I can summon myself

Chapter 488 The witnesses who helped us clear the suspicion have arrived

“We have some collections that meet the criteria of being put into storage once in twenty years.”

"We also have channels to digest the zero-dollar loot."

The leader of the mushroom people, Wolulu, said word by word.

They really don't want to join in taking away the Arcanist Alliance's warehouse.

But now, it felt that if it dared to say no to Bai Chen, Skeleton James, who had cooperated with them for nearly a thousand years, would definitely be the first to kill the mushroom and silence him.

Therefore, Wululu very wisely chose to provide everything they can provide.

"Boss, we, the mushroom people, are also working for you."

Wululu lowered her eyebrows and made the decision of the mushroom people.

Bai Chen casually took out three evil gold bracelets from the space equipment.

"Put on the Ancient God Client, and you can work for me."

Just when Wu Lulu stretched out his "hands" that were integrated with his body and was about to take it, a mushroom man behind him suddenly made a beep, beep, beep, beep sound.

What made the sound was a communication scroll of a mythical level.

"Mushroom people, prepare food and drink for twenty people, we are about to enter your territory."

As this voice sounded.

Through the giant mushroom tree on the outermost layer of the mushroom forest facing away from the evil gold mining area, Wululu sensed a team of thirty or so blue sky rebels riding raptor mounts running deep into the mushroom forest from the wild area. .

Wu Lulu directly conveyed the scene detected by the mycelial network of the mushroom forest to Bai Chen.

Although the picture quality of ·rmvb is shockingly low, we can still see the appearance of these humans of the Blue Sky Resistance Army and the robes they wear.

"Arcanist Alliance, standard reconnaissance team."

Wululu said firmly.

"Ask them what their purpose is."

Bai Chen said lightly.

Wululu began to communicate with the other party using the communication scroll.

"Mushroom Man, we are going to traverse your territory, pass through the hybrid dragon beasts, and the territory of the elements in the cracks in the earth to dig some evil gold ore at the edge of the evil gold mining area at the other end."

The leader was a middle-aged man with a white face and no beard.

Judging from his appearance, he actually looks a bit like a Western League hybrid.

"Mining? What are you mining for?"

Without waiting for Bai Chen's instructions, Wu Lulu consciously entered the role of a melon-eater who didn't know the truth.

"Hey, don't mention it."

"Aren't there a bunch of new foreigners coming to the Evil Gold Mine?"

"They don't know what aesthetics is, and they actually started using evil gold ore as building facades."

"It just so happened that the only son of a big shot in our alliance found out about this. He actually had such an idea that he wanted to do something like this to see the effect."

"In the end, we were supposed to take a break, so we were ordered to come here and prepare to run to the evil gold mining area to dig a little secretly."

"By the way, if you have a map over there, sell us a copy."

The middle-aged man and his friends all looked like gods of arcane magic.

"Tell them you have the ore from the Evil Gold Mine."

Bai Chen motioned to Wu Lulu to test them.

Wu Lulu conveyed Bai Chen's words truthfully.

The middle-aged man was slightly startled, although he still showed joy for the first time.

But through the mycelium network, Bai Chen still discovered the fleeting unnatural reactions of him and his friends.

"thank you."

"But we can't use your ore."

“The only son of this big shot not only wanted us to mine, but also wanted us to take pictures of the Evil Gold Mine before we mined, so that when he entertained his friends he could brag that every piece of ore came from our on-site excavation.”

At this time, even Xinuo Wei felt the insincerity in the middle-aged man's words.

"He's lying."

Xinuowei said softly to Bai Chen.

Bai Chen looked at the skeleton James.

James understood it, waved his bone hand, and rows of Eastern characters conveyed his idea.

"Mining is fake, but sneaking into your boss's territory secretly is real."

"I suggest we pretend that we haven't discovered anything and send them through the cracks in the earth smoothly."

"Once they reach your territory."

"Just take them down."

Bai Chen signaled to Wu Lulu that the first half could be done just as James said.

A freshly released map of the evil gold mining area was expanded by it. After transmitting the information through the mycelium network to the middle-aged man's location.

A spore with a map printed on it floated down from the fungus above his head, and Shi Shiran landed in front of him.

The middle-aged man suddenly became happy.

In addition to the area of ​​the evil gold mining area, there is also a crossing route specially arranged by Mululu after Bai Chen indicated it.

"By the way, if it's convenient for you, help us find out what the unbelievers who just ran into our territory through the portal today want to do."

Wu Lulu said this sentence according to Bai Chen's request.


The middle-aged man was stunned, and after exchanging glances with his friend for a while, he finally agreed.

They began to follow the route set by Bai Chen and officially entered the mushroom forest.

"The witnesses who helped us clear our suspicions are here."

Bai Chen's words caused the psychic flames in the eye sockets of Skeleton James to burn brightly.

"Boss, what you mean is not to capture them, but to allow them to conduct close reconnaissance in the evil gold mining area."

Bai Chen revealed his plan.

"According to the speed of their velociraptors and the route I designed, if they maintain this speed, they will reach the Evil Gold Mine in twenty days."

"No matter what their real purpose is, once they set foot on the land of the Evil Gold Mine, I will design a huge movement to attract them all."

"At the same time, you will directly start your zero-dollar shopping journey in Warehouse No. 5."

"I will not send them out, let alone release small vine seedlings or anything else that may expose our existence."

"To determine the location of Warehouse No. 5, they don't need to take risks themselves."

James's eyes were full of confusion.

How can you get into Warehouse No. 5 without Starworms?

How can you know the coordinates of the small world if you can't enter the small world where Warehouse No. 5 is located?

"Do you know dark space?"

"Dark space composed of dark energy, dark matter, and dark psychic energy."

James shook his head, but he still realized that a brand new field was about to appear in front of him.

"The salary I give you is called void psychic energy."

"In addition to everything you understand, the void is composed of dark space that we cannot understand at all."

"It would be too long to talk about this topic."

"In short, dark space is the same as the light space we are in. There are various civilizations and various dark psychic technologies."

"I have a dark space beacon technology that will not be discovered by the Arcanist Alliance and the Azure Sky Chamber of Commerce under any circumstances."

"As long as the matrix of the dark space beacon is embedded in the fine product sent to the fine product storage channel, the specific coordinates of the small world where Warehouse No. 5 is located can be obtained."

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