I can summon myself

Chapter 59: Ordinary Bai Chen

Boss Bai Chen?

Doctors A, B, C and Ding Si felt that they had made a big mistake.

It is not easy for a talented student like Lu Renwu to be willing to call him "big boss".

They must have overlooked something.

"Junior Lu Renwu, please tell us about this boss Bai Chen."

In the surprised eyes of the melon eaters, four charred people took Bai Chen, the top student in his class, and started talking on the roadside.

Some understanding.

They finally got Bai Chen's information.

"The man who controls the national treasure!"

"It's so frustrating to suffer such a loss."

"After being sprayed in the face by the crested ibis, can we still spray it back?"

"The loss is certain, but no matter what, it's Bai Chen's fault!"

A, B, B, and D were extremely depressed. As they couldn't afford to offend the national treasure, they could only blame Bai Chen for the frustration of losing their hair but not getting stronger.

"With the Crested Ibis Garden and the National Treasure Team as its backer, no wonder this guy dares to bypass the department and start work directly."

"But the possibility of us getting the land back is too low."

"It's a crime other than war. Who the hell can afford to offend a man who controls a national treasure?"

The fourth doctor is not a fool, he is quite right. Even with their academic qualifications, his basic IQ is still online.

There is a national treasure as an excuse.

Even if they move out their own tutors, it will have no effect.

What's more, as a mentor who is an avid fan of the Crested Ibis, once he knew that Bai Chen could control four national treasures.

In the end, it’s hard to tell who to help.

I definitely don’t understand the mentor route.

As for going to Manager He for an explanation.

A, B, B and D all shook their heads in unison.

People say that the national treasure is as big as the sky, which can make them speechless even if they have a thousand words.

But just admit defeat like this?

"We can't afford to mess with the national treasure, but we must make Bai Chen look good."

"It has been ten years since I came to Misty Rain Academy and I have never been so embarrassed as I am now."

"My hair was thin to begin with, but now it's better to burn it all off!"

"Just because we can't get the land back doesn't mean we can't continue academic challenges."

"In front of all the teachers in the department, we used our papers to crush Bai Chen and let this guy see the consequences of offending us."

"Finally, we will act condescendingly as a winner and for the sake of the national treasure, the land will be given to you."

"When the time comes, I will pat this guy's shoulder and say sincerely, "Junior Bai Chen's national treasure is not a reason for you to be arrogant. Since there is the Crested Ibis Garden and the full support of the department, you should seize this opportunity to guard against arrogance." Be impatient, study hard, and do your best to research and breed improved crayfish for the national treasures. "

"As a senior, it is for your own good to crush you with papers. We, A, B, C, and D, just want you to see that although you have the blessing of a national treasure, you are still far from a true scholar!"

The fourth doctor, who became more and more excited as the discussion progressed, seemed to have seen the scene in the spotlight where they crushed Bai Chen in front of all the teachers in the department and then publicly educated the culprit for their embarrassment like a senior.

"Passenger Wu said that Bai Chen might be good at fighting."

"But I didn't say he was a top student."

"Even if he is a top student at the level of passerby Wu, he is just a junior student who is about to graduate. How much ability can he have?"

"In the academy, naturally only the top students among the top students are qualified to be called the boss. Bai Chen relies on the Crested Ibis Squad to bully others. How can He De be called the boss?"

"Sure enough, the instructor is right. Today's students are really worse than the last."

"Passenger Wu is nothing more than that."

Dr. A, B, C, and Ding Si, who had regained their confidence, walked towards the Academic Affairs Office with their heads held high.

Although they knew from passerby Wu that Bai Chen was not a top student.

But there are lessons learned from the past like Black Carbon.

They still wanted to find out more about it from the Academic Affairs Office.

With familiarity, I came to the Student Registration Center, which is responsible for managing students' grades, and found my fellow juniors who worked here.

"Brother, what are you doing?"

The fellow juniors were stunned by the cool looks of the four of them. Could it be that the laboratory exploded?

"Stop talking, we are being bullied miserably by the national treasure."

"The crested ibis knows how to attack."

"The Crested Ibis's poop shoveler occupied the base land that we have always wanted. We came to try to communicate with him, but the guy didn't want to talk to us, but just threw out two national treasures."

"Although none of us were injured, we were still sprayed like this by the crested ibis."

A, B, B, and D vomit their bitterness.

The fellow disciples were filled with indignation.

"This is too much."

"Can you do whatever you want with the help of a national treasure?"

The Fourth Doctor sighed.

"We can't afford to offend the national treasure, but we want to challenge Bai Chen, the national treasure, academically, and teach this guy how to behave with papers."

"Junior brother, bring up this guy's scores and let us see how much he weighs."

"Let's see which subject he is best at, and we will use the subject he is best at to let him know that we cannot bully him, and that academic masters cannot be humiliated."

The fellow junior nodded solemnly.

He couldn't afford to offend a national treasure.

But Bai Chen, who allowed the national treasure to troll people, must be punished.

The senior brothers wanted to crush this little-known boy with academic challenges, and he absolutely supported them.

"The whiteness of the day, the brightness of the stars."

"found it."

"In four years, the average score is 70 points in each subject, and several core subjects are only 35 points more than passing."

"This guy is not good at any subject, he is bad at all important subjects."

"Perhaps it is not appropriate to describe him as a poor student, but it is certain that his academic ability is mediocre."

The junior fellow student retrieved Bai Chen's grades.

Not only that, he also retrieved Bai Chen's test papers and the teachers' comments.

"An ordinary student who is not lacking in hard work, but really has no academic talent."

A, B, C, and D looked at each other.

Each other's big black faces were full of excitement.

It's settled.

He is just a fighter with a brain full of muscles.

A, B, C, and D can beat a hundred of this ordinary junior brother.

"Four senior brothers, we should call all the academic masters."

"Send a group notification, and then live broadcast."

"Yanyu Academy is the world of academic masters, not a place where the mediocre Bai Chen can do whatever he wants by relying on the national treasure."

"That's right, junior brother, your idea is good."

"Start notifying now, and we will challenge him at dinner time tonight!"

After finalizing.

The four doctors returned to their dormitories with satisfaction.

Wash off the black dust on the body.

Standing in front of the floor-length mirror.

"My poor hair."

"Don't worry, we will avenge the hair tonight."

"Put on the most glamorous clothes."

"We will use the most violent postures in front of the teachers and the top students to make the ordinary Bai Chen feel the fear of being dominated by the four top students A, B, C, and D!"

They cleaned themselves up.

Put on the clothes for the blind date.

Suddenly felt like a decent person.

"The improved crayfish belongs to the insect system."

"Then use the insect system paper that Bai Chen is best at to defeat him!"

In the darkening twilight, the well-dressed doctors A, B, C, and D came to the gate of the base again.

Carrying a professional live broadcast pole with ten mobile phones on his shoulders and holding a microphone, the professional junior brother pointed the mobile phone camera at them.

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