chen pay?

There is nothing, even the meals for the past few days are provided by the logistics of the construction teams of our three major suppliers.

"Your junior brother is so treacherous."

Mo Qianxing pouted at Bai Chen, who was observing the operation of the psychic text Han.

"This is called smart."

Zuo Miao corrected her seriously, but she couldn't help covering her mouth and laughing.

Her laughter attracted Bai Chen.

"Senior sister, and Captain Mo?"

Hiss, hiss, Xiao Cai crawled out of Mo Qianxing's pocket and roared to indicate to Bai Chen that he still had it.

"How about you, Xiaocai."

Bai Chen flicked his fingers.

A void energy ball the size of a soybean accurately bounced into Xiao Cai's mouth.

It made a pleasant hissing sound as the void energy fell into its belly.

"I have collected all the medicinal materials, ores, and cold-type items your senior sister needs, as well as unknown uses."

Mo Qianxing raised his hand.

Bai Chen's finger snapping action was almost perfectly replicated.

A space bead with a capacity of 600 liters flew into Bai Chen's palm.

Bai Chen took them out in front of Mo Qianxing.

After checking one by one, they were divided into six groups.

"Four senior brothers, please put them away."

Bai Chen called over A, B, B and D, who were shocked by the psychic power: Han.

"Junior brother, is it okay to just put it in?"

"What if, I mean what if something breaks down?"

"Psychic Momentum: Han is, after all, a new Momentum we have never seen before. Shouldn't we test it?"

The Fourth Doctor was a little worried.

They feel that although the current psionic cold chamber is operating normally, from a scientific point of view it should take two days to see the results before officially opening the artificial cold chamber.

Now it is used to store things as soon as it is lit.

Isn't it too hasty?

Bai Chen said with a smile: "Brothers, don't worry, the psychic crystal: Han is not a new technology. It has been used for hundreds of years. As long as the psychic energy is not exhausted, one piece of the same psychic crystal as the previous one can be replenished on time every month." If the cold spiritual energy is crystallized, it can continue to function. "

Seeing Bai Chen so determined.

A, B, B and D believed what he said.

They put six groups of raw materials into corresponding different temperature zones according to Bai Chen's classification.

Mo Qianxing, who was thoughtful, waited for them to leave, and then said to Bai Chen: "Where did you get this psychic text: Han? Since it has been around for hundreds of years, it should have been known to people long ago." "

Bai Chen pointed at his head.

Mo Qianxing murmured: "Is it bloodline?"

"Your bloodline is too weird. It has awakening, combat skills, control of national treasures, the talent of academic master, and even the psychic text: Han?"

"Don't tell me that you are a wandering relic from the City of All Souls."

Bai Chen wondered: "What is the City of All Souls? A city?"

Mo Qianxing rolled her eyes.

"You actually don't know about the City of All Souls?"

Bai Chen asked, "Why should I know."

"In a rural place like Earth, is it necessary to know where the Village of All Souls is?"

Blue Star Bai Chen supports Bai Chen himself.

"Well, if you don't know, just don't know."

"When will you prepare the medicine for Zuo Miao?"

Mo Qianxing wanted to witness Bai Chen's one-time match-improving potion with her own eyes, just in case something went wrong with Zuo Miao so that she could treat him immediately.

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