I can summon myself

Chapter 489 Dark Space Beacon is a Keyboard Keycap

Twenty days flew by.

On the main peak of the Dongwu Sword Sect, there are lights and colorful decorations.

"What about a warm celebration for successfully digging out a large amount of treasures from the Mushroom Forest?"

The chosen ones from various temples were invited.

As soon as I reached the top of the peak, I saw all the star suckers sitting in an orderly manner on the floor polished by golden ore. In front of each head was a stainless steel tank with a capacity of one ton of god-level essence.

"It seems that Bai Chen has made a big profit this time."

"It's not just these weird bugs, look at that old Mediterranean shaman with an afro who drinks 10,000-year-old rat tail juice as water."

"And the bald muscular man Wang Botang has more space equipment hanging on his hands than our Archbishop."

"The other teachers and students of Mist and Rain College are all bursting with laughter. Bai Chen will definitely take away all the years of reserves of the mushroom people in the mushroom forest this time."

"Perhaps the makers of the Mushroom Men and the Dragon Blood Matrix deliberately exposed their treasures to send the Plague God away?"

"Anyway, Bai Chen will definitely make a lot of money this time."

The Chosen Ones couldn't help but whisper and looked at the teachers and students of Mist and Rain Academy with eyes filled with envy.

At the same time, there was also a hint of joy in their hearts.

Whether it is the mushroom people in the jungle or the creators of the Dragon Blood Matrix, they are all heretics in the eyes of the major temples. The more unlucky they are, the happier the Chosen Ones will be.

"Everyone, we are going to set off some fireworks today, please don't make a fuss!" The red-faced old wizard raised his glass to the chosen ones.


"You are the masters, you have the final say."

"Fireworks, aren't they just sky-high cannons?"

Before a certain chosen one could finish his words, he saw a succubus wearing the largest Misty Rain Academy uniform that could not hide her foul figure, carrying a metal cylinder that was thirty meters high and two meters in diameter, swaggering in front of him. And passed.

"This, is this called fireworks?"

"Although I am not a well-educated person and am not a question writer, I still know that the name of this thing among foreigners on Earth is Dongfeng Express!"

The chosen ones watched as Nana placed the Dongfeng Express at the launching positions on the cliffs at both ends of the square.

"What's in it?"

Qian Duoduo cautiously asked the old monster Wu.

"You will know right away. This is the result of our classmate Bai Chen's research for half a month."

The old weirdo gave it a try.

Half an hour later, when all Dongfeng Express is ready.

Bai Chen led everyone out of the hall.

"let's start."

He gave an order, and the tails of Dongfeng Express jets spurted out blue flames.

Amid the huge roar, a total of thirty-six "fireworks" rushed into the sky.

When Dongfeng Express flew to an altitude of 10,000 meters.

It exploded with a roar.

Groups of golden clouds appeared at the location of the explosion.

With the fluctuations of psychic energy, the clouds made of evil gold ore powder glowed with colorful light.

"Yays RGB!"

"Look there in the clouds is a red-faced monkey wearing golden armor."

"Who is this fat bald guy? Is he the fat version of Wang Botang?"

"This seems to be telling a story with clouds?"

"The red-faced monkey pulled out a big iron stick, and smacked the stick on the forehead of the fat-headed, bald-headed man. The fat-headed and big-eared head split open, and out flew out a female insect queen guarded by a swarm of insects?"

"There is a line of small words next to the female insect queen: Come on, do the questions. Anyway, you have a lot of time..."

God's Chosen Ones, you look at me and I look at you, everyone is burned out by the ridiculous content in these clouds.

"do not mind the details."

"You see, the ore powder from the Evil Gold Mine is still useful. At least it can display images in the sky."

"Don't you order three to five thousand tons for each of your temples?"

"This can also make it easier for you to show the majesty of each family."

Wang Botang's opportunity to sell made the chosen ones twitch in their eyes.

The gods of various temples are not pheasant gods, so there is no need to use this method to show the power of the gods, the gods are like the prison, and the grace is like the sea.

Besides, no matter how beautiful and clear the golden masses in the sky are, their duration and display range are extremely limited.

Just for a moment, the clouds in the sky showed signs of breaking up.

"We really don't need this."

"forget it."

The chosen ones couldn't help but shake their heads.

Wang Botang shrugged and did not continue to pester.

"Okay, let's keep having fun."

Bai Chen walked towards the Chosen One with a smile on his face.

At the moment when the Dongwu Sword Sect was in jubilation, they were thirty kilometers away from the main peak of the Dongwu Sword Sect.

The reconnaissance team led by a middle-aged man with a pale face and beard faithfully recorded everything they saw.

"These foreigners are really beasts."

"Let the unbelievers attract the attention of the mushroom people, and take the opportunity to steal their treasures."

"Now they actually set off fireworks and have a party!"

"No wonder our big blue sky world can't stand up to these earthlings. How can we be as thick-skinned as these guys?"

"If you are shameless, you are invincible."

The blue sky arcanist's vision was filled with beaming faces.

"One two, three ten, it seems that these foreigners and the bugs they raised are all here."

"And that scary little vine."

At coordinates XYZ2333 of the Mushroom Forest, Skeleton James and the mushroom people were playing with the Ancient God client nervously.

They need this to receive Bai Chen's action signal.

"James, do you think the thing of our foreign boss is reliable? I have searched all the legends of the tribe and have not found any words related to the word dark space."

Wululu did not hide its worries, although the black iron plate given to them by Bai Chen could indeed conceal all forms of psychic reconnaissance.

But it was still very nervous. In addition to worrying about being discovered by the Arcanist Alliance during storage inspection, it was more worried that this was just an ordinary black iron plate with nothing on it, and there was no so-called dark space beacon at all.

"Boss Bai Chen has no reason to deceive us, right?"

"Although I don't understand what's in his black iron plate."

James said calmly.

The theory of dark space is so high-end and classy that it can't even find the temple door now, let alone get started.

It can only believe that Bai Chen is true.

Time passed by minute by minute.

James and the mushroom people also became anxious.

But what is more anxious than them are Blue Star Bai Chen and Immortal King Bai Chen, who are attached to the keycaps of the strange keyboard and stuffed into the black iron plate.

That's right, the dark space beacon that Bai Chen mentioned is actually these two keycaps.

The theory of dark space is indeed true.

But it is impossible for Bai Chen to handle this dark space technology that makes the top student Blue Star Bai Chen headache within 20 days.

Therefore, the simplest way is to take off the keyboard keycaps that Blue Star Bai Chen and Immortal King Bai Chen live in and throw them into the black iron plate as a guide beacon.

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