I can summon myself

Chapter 442 The real intention of the outsider

"Why does Bai Chen want evil gold?"

The natives were puzzled.

The Chosen Ones were puzzled.

Allen was equally puzzled by Officer Jiang who was among the crowd watching the fun.

Even the gods who were hanging high in the clouds and always paying attention to Bai Chen's movements were confused and confused.

"If evil gold were useful, it wouldn't be called evil gold."

"The Evil Gold Mining Area will not become the inhospitable place that no one is interested in except the Evil Gold thugs who have become a thing of the past."

"Isn't it possible that Bai Chen has a way to use evil money?"

The chosen ones who wanted to find out once again came to the main peak of the East Room Sword Sect.

Coincidentally, a group of architects who looked like they were working at an old construction site came out of the portal of the main hall. They were the professional construction site brick movers from the newly established Department of Architecture of Yanyu College.

"These dilapidated buildings of the Dongwu Sword Sect are so annoying!"

"Tear them all down and replace them with golden buildings made of evil gold ore!"

The bald senior with a few gold bracelets hanging around his neck as necklaces looked like a powerful man whose family owned a mine.

"Yes, this Dongwu Sword Sect is too old-fashioned and does not conform to our aesthetics!"

"Only the most powerful tycoon on the planet, Jin, is worthy of our status!"

"Combine the evil and cast it into a small vine seedling, and stand it in front of our mountain gate!"

"We, the Flower, Bird, Fish and Insect Department, want a mountain top made of all evil gold facades."

"Our ancient god system headquarters also needs a building made of pure evil gold."

"In short, whenever the natives of the Blue Sky World mention us, they will immediately think of the evil golden golden color!"

Teachers and students put forward their own requirements to the architects.

The chosen ones were speechless.

"What kind of aesthetics do these foreigners have?"

"A tyrannical, local bully, a country bumpkin with a mine at home?"

"That bald head doesn't look like a good person at first glance. I heard that the big gold chain on his arm that can run horses is actually a scholar? Are you talking about a postdoctoral fellow?"

"No, no, it doesn't seem that simple."

The Chosen Ones, who were extremely contemptuous of the aesthetic abilities of the teachers and students of Misty Rain Academy, gathered together.

"What's the use of building a complex of evil gold buildings in a place like the evil gold mining area?"

"With Bai Chen here, they don't need to use the evil gold facade to deepen the gods' impression of them."

"Then besides the aesthetic problem, what's more important is that they probably use this as an excuse to gather the indigenous people together."

The bronze dragon eye covered with divine essence coin symbols burst out with light: "Yes, these outsiders used this reason to inspect their natives through the ancient god system and the ancient god client."

"Through the master's mission, through the degree to which the natives follow the mission, and through the performance of the natives when working, we can better understand the natives and this is the real intention of these outsiders!" Old Beron said with stern eyes.

"That's right!"

The Sea Elf God Chosen looked like he had everything under control: "They came up with this system, this client, and this inexplicable master task just to take the opportunity to inspect these new subordinates to see who is honest and who is honest." He’s a good baby, but he’s an unruly bastard.”

"Major projects such as the Evil Gold Mine with Ten Thousand Controllers, which require the mobilization of all the new entrants' forces, are a test paper that Bai Chen created to test them. Based on the performance of each native, each force is marked with a corresponding score. Score in order to further control them!"

"The evil gold building is just a means. The real intention of the outsiders is to use this to evaluate the cooperation of each indigenous force so that they can truly accept the indigenous people and truly rule after acceptance!"

"Evil gold is not the point at all."

"If they really want to use evil gold, why don't they open a mineral processing plant and smelting base?"

The sophisticated Chosen Ones seem to have seen through everything.

Use big projects to evaluate your subordinates' abilities. In the Big Blue Sky World, it has long been a method that every temple has mastered.

However, they didn't expect that Bai Chen and other outsiders would use such a rustic reason as Jin Jincancan.

However, the chosen ones decided to test it further.

Old Beron, Sea Elf, and Bronze Dragon, the chosen ones representing the three most powerful gods in the blue sky world, found Bai Chen, who was sitting on a pony and basking in the sun at the highest point of the East Room Sword Sect at the top of the hall.

"Your Excellency Bai Chen, I heard that you need evil gold?"

Old Beiron said to Bai Chen sincerely: "Although the evil gold mining area has not been mined for so many years, our temple also stores about one thousand tons of evil gold alloy ingots."

"If you need it, I'll ask Archbishop Veron to send it to you."

Bai Chen, who was holding a bottle of happy water in his hand, glanced at Old Beiron: "Okay, then bring it over."

Well, the smile on old Veron's face suddenly stopped.

He just wanted to test whether Bai Chen would take the opportunity to mobilize all the indigenous people.

If it was true as they judged, Bai Chen should have refused.

But why did Bai Chen agree immediately?

However, the God's Chosen Bronze Dragon, who compressed his body to the size of a normal human, somewhat understood Bai Chen's thoughts.

Only fools don’t want what is given to them for free.

It smiled and said: "Your Excellency Bai Chen, do you need to make these evil gold alloy ingots into the bracelets of the ancient god client?"

"We have the best jewelry masters in the Temple of Wealth."

Bai Chen took a sip of happy water: "Then let's make it your blue sky world-style jewelry."

The bronze dragon's eyes were filled with symbols of divine coins: "Mr. Baichen, are you going to sell evil gold jewelry on Earth?"

Baichen nodded: "Free stuff, free jewelry, don't miss it."

Old Belon spat out a mouthful of blood.

Damn it, how could he forget that Baichen was a super money-grubber who would put even the mosquito legs of the evil gold mine into his pocket.

If Baichen didn't want a thousand tons of evil gold alloy for free, it would be strange.

The bronze dragon smiled unchanged: "Mr. Baichen, don't worry, I will definitely turn this thousand tons of evil gold into various jewelry with the most civilized style of the Azure Sky World."

"Just Mr. Baichen, do you need to reserve anything on it when making it?"

He asked tentatively without revealing his expression.

Bai Chen raised his eyebrows, looking confused: "Reserve something? Reserve what? Isn't this jewelry? What else can be reserved on jewelry?"

The bronze dragon explained with a smile: "It is jewelry, but in our Azure Sky World, jewelry is also a kind of equipment. Reserve the space of the matrix and the matrix, and through them, you can turn the jewelry into psychic equipment."

Bai Chen's eyes lit up: "Do you have the technology to turn evil gold jewelry into evil gold psychic equipment?"

"If you have it, take it out quickly!"

"Psychic equipment will definitely sell for a higher price than ordinary jewelry."

The bronze dragon shook his head: "Mr. Bai Chen , we don't have the technology. "

Bai Chen rolled his eyes in annoyance: "What are you talking about? I thought you had the ability to use evil gold. This damn thing can't even use the power of a small dog. If it weren't for the fact that it's so beautiful, I wouldn't use this damn thing as an ancient god client!"

"The Temple of Destiny has contributed 1,000 tons."

"Your Temple of Wealth should also give me 3,000 tons of evil gold."

"The Temple of Nature and other temples should also send some. These don't need to be made into jewelry, just cut them into evil gold floors for paving!"

The bronze dragon and the sea elf smiled bitterly and accepted Bai Chen's blackmail.

Their eyes looking at the gloating old Belon were full of anger that you old man talk too much.

Testing Bai Chen confirmed the result they wanted, that is, Bai Chen couldn't use evil gold either.

But they were blackmailed for so many evil gold ingots that were useless but very difficult to refine.

They felt that they had lost a lot.

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