I can summon myself

Chapter 498: Minotaur in person?

"Sir Nibelungen, if the small world where our No. 5 warehouse area is located is really the dragon domain left by the Azure Sky Ancestral Dragon, in principle, our Arcanist Alliance has no objection to its ownership belonging to the Dragon Clan."

The leading Alliance Speaker Zambrotta said in a rather formal way.

If we can't kill the dragon to silence it, we can only sit down and negotiate calmly.

Even if we can ignore Ao Canghai, the Eastern Dragon Clan of the Earth, who is originally hostile.

But whether it is Nibelungen, the lord of the dragon domain, or the Flame of Destruction, who is also under the Azure Sky Resistance Army system, they must put down their arrogance.

The reason is that the dragons in the world are one family. The dragon domain of the Ancestral Dragon is like the kingdom of God in the eyes of the gods' believers, and it has unimaginable appeal to the dragon clan.

And these two are the top bosses of the Azure Sky Dragon Clan, and the Arcanist Alliance cannot ignore them.

"But for so many years, we have regarded it as a small world for storing supplies. You must give us enough time to clean up the things inside."

"At the same time, you must give us enough compensation."

The Arcanists are determined.

Since they could not occupy the Ancestral Dragon Domain and had to return it to the Dragon Clan, they also had to get enough benefits from it to make up for the losses of the Arcanist Alliance.

"Okay, I can give you a real complete small world where humans can survive in exchange for our Ancestral Dragon Domain."

Nibelungen agreed to the conditions of the Arcanists without hesitation.

The Arcanists kept exchanging glances, and finally Zambrotta said: "Then there is no problem in principle."

They did not doubt the credibility of the Lord of the Dragon Domain.

If it is a complete small world, it must be a complete small world where humans can survive.

The vague confrontation between the two sides disappeared.

Ao Canghai looked at the Arcanists expressionlessly: "Then what are you waiting for now? Hurry up and tell your Arcanists inside to start sorting out your supplies now."

"Foreign Dragon, are you teaching me how to do things?"

The Blood-haired Arcanist stabbed him.


Zambrotta and the other three Arcanists changed their faces.

"Do you want to go back on your word?"

The lava-like anger was gathering in the eyes of the Flame of Destruction.

"No, no, no!"

"Are you saying that there is someone in our No. 5 warehouse area now?"

Zanbrotta pointed at the space turbulence, with a look of shock on his face.

Ao Canghai and Nibelungen's hearts suddenly skipped a beat.

"Yes, we are sure that there is someone in the Dragon Realm because we feel the psychic fluctuations of the portal."

As soon as Nibelungen finished speaking, the Dragon Realm in the space turbulence once again showed strong and continuous space portal fluctuations.

If it was possible that one person entered before.

Then now, judging from the scale of the psychic fluctuations, it is obvious that a large group of people have entered the Dragon Realm.

Ao Canghai said impatiently: "Do we need to say more now? Don't waste time, hurry up."

The faces of the other four arcanists except the blood-haired arcanist suddenly turned pale.

Speaker Zambrotta said word by word: "Our Arcanist Alliance only holds a high-quality storage every 20 years. Each high-quality storage has an average of 2.5 opportunities to move materials in and out of Warehouse Area No. 5, and now we have used it twice."

"The remaining half will be in and out in the next 20 years."

"In other words, the people in there now are not from our Azure Sky Arcanist Alliance at all!"

As soon as this was said, the three dragons were dumbfounded.

"The people in there now are not your people?"

Nibelungen said in shock.

"Absolutely not. Even we only have five opportunities to enter and exit the space turbulence every 40 years. Once we miss this time node, we will no longer have the ability to enter and exit extra."

"And we have used up all two opportunities to enter and exit this year!"

Speaker Zambrotta's voice was full of anxiety.

But just like Ao Canghai and Nibelungen before.

The five arcanists circled the space turbulence again and again but could not find a way to break into it.

At this moment, they were like being confronted by a minotaur.

What hurt them even more was that even if they stood in front of him, they had no way to deal with the old Wang next door in the Dragon Domain at that time.

"This is the wealth accumulated by our Azure Sky Arcanist Alliance for thousands of years!"

"We must go in and catch the old Wang next door who stole our treasures, which is worse than cheating on us!"

"Anyone who dares to attack our Arcanist Alliance must die!"

The Arcanists were surging with waves of psychic fluctuations.

"Don't stand there, you three heads."

"Now these guys in there can ignore the space turbulence and build a space teleportation array in the Dragon Domain to steal our things. Who can guarantee that they don't have the ability to take the Ancestral Dragon Domain away from the space turbulence?"

The smiles in the hearts of the three dragons who were originally gloating over the misfortune condensed.

They had calculated a thousand times, but no one thought that the person inside was not the real boss, but the old Wang next door who had been playing tricks on the No. 5 Warehouse District of the Arcanist Alliance.

"Take out all the information you Arcanists have on this No. 5 District!"

Ao Canghai said loudly.

"Don't you have the legendary space-time dragon among your dragon clan? Hurry up and call it over!"

The arcanists joined the dragon.

The noise outside the space turbulence did not affect Bai Chen's current mood.

He stood on the container where the black iron castings were placed, watching the teachers and students of Yanyu College heading towards various directions of this dragon domain.

Carrying the Black Iron Suit, they will be able to fully understand all the situations in this dragon domain as nodes.

Their real-time inspection results will also be fed back to him simultaneously through the Ancient God client.

"The psychic intensity here is so low."

The old weirdo said to Bai Chen.

This is a small world with lower psychic intensity than a place like Yanyu City.

"There are also very few rules of heaven, especially the rules of heaven regarding dragons, which have been almost completely obliterated."

Long Hantian stood in front of a pillar made of a crown and couldn't help but admire the mottled spots left by the years on it. The moment he entered, he confirmed that this was indeed the legendary dragon realm.

But the low spiritual power and the inexhaustible rules of the Dragon Clan's Heavenly Law fully show that after hundreds of millions of years, the power of this dragon domain has been reduced to a very pitiful level.

"It's the best outcome for us."

Bai Chen expressed his opinion to the puzzled crowd.

"The reason is very simple. The rules of heaven on earth are different from the rules of heaven in the blue sky world."

"If this dragon domain is full of spiritual energy and contains various dragon and heavenly rules, it will be a holy land for cultivation for the natives of the Blue Sky World."

"But for us people on earth, the higher the spiritual energy, the more rules of heaven there are, and the more difficult it is to transform it into conforming to the rules of earth's heaven."

"But now the spiritual power of this dragon domain has been so low that it is even inferior to Yanyu City. The rules of the dragon and the rules of heaven are also very small. We only need a small amount of investment to transform it into a very short time. The Earth version of Dragon Realm meets the requirements.”

"Although this will make us completely lose the possibility of restoring this dragon domain 100% and activating these dragon ghosts authentically."

"But based on the foundation of this dragon domain, there will be no problem in upgrading our college's flower, bird, fish, and insect department to the flower, bird, dragon, and insect department."

"The carp jumps over the dragon gate, the fish-dragon transformation and other dragon-type evolutionary lines will definitely get twice the result with half the effort with the blessing of this dragon domain."

"The only problem we have now is how to get it away from the space turbulence and bring it back to Earth."

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