I can summon myself

Chapter 69 Night Rain

Another unhappy parting.

Not long after the mother and son left, Zuo Guang also went to the City of All Spirits.

He did not return to the main group until the next morning when the chartered plane of Yanyu College was about to take off.

"Old Zuo, your son has been waiting for you for a long time."

A kind colleague led Zuo Leng to Zuo Guang.

"Dad, this is from mom to my elder sister, and this is from Aunt Ye to my elder sister."

Zuo Leng handed two space cards to Zuo Guang.

Zuo Guang accepted them casually.

"Dad, did you understand the paper yesterday?"

Zuo Leng said shyly.

After all, he is a native of the City of All Spirits. Whether his parents or Aunt Ye are the top students, although he is not interested in this path, he has inherited Zuo Guang's high IQ.

Used by the mother Tyrannosaurus and Aunt Ye, his academic performance has reached the level of the best among his peers.

But Bai Chen's paper was like a blow to the head.

It made him see stars and doubt his life.

It made him very unconvinced.

He wanted to know if Bai Chen was a top student or just a liar.

"What paper?"

Zuo Guang looked at his son in confusion. Was Zuo Leng going to become a top student?

"It's the paper that your elder sister sent in your laptop titled "It will scare you to death."

Zuo Guang shook his head: "I was just about to see you when you came."

"I didn't feel like reading it after that."

"Why is there something wrong with this paper?"

Zuo Leng looked at his father with pity.

If it were him, he would definitely not feel like being roared at by a humanoid self-propelled female Tyrannosaurus.

"I think there is something wrong."

As soon as Zuo Leng finished speaking, the airport staff called on the Yanyu College delegation to board the plane urgently.

The plane they chartered was a propeller passenger plane driven by eight psychic steam engines. It was not suitable for most weather conditions like a disc-shaped aircraft. This old antique plane with a speed of 500 kilometers per hour could only fly in a stable psychic environment.

And now was the time to take off.

"I'll take a good look when I get to the next stop."

"Take good care of your mother, I'm leaving."

Zuo Guang patted Zuo Leng's shoulder and walked into the team of Yanyu College with his suitcase.

A quarter of an hour later, the propeller plane with black smoke flew into the sky.

Zuo Leng returned to a single-family courtyard next to the wall of Wanling City.

Although it was only a single-family house with an area of ​​less than 100 square meters, they couldn't afford it.

The owner of the courtyard was Aunt Ye.

As soon as he entered the yard, he saw Aunt Ye, Ye Yu, dressed in the same Gothic girl outfit for thousands of years, sitting in the small garden with her legs crossed, basking in the sun and working.

Ye Yu was not the kind of middle-aged aunt pretending to be a girl. In the ten years since Zuo Leng could remember, Ye Yu had always looked like a young girl who looked as young as him.

Because she was not a pure earthling, she had the blood of the immortal species outside the domain, and time could not leave a mark on her at all.

"Auntie, good morning."

Zuo Leng didn't dislike Ye Yu. On the contrary, she looked and behaved like someone of the same age, which made Zuo Leng feel at ease.

"Why call me Auntie? Call me Ye Mommy."

Ye Yu corrected.

"I can't really call you that."

Shrugged, Zuo Leng walked to Ye Yu and found that she was writing a psychic formula.

"Don't disturb your Auntie Ye's work."

Muse walked out of the room.

"The stubborn guy left?"

The stubborn guy she was talking about was, of course, Zuo Guang.

"Yes. Dad left with the main force."

Zuo Leng suddenly felt that Ye Yu's psychic formula looked familiar, and he subconsciously took a few more glances.

"Son, are you interested in this?"

Ye Yu pushed the A4 paper with the calculation formula in front of Zuo Leng.

"No, I think I've seen it somewhere before?"

Ye Yu raised her eyebrows. This was really strange. This formula was the initial product that she spent a month to derive until today.

How could Zuo Leng have seen it somewhere else?

Muse frowned, just when she wanted to scold Zuo Leng for making trouble.

Zuo Leng patted his green-haired head.

"I've seen it in my father's laptop."

"It's a psychic formula group that looks similar."

Ye Yu was surprised as one of the main judges of the ticket jury.

She personally reviewed the papers of Yanyu College and gave a high score to the paper that was obviously written by Zuo Guang against her conscience.

Naturally, she was very clear about Zuo Guang's research direction.

Zuo Guang's paper and her research are two completely unrelated fields.

Zuo Leng picked up a pen and wrote down the core psychic formula group of Bai Chen's paper.

"I should remember it correctly."

"It's the formula in my father's disciple's paper."

"Just now I wanted to ask my father if this thing is reliable. But my father said he didn't have time to read it."

"Stubborn disciple?"

Muse immediately thought of the big black-faced master Tian Gang, who was darker than Africans.

"Xiaotian is a simple child, but he doesn't have much academic talent."

Muse came over.

As soon as she saw the formula group, she was stunned just like Ye Yu.

Logically speaking, even the top students in the Spiritual Research Institute of the City of All Spirits, the highest academic hall of mankind, could not understand the content of the spiritual formula group instantly without the help of a paper.

However, it was different from the common situation.

The set of psychic formulas Zuo Leng wrote happened to coincide with the core topic of Ye Yu's recent research.

What shocked Muse and Ye Yu himself was that Ye Yu had racked his brains until now and could barely cross the threshold of the subject.

The owner of this psychic formula group is already a senior with clear insights into this subject.

But the problem is according to Zuo Leng.

The master of the psychic formula group is a disciple of Zuo Guang.

A student from Yanyu College actually understands better than Ye Yu, who is a senior researcher at the Institute of Spiritual Energy, a core reviewer of the ten-year ticket review meeting, and will speak at the upcoming core academic meeting as a representative of the younger generation of top academics. This brand-new topic that didn’t even exist for three years?

Muse felt like her mind was in a mess.

Are you kidding? If there are such students in Yanyu College, how can they not even get tickets for core academic meetings?

Furthermore, with Zuo Guang's stubborn personality, if this was really done by his disciple, he would have brought this guy to the City of All Spirits even without Zuo Miao.

Ye Yu couldn't help but make calculations.

The more he calculated, the more shocked his expression became.

"This is a complete, proven formula set."

"The research progress is at least three years faster than mine."

She stood up suddenly.

"No, I have to ask Zuo Guang for clarification."

She took out her mobile phone and sent an urgent application to the institute.

Thirty minutes later, a saucer-shaped aircraft slowly stopped in front of her.

"What's your father's flight number?"

Ye Yu looked at Zuo Leng.

"Uh, I don't know."

How could he write down the flight number of the charter flight of Yanyu Academy?

"Forget it, I'll go ask."

"Muse, are you coming?"

Muse nodded and she also boarded the aircraft.

Under Zuo Leng's confused gaze.

Ye Yu piloted the saucer-shaped aircraft and flew towards the airport where Zuo Guang left.

"A set of psychic formulas, what about it?"

Zuo Leng said speechlessly.

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