I can summon myself

Chapter 497 Do you dragons want to go to war with our Arcanist Alliance?

Besides the spatial turbulence, Ao Canghai and Nibelungen, two mature dragons with a combined age of more than 5,000 years, racked their brains and finally confirmed that the spatial turbulence in front of them was not a problem they could solve now.

"Let me go back to the East to see if the hidden masters of the Genius Center and the Psychic Association can enter this area."

Ao Canghai said goodbye to Nibelungen.

"Wait, when you return to the East, take little Ata with you. I hope that a change of environment will make her feel better." Nibelungen stopped Ao Canghai who was about to leave.

He said seriously: "Didn't your East Dragon Clan have a famous Long Yi? Let Ata go over and make a companion for her."

Although Nibelungen had personally expelled the dragon-intoxicating potion from Ata, for a proud little princess of the Dragon Realm like her, being so simply and roughly stuffed into the fuel tank and accompanied by biomass heavy oil caused her a great psychological blow.

The Lord of the Dragon Realm hoped to let her change her environment and live on Earth for a while to let time wear away the shadow in her heart.

"It's okay to take her there, but now Long Yi is no longer in the Genius Center. She has chosen a college to start her student life."

Ao Canghai paused and continued: "You, the Azure Sky Dragon Clan, have also heard of this college. It is the Misty Rain College in the Jiangnan Region where classmate Bai Chen, who holds the Burial World Mysterious Vine and scares the Cloud Gods here, is located."

In shock, Nibelungen's mouth showed a hint of disdain.

"Those guys in the Clouds are really getting worse with each generation."

"But then again, what is the background of this classmate Bai Chen who suddenly appeared?"

"He saved people, opened a base, and ran to the Azure Sky World to cause trouble with the Burial World Mysterious Vine, and also raised a bunch of strange space bugs. He must be very important. Is he a descendant of the ancient clan that ran out of the famous mountains and rivers in your East?"

He was actually very curious about Bai Chen.

Although he was quite dismissive of the timid performance of the Cloud Gods.

But just the Burial World Mysterious Vine, even if it seems that the little vine seedling in Bai Chen's hand is not the real body, but the projection of the Burial World Mysterious Vine, or a clone, it is enough to prove that Bai Chen has a great background behind him.

Maybe it comes from the legendary mythical family in the East.

"It's not clear. All divination methods are ineffective on this magical kid. As long as he doesn't say it, the Genius Center and the Psychic Association don't know who the dealer behind him is."

"But, so what? Although his style of doing things is completely different from that of traditional geniuses, as long as he is very Eastern, he is one of ours."

Although Ao Canghai and Bai Chen have never met at Yanyu Academy, it is enough for him to confirm that Bai Chen's heart is in the East.

"That's the reason."

Just when Nibelungen was about to return to Zulong Mountain.

A trace of strangeness suddenly appeared in the turbulence of time and space.

Although this strangeness flashed by.

But for these two powerful dragons, they can still keenly confirm that this is the weak space spiritual energy leaked from the space teleportation array, and also let them confirm that this is the Dragon Domain.

"Does the Dragon Domain fragment left by the ancestor dragon have an owner?"

Ao Canghai and Nibelungen looked at each other, and each of them was shocked.

The next moment, Ao Canghai gave up the idea of ​​leaving, and took out a tortoise shell backboard with primitive oracle bone characters written on it.

He spit a mouthful of his own essence blood on the surface of the backboard, and the oracle bone characters stimulated by the dragon blood suddenly flashed with the spiritual energy light unique to the torch text.

"Who went in?"

Ao Canghai said to the tortoise shell armor word by word.

The tortoise shell suddenly shone like a marquee.

The oracle bone torch characters were bright or dark, and one by one, they were arranged and combined on the surface of the backboard like running water.

But Ao Canghai did not get the result he wanted.

"I can't figure it out. It seems that these guys also have equipment that can block the prying of fate."

Ao Canghai's face was a little ugly but he did not give up.

It spit out a mouthful of its own essence blood again.

"Who is the owner of this dragon domain fragment?"

The oracle bone characters on the tortoise shell began to change shape in front of it, intertwined with each other, and finally formed an emblem that he and Nibelungen, who was watching, were extremely familiar with.

The emblem of the Azure Sky Arcanist Alliance.

"We have been looking for several generations of dragons, but the fragment of the Ancestral Dragon Domain has fallen into the hands of these arcanists?"

"No matter what is inside, no matter which arcanist holds it, it must be returned to our Azure Sky Dragon Clan now!"

Nibelungen's sonorous statement made Ao Canghai nod.

Although it had other plans for this Ancestral Dragon Domain fragment that it had also been pursuing for a long time, since the owner was confirmed, it was the main thing to take it back from the arcanists first. As for returning to the dragon clan, it was a matter for them to discuss behind closed doors.

Nibelungen called the chief dragon clan leader in the Azure Sky Resistance System, Flame of Destruction, on the spot.

After confirming that the fragments of the dragon domain of a certain ancestor dragon were in the space turbulence, it directly summoned all the high-level members of the Arcanist Alliance who were currently in the Azure Sky World.

Five Arcanists, who were emitting psychic fluctuations that were no less than those of the three-headed dragon, walked out of the space channel opened by the temporary portal one after another.

When they saw the space turbulence in front of them.

The faces of these five Arcanists suddenly turned pale.

"Nibelungen, Flame of Destruction, and this alien dragon from Earth, what do you want to do with our Arcanist Alliance?"

"What do you want to do by surrounding the No. 5 warehouse where we store core resources?"

A hot-tempered and blood-red-haired Arcanist roared angrily.

Nibelungen pointed at the space turbulence expressionlessly: "I don't care which warehouse it is, I only know that there is a high possibility that there is a dragon domain left by a certain ancestor dragon of our Azure Dragon Clan that has been lost for many years in the turbulence in front of me!"

The Arcanists were shocked.

"Sir Nibelungen, you are not kidding."

"Dragon domain, or the dragon domain of a certain ancestor dragon of Azure?"

"How is this possible? In our data, it is just a small world with a secret location."

It was found that the three-headed dragon in front of them did not seem to be fake.

The five Arcanists were dumbfounded, and everyone was deeply annoyed.

If they had known that the small world in the No. 5 warehouse was a dragon domain, how could they use it as a warehouse?

Dismantle, smoke, eat, chop, no matter how to use it, it is far more valuable than using it as a treasure trove now.

They regretted it so much.

Such an important resource, but it was discovered by the three dragons in front of them.

At this moment, they even wanted to kill the dragon to silence it.

But even the most irritable blood-haired arcanist saw Ao Canghai's half-smile, Nibelungen's expressionless face, and the sparks deliberately sprayed from the nostrils of the flame of destruction.

They decisively gave up the idea of ​​solving the problem if they couldn't solve it.

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