I can summon myself

Chapter 58 Bai Chen, come out

The old man Wu forgot one thing.

After the three old friends provided Bai Chen with 100 million yuan of experimental equipment and completed the construction of the laboratory.

The untouched budget of 10 million is enough for Bai Chen to establish an industrial-grade improved crayfish workshop.

His plan to let Bai Chen understand how difficult it is to find the budget for sponsorship through the normal process has actually failed.

But the old man Wu who was obsessed with studying Bai Chen's exquisite set of insect combat skills on the ring did not notify He Gu in time to cancel the plan.

He Gu thought that the old monster Wu would still insist on letting Bai Chen go through the normal process.

Although he didn't think there was anything that would hinder Bai Chen's progress, he still followed the old monster Wu's will.

He told the internal competitors who were interested in the land that the base was actually under construction.

"What? The land I was interested in was taken over first?"

"No, that's too much. I applied for this land for three years, but fortunately, the department actually granted it to classmate Bai Chen, who I've never heard of?"

"Just because the national treasure went crazy and ate his improved crayfish, he decided that his improved crayfish was qualified to be a national treasure and gave him such a large piece of land with all the hills?"

"Why? The national treasure crested ibis is very important, but Bai Chen is just one of the countless food suppliers for the national treasure. The department can just give him some resources for him to continue his research. Why put our target land in the complete Just assigned it to Bai Chen without communicating with us? "

Standing in front of He Gu in protest were four doctoral students from the same department who had heard nothing about what was going on outside the window.

They were either in the laboratory or on the way to the laboratory all day long and had no idea who Bai Chen was.

"Is this guy a second-generation guy?"

He Gu shook his head.

He said calmly: "If you have any objections, then follow the formal procedures and launch an academic challenge to Bai Chen."

"If you can convince him, the land will naturally belong to you. If you can't, then the land will belong to Bai Chen. If no one can convince anyone, although I don't think it is possible, you can ask the old principal to judge."

The doctors looked at each other.

"That's fair."

"A quasi-graduate undergraduate student, after all, we are also senior doctors who have joined Mist and Rain College for more than ten years."

They were misunderstood and thought that what He Gu said was that they would be able to easily crush Bai Chen academically, so there was no need to bother the old principal.

"Bai Chen is at the base."

He Gu watched the four doctoral students who were interested in taking advantage of the land walk out of his office.

I hope you won't be beaten to pieces by Bai Chen.

In any case, they are not all-attribute affinity legends like Bai Chen who soar into the sky as soon as they awaken.

But they are all old faces from the flower, bird, fish and insect family.

He Gu couldn't bear to see them take advantage of the situation and leave, so he returned with his face covered with a low eyebrow.

"Should we collect information about classmate Bai Chen first?"

Doctor A wants to find out who Bai Chen is.

"That's not necessary!"

"If he can understand any of our papers, he is considered a great academic."

"Go and come back quickly, don't waste time. A guy who only came to prominence near graduation, if he really has the attributes of a top student, he won't be so unknown."

"Hurry, hurry up, we can get back to lunch if we solve this problem."

"There is a batch of psychic crabs fished out of Yanyu Lake in the cafeteria today. If we come back late, we won't be able to eat the crab shells."

The foursome of Doctors A, B, D, and Ding jogged all the way to the flying mount landing platform on the roof of the experimental building.

The two of them rode on the big flying ant that they usually couldn't bear to spend money on.

After one hour.

They arrived at the base gate.

The construction vehicles coming in and out left them, Monk Zhang Er, confused.

I caught an old man with moon craters on his face and asked.

They learned that construction on the land they wanted had already started.

They suddenly became anxious.

"What does Bai Chen want to do? He is so bold even though the department has not approved it?"

"Do you want to create an established fact?"

"Don't even think about it, the land is ours."

Under the guidance of the old man from Moon Crater, they rushed to Bai Chen's room.

They didn't notice two old men and a middle-aged lady sneaking behind them.

"Bai Chen, come out!"

A, B, B and D banged on Bai Chen's door.


The alarmed Iron Jaw flew out from the skylight on the roof.

"A national treasure?"

"What does Bai Chen mean? He doesn't want to talk to us, but just releases a national treasure?"

"It's too much!"

Feeling ignored, A, B, B, and D increased their force in banging on the door.

Ironjaw opened his long beak in anger.

Its psychic breath falls from the sky.

The four doctors were transformed into four bald heads with black and gray faces and shiny scalps.

The iron-chinned little eyes were full of pride.

Bai Chen should reward it with not five void energy beads now.

A, B, B, and D looked dull.

It's not just their hair that's gone.

Even the clothes on his body were turned into hole-in-the-wall clothes by the iron-chinned AOE.

"Bai Chen, Bai Chen, Bai Chen!"

"If you are a man, come out!"

"We're going to duel you!"

"We want to challenge you academically!"

A, B, C and D were shouting hysterically.

Finally, the second crested ibis, Zhu Liehuo, was attracted.

Like Tie Xiajin, he sprayed the four guys who were yelling at Bai Chen's door.

Now they were completely turned into charcoal people who had just come out of the fire.

Although the two crested ibis deliberately controlled the intensity of their breath and did not hurt them.

But A, B, C, and D couldn't help but cover their faces and run away.

Looking at their backs as they left in a hurry.

The moon old man with craters all over his face patted his forehead.

He remembered that Bai Chen had left the base with Hanshe early in the morning.

An hour later, A, B, C, and D returned to the college.

As soon as they walked out of the laboratory building.

The cool look attracted the attention of countless spectators.

"Four seniors? What are you doing?"

A, B, C, and D knew the familiarity of the person who was talking.

He was the genius student passerby Wu who graduated this year and was in the same class as Bai Chen.

"Wu junior, do you know Bai Chen?"

Passerby Wu nodded.

Who knows, recently classmate Bai Chen is simply the most popular student in the Department of Flowers, Birds, Fishes and Insects.

The improved crayfish was used as a midnight snack by Guobao.

He was kicked out by his ex-girlfriend Mu Lingxi, and the video of him being kicked out was spread all over the department by Wu Huanger and his gang.

Then, classmate Bai Chen started his counterattack.

The Guobao team took the initiative to touch porcelain, and the Crested Ibis Park took the initiative to extend an olive branch, becoming the man who controls Guobao.

Recently, the three major suppliers took the initiative to take on the task of building a laboratory.

According to some uncertain gossip, classmate Bai Chen also beat a dog of Wu Huanger in the Magpie Bridge Club so that he could not take care of himself.

How could he not know classmate Bai Chen.

Originally, as a genius student who was the first in the same class when he entered school.

Passerby Wu was very dissatisfied with Bai Chen's rise.

But when he saw that the Guobao team obeyed Bai Chen's words.

All the dissatisfaction turned into admiration and pride.

In any case, we are also classmates of big brother Bai Chen.

You can brag in the future, I, big brother Bai Chen's classmate.

That was a joke that he could brag about for the rest of his life.

"Four seniors, do you have anything to do with Master Baichen?"

Passerby Wu smiled cutely.

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