I can summon myself

Chapter 417 Dexter the Blasphemer

The speaker was an unknown person in the Temple of Destiny.

Not to mention Bai Chen, a foreigner, even the black-robed people in the Temple of Destiny couldn't remember the name of this unknown person for a while.

But he was earth-shattering when he opened his mouth.

"If I'm not mistaken, my clone that was wiped out from the world by an unknown force and the nine high-level anti-sky myths with the clone have now been killed by you."

"Well, not only did you wipe them out, but you also got information from them and came to the Azure Sky World from the Earth to vent your dissatisfaction by demolishing the headquarters of the Temple of Destiny."

"After demolishing the Temple of Destiny, not only did you not leave, but you pretended to be indifferent and stayed here to watch the joke of the Temple of Destiny."

"Oh, and you also kidnapped a darling of nature."

The unknown person spoke slowly, and his appearance kept changing and finally turned into the appearance of Dexter with a big beard and a black robe.

"Pope Dexter?"

"Teacher Dexter..."

"Dexter the Blasphemer!!!"

The leader of the black robes of the Temple of Destiny, Veron, looked at Dexter with a complicated look.

The other black robes also looked at this blasphemer who climbed from an unknown person to the highest position of Pope that ordinary people could achieve under the Chosen One of the Temple of Destiny with unbelievable eyes, and then apostatized and was wanted by the God of Destiny one after another.

This legendary figure in the Temple of Destiny is also one of the most hated objects of the believers of the Temple of Destiny. He appeared in front of them without any signs.

"The legendary classmate Bai Chen?"

Jiang's eyes were shining.

He was not very interested in the grievances between Dexter and the Temple of Destiny, but what Dexter said shocked him.

The bald short fat man Allen narrowed his eyes. Such a fierce classmate Bai Chen made him feel mixed emotions.

The East is really scary.

A random young man could not only make the blasphemer who was not wanted by the God of Destiny look bad, but also made the ancient monument of the Temple of Destiny headquarters the object of his demolition.

He demolished it whenever he wanted, and kept it a secret from everyone after demolition, and stayed there to watch the fun.

He envied the way he took revenge.

Well, it was just that his taste was a bit strong. He ignored the long legs of blonde hair and liked the 2077 style of elves in the urban-rural junction.

This aesthetic is really hard to describe.

Melinda's face was full of speechlessness.

In fact, the moment she saw Wu Laoguai, she had already thought that the person who demolished the headquarters of the Temple of Destiny was this guy.

Riddler Jabs, Compound Battle Group Battle One Two Three Four Five.

Who else could do such a thing as impersonating and pitting an "old friend" except Wu Laoguai, a vindictive guy.

But she never thought that Wu Laoguai was not the leader.

The real leader of this matter was Bai Chen.

What made her feel even more incredible was that before coming here, Bai Chen actually killed Dexter's clone, causing this blasphemer who had been wanted for who knows how many years and was still active in the Azure Sky World to suffer a great loss.

In order to reveal Bai Chen's identity, he even used the unknown pawn hidden in the Temple of Destiny.

Even though he knew that he would be caught by the God of Destiny, he had to expose his identity to Bai Chen in front of the God of Destiny.

Obviously, only those who hated Bai Chen to the extreme would use such a price of dying together to drag Bai Chen on the road.

Holly, the eldest princess of the Azure Sky Empire, had a burning look in her eyes.

The two grass elves looked at Bai Chen who finally picked up Xinowei in a daze.

At this moment, their minds were blank. It was really hard to imagine how Xinowei could be entangled with such a lunatic.

Dexter, the blasphemer, the Temple of Destiny, any one of them is the object that the grass elves don't want to provoke, and can't provoke.

Bai Chen killed Dexter's clone and released a bunch of bugs to demolish the facade of the Temple of Destiny.

It was like rubbing their faces in the ground at the same time.

"Which one, it was a misunderstanding just now."

Grigori couldn't help but express his apology to Wu Laoguai with his eyes.

His ugly face full of tumors was full of flattery.

If time could go back, he would go back to before he attacked Wu Laoguai at all costs.

To be honest, he just wanted to use Wu Laoguai, who looked like a weak chicken, as a tool to show his high-level mythical power.

He never thought of getting involved in this earth-shaking event.

Who knew that Wu Laoguai, who he found casually, was actually the real culprit who demolished the Temple of Destiny.

It was like a full-level boss in the novice village casually kicked a common chicken at the entrance of the novice village, but ended up kicking the world's big boss in the skin of a chicken.

Grigori felt that he was very unlucky.

"Maybe this is fate."

The old monster Wu gave the monster a look that said you understand.

"God said that those who want to change their fate will eventually not be able to escape the river of fate."

The leader of the black-robed people, Archbishop Belon, stood in front of the unknown man possessed by Dexter.

"My dear teacher, you have done so many things just to make the Temple of Destiny and Bai Chen confront each other?"

"But you, a blasphemer, don't you understand that the God of Destiny is tolerant? Now that the truth has been revealed, our Temple of Destiny will never fall for your tricks!"

It is impossible to say that Archbishop Belon did not want to chop Bai Chen and his party into pieces and hang them on the street lamp to dry.

Yes, it is true that Dexter deliberately did this, but the headquarters of the Temple of Destiny was not only demolished by Bai Chen, but this guy actually stayed here to watch the excitement of the Temple of Destiny.

How could Archbishop Belon swallow this breath?

However, as the person in charge of the headquarters of the Temple of Destiny, he also understood that killing Bai Chen was equivalent to provoking the East, and provoking the East was equivalent to putting the God of Destiny in front of these unreasonable East people to suffer.

What made him choose to swallow this breath temporarily was actually Dexter himself.

As Dexter's former disciple, Archbishop Belon knew very well the ability of this former teacher and former pope.

It is true that he is a blasphemer, but it does not mean that he has been spurned by fate.

On the contrary, Dexter is even more favored by fate than the current pope.

Just like the ancient joke in the East that there are five of the Four Heavenly Kings, there are also far more gods with fate as the domain of fate than the God of Destiny, but a pantheon of more than six gods of fate.

Since the attack of Azure Sky, the players on Earth took the opportunity to descend into the Azure Sky World. The God of Destiny, who was originally the most powerful and believed in by the Temple of Destiny, was not only severely damaged, but also the kingdom of God collapsed, and the throne was split into two.

Dexter took this opportunity to resolutely abandon the old master, the God of Destiny, and chose the Dark God of Destiny that was born from the collapse of the throne of Destiny.

In recent years, under the full pursuit of the God of Destiny, the Dark Destiny Sect founded by Dexter has not only not been destroyed, but has become stronger in the process of escape.

Although the scale is only 5% of the Destiny Sect.

But under the protection of the Dark God of Destiny, their power should not be underestimated.

Dexter himself is even called the seed of the future god who is expected to enter the Destiny Domain as a human being.

But such a powerful Dexter has suffered such a big loss at the hands of Bai Chen, and now he is not afraid of self-destruction to reveal Bai Chen's identity.

It shows that in the eyes of the blasphemer Dexter.

Bai Chen is a troublemaker who can bring trouble to the Destiny Sect.

Therefore, even if you hate Bai Chen, you hate him so much.

Archbishop Peron decisively chose not to fall for Dexter's trick.

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