I can summon myself

Chapter 441 The Master's Mission


As the shadow of the little local dog popped up from their respective bracelets at the same time, Anette Maple Sugar and the other three Ancient God Client owners of the Maple Sugar tribe suddenly jumped up from their chairs.

"Today's daily routine has been updated..."

"The specific content is loading..."

The four grass elves looked anxiously waiting for today's daily tasks to be refreshed.

"Don't do it like yesterday with a slow motion of the left hand that made us do five consecutive lightning whips without respecting martial ethics."

"The routine the day before yesterday was not good either. I was jumping with my hands behind my back, meowing while jumping."

It's not difficult to say that these nonsensical daily tasks are not difficult, but this kind of thing makes them jump up and down in shame in front of a group of people, and they use lightning whips to separate the lines in shame.

It really makes them, the rulers of the Maple Sugar Tribe, feel red in the face, although until now, the little local dog Xuying has used it as a reason to test the functions of the Ancient God system and the Ancient God client.

But they would rather be ordered by Bai Chen to pick up the knife and chop down the wandering indigenous goblins in the grassland than complete these meaningless daily bullshit.

But what's helpless is that as Bai Chen's personal property, they don't even have the courage to say no.


"Today's daily routine: Prepare to welcome 1,325 leaders of various forces under Bai Chen's banner."

"Ten o'clock at noon: This system will release the master's task series. This series will be your weekly tasks, monthly tasks, and annual tasks!"

Arnett Maple Sugar’s expression instantly became solemn.

Are you coming?

As members of Bai Chen's banner, the emperor and the courtiers will soon receive the real main mission issued in Bai Chen's name.

Before nine o'clock, the center of the grassland where the Maple Sugar Tribe was was already bustling with people, and all the other 1,325 users of the Ancient God Client gathered together.

"What they want to do will be revealed soon."

"Master's mission, our master who almost stabbed the sky with a small vine seedling will finally show his fangs to the big blue sky world?"

"It's strange to say that he didn't send people to take over so many good and fat sites. Instead, he continued to live in the inhospitable ghost place of the East Room Sword Sect in the Evil Gold Mining Area with the foreign teachers and students of Mist and Rain College. ”

"There are also those weird daily tasks. It's completely unclear what they want to do in the big blue sky world."

It’s not just these whispering indigenous chiefs.

The Chosen Ones who also appeared in the Maple Sugar Tribe also gathered together, and they were also full of curiosity about Bai Chen's mission.

"Do you really want to open a game company?"

Old Beron, the grandfather of Archbishop Veron, the chosen one of the God of Destiny, spoke.

"It's unlikely to open now. Whether it's his ancient god pretending to be a khaki puppy, or the statue suture monster he left in the lost area to guide the lost people back to the earth on their own, although they are the rulers of the old days. Overlord level, but the current ability is far from supporting Bai Chen to use the Ancient God Client to control the tens of billions of indigenous people in the Blue Sky World within their Ancient God System."

The Chosen One of the Temple of Wealth is a bronze dragon with a divine coin symbol on each scale.

Through the channels of the Western Alliance, the God of Wealth has clearly found out about the little local dog and the statue stitch monster at Bai Chen's disposal.

"That's not necessarily true." The Chosen One of the God of Nature is also an elf, but unlike the grass elves who live in the plains, she is a sea elf.

"Not even the Eastern and Western Alliances can find out Bai Chen's background, such as the projection of his World Burial Mysterious Vine, or the weird abilities he carries on his cards."

She went on to express her judgment: "On the surface, Bai Chen only has these two weak ancient gods, but it is very possible that he accidentally throws out a little Tengmiao-level existence to mess with his game company."

The chosen ones kept nodding.

The more they study Mr. Bai Chen, the more they and the gods behind them feel baffled.

This guy seemed to have suddenly become a fool, rising from an unknown and low-ranking college called Misty Rain College.

The various abilities he has shown now far exceed those of Long Yi, the best among his peers in Dong Tu Ming.

Although the Dongtu Dragon Clan behind Long Yi is enough to make the gods kneel down.

But the Dongtu Dragon Clan is the same as the Dongtu Psionics Association, their methods of doing things are all lawful and feasible.

It's like Bai Chen has no idea what his real background is.

"The Ancient God System, the Ancient God Client, let alone us, the outsiders from the East are frightened."

"Isn't that right? No matter how weak a little country dog ​​is, he is still a genuine member of the Old Ones. Who dares to let a being of this level be used as a task machine with no emotions?"

"There is also the statue stitching monster. Bai Chen did not take the ancient god seriously because he was lazy and made him responsible for rescuing the missing people."

"In addition, Bai Chen's aura that smells like all the gods are wailing is very scary."

"He must be standing behind a majestic being who has slaughtered countless gods and defeated countless old ruler-level overlords. Only then could he dare to be so bold and not take God seriously."

The chosen ones kept nodding.

This must be the case, so whether it is a little local dog or a statue stitch monster, they have to succumb to the majestic existence behind Bai Chen.

One pretends to be an earthy little native dog, and the other acts as a traffic light and works wholeheartedly for Bai Chen.

Amid the commotion, the time quickly reached ten o'clock in the morning.


As the ancient god system started up again.

The natives suddenly quieted down, and the chosen ones waited attentively for the little earth dog phantom to release Bai Chen’s task.

"Master Bai Chen's mission is as follows: Within seven days of this week, the master will see 10,000 miners with an average level of controllers set up camp at the junction of the evil gold mining area and the maple syrup grassland."

"Also within seven days of this week, the master will see a 10,000-level evil gold mine being finalized and opened up."

"This mission does not distinguish between individuals or tribes. All forces must collectively participate in the construction of the camp and the mine, and provide 10,000 middle-aged miners with an average level of controllers of level three."

"You can discuss the specific deployment on your own. Master Bai Chen only wants the result, which is that you must complete the requirements of the mission before 10 am seven days later."

"Task reward, double points."

"Task punishment, if an individual fails to complete it, he will be replaced, and if the tribe fails to complete it, all will be packed and sent back to the kingdom of the gods!"

"PS: The system points mall is in progress and strives to launch some points redemption content at the end of the month!"

After the mission was released, the shadow of the little earth dog became dim, and the ancient god client in everyone's hands fell silent again.

Annette Maple Sugar and a group of indigenous leaders looked at each other. None of them had expected that Bai Chen would want them to open an evil gold mine, and a large mine with 10,000 controller-level miners.

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