I can summon myself

Chapter 416 Who is the pretty boy that Xinuowei is holding?

Bai Chen didn't run away even after he got into trouble, which made Xinuovi very curious about him. She rolled her eyes and said, "There are many interesting places in the big blue sky world. Let me take you to play."

"Master, please don't seek death, okay?"

Frankie couldn't help shaking.

It looks like a swaying grass snake.

"Shut up!"

Sinowe tapped lightly, and Frankie, who turned into a grass snake, fainted.

"My dear, this elf is a bit weird."

Immortal King Bai Chen reminded. With his eyesight, he didn't even see how she made Frankie faint with one finger.

Bai Chen's heart moved.

World Tree Bai Chen's BUFF instantly fell on him.



"Yes, that's what it tastes like!"

Sinoway's eyes widened.

She made a move that made Bai Chen stunned. The elf LOLI actually hugged him in public.


The old man Wu and the five myth-defying bosses just came back from teasing the believers of the God of Destiny and saw this scene.

I saw Sinovi hanging on Bai Chen like a koala, not to mention rubbing her face full of weird facial patterns against Bai Chen, like a kitten trying its best to leave a scent on its owner. .

"Classmate Bai Chen, you???"

The alien boss looked in disbelief.

"I'll go, urban-rural fringe 2077 style?"

Old Huang, Er Huang's wide eyes are comparable to a pair of two tubes.

The ferocious-looking Long Hantian was also shocked and speechless by such an unrestrained scene.

Classmate Bai Chen actually likes this category?

Bai Chen was speechless and wanted to take off this urban-rural fringe 2077-style female elf. Suddenly, powerful spatial spiritual energy fluctuations came from the ruins of the temple.

A small teleportation door measuring three meters by three meters rose from inside the temple.

A capable and steady Eastern man walked out of the portal, and then rushed out two blond girls in black suits and large sunglasses. After confirming safety, a short and fat bald man in a suit and leather shoes, Shi Shiran, walked out of the portal.

"The first one is Director Jiang, the rotating representative of the Eastern Earth Psychic Association in the Blue Sky World."

"The second one is Allen, the number one talker of the Western Alliance in the Big Sky World."

The introduction of the alien boss reached Bai Chen's ears.

At this time, a group of people walked out of the portal again.

A strong man from the Blue Sky Empire who was fifty-six times similar to Poseidon came to the scene, and the person holding his right hand was actually Melinda.


The old wizard bared his teeth, although his movement was very slight. But for a chosen one like Melinda, she looked over instantly.

"Old witch?"

Surprise flashed in Melinda's eyes.

"Jabs the Riddler, the Compound Battle Group, fighting one, two, three, four, five, and a pretty boy walking a sled with three idiots."

The leader of the men in black robes raised his hand, and the glorious image of Bai Chen and his party appeared in front of these people.

Melinda could no longer hide her shock.

Suddenly, the eyes of all the men in black fell on her face, and they followed her line of sight and saw Bai Chen and others.

Mediterranean Baldness?

Five incredible myths?

And a pretty boy being held by an elf girl?

It can't be such a coincidence, right?

You wouldn't be so bold, would you?

The man in black robe frowned.

Melinda smiled and said to the strong man from the Blue Sky Empire who was holding her arm: "Holly, don't you want to meet Fanny's father? He is the one."

Before the powerful Blue Sky Empire, Poseidon's aunt, and the eldest princess of the Blue Sky Empire, Holly, could speak, two monstrous rages appeared at the portal behind her.

The two grass elves who had walked out of the portal at some unknown time were glaring at Bai Chen who was trying to take off Xinuowei with furious eyes.

"Who is the pretty boy Xinuovi is holding?"

One of the grass elf men, who was fifty or sixty-six percent similar to Sinoway, gritted his teeth and said to Melinda.

The suspicion in the black-robed man's eyes disappeared.

Although at this moment, some believers have spoken out about the behavior of the old wizard and the five mythical bosses gloating and taking selfies in front of the temple.

But it was confirmed that the pendant on Bai Chen's body was indeed that of Xi Nuowei.

They suddenly lost interest in getting to the bottom of Bai Chen and his party.

The reason is very simple. It is impossible for the natural darling to get involved with the murderer who destroyed the temple, let alone be like a pendant and cuddle up with Bai Chen, who has a pretty face that makes people jealous.

"Let go!"

Bai Chen shouted to Xinuo Wei.

Despite her short stature, she possesses strange powers. In terms of strength alone, he was even stronger than Long Yi.

"Don't let go!"

Xinuowei wrapped her arms around Bai Chen's neck, rubbing against him even more.

The two grass elves who looked at them were splitting in place at this moment. After careful observation based on their perception, they couldn't tell that it was not the pretty boy who they imagined to lure the female elf 2077 from the urban-rural fringe area. It was clearly Xinuowei who took the initiative to entangle her.

"Since we are old acquaintances, please come over and get acquainted."

A gloomy voice sounded from the location of the portal.

Whether it was the black robes of the Temple of Destiny or the strong men like Melinda, Holly, and Grass Elves, they all subconsciously frowned.

The Dongtu man who had been silent all this time exchanged glances with Allen, the short and fat bald man, and a trace of disgust flashed in each other's eyes.

"It's none of your business here!"

The leader of the black-robed people, Archbishop Belon of the Temple of Destiny, said expressionlessly to the spirit who was less than 1.2 meters tall, with tumors all over his face and skin as rough as withered bark.

This kind of rotten tree spirit that feeds on the corpses of various races in the Azure Sky World is an existence that all the forces present hate and are hostile to.

Every party has experienced the corpses of their own people being stolen by rotten tree spirits.

"The God of Destiny represents the face of the Azure Sky World. Dare to make trouble in the Temple of Destiny. It is not only a matter for your Destiny Sect, but also related to the dignity of the Azure Sky World. As a member of the Azure Sky World, how can my race turn a blind eye to it?"

The spirit named Grigori turned around suddenly and looked at Bai Chen.

A breath of high-level mythology directly locked Bai Chen and his party.

"You, come here!"

He ordered Bai Chen in a commanding tone that did not allow resistance.

"Who do you think you are?"

"You are so ugly, how dare you come out and pollute everyone's eyes?"

"Look at your three-inch bark, no one wants it for firewood."

Wu Laoguai spit out fragrance like a machine gun.

"Looking for death!"

Grigli's tree-like square face cracked a crack, and the big mouth with rotten meat hanging on it made a breathing motion towards Wu Laoguai through the air.

Wu Laoguai was caught off guard and was sucked out of the crowd.


Melinda said in horror.

Wu Laoguai subconsciously wanted to take out the dragon bone card in his pocket. A flash of lightning flashed in his mind, and he gave up the impulse to slap the monster in the face.

Instead, he let Grigli suck him to the front door of the temple.

"Awakener of the ninth level."

"You are not the bald man who defies the heavens."

"But who gave you the courage to disrespect the powerful man who defies the heavens?"

Grigli's eyes flashed with a fierce light.

"Of course it was the legendary classmate Bai Chen."

"Am I right, the legendary classmate Bai Chen."

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