I can summon myself

Chapter 399 Earth Heaven, where is my future wife?

“Do you want an electronic ticket or a paper ticket?”

The staff member glanced at the confused man and woman in costume and further explained: "The electronic ticket is..."

Nan Qingqing, a girl in ancient costume, interrupted: "We are not the ancients who climbed out of the coffin, okay? We will also use the cross-world e-commerce website to buy things in the East, okay? But the fine of 500 grams of god-level essence is too much." It’s expensive.”

She looked pitifully at this staff member who only had the level of a controller: "It's not easy for us to make money. Can we get a smaller penalty?"

Chu Fang, the sword-carrying man, couldn't help but apologize to the other party: "Sorry, we don't know the rules here, and we didn't do it intentionally."

"This is already a first-offense fine since you first arrived here."

"In principle, if you spy on the way of heaven once, you will be punished with one kilogram of god-level essence."

"As soon as you came here, you looked at Tiandao Changhe as if it were a mobile phone screen at least three times a minute. Now I only fine you 500 grams and I'm already lenient."

"It's better to have a paper ticket." Nan Qingqing cried sadly, not knowing whether the school could reimburse her.

Chu Fang quickly took out a space capsule and carefully counted out fifty coins, each containing ten grams of entry-level god-level essence.

This is the cross-world universal currency Shenjing Coin that he specially exchanged before taking on the mission.

Unexpectedly, before he found the target, he was fined fifty yuan of spirit coins at the beginning. He felt that he had suffered a big loss this time.

The staff issued the fines and handed them two sets of Earth's Code of Conduct printed by the City of All Souls, and warned them: "Don't do it again."

The two kept nodding.

Only fools continue to do it.

At this time, a psychic wave that shot straight into the sky appeared in the direction of the teleportation hall not far away.

"Tian Dao on Earth, where is my future wife?"

An extremely arrogant male voice sounded from the source of psychic energy fluctuations.

The staff member's face suddenly turned livid.

If Nan Qingqing had just peeked at the earth's heaven before and had no impact.

So now this spiritual energy fluctuation that has reached around the thirty-third level of the heaven-defying myth is unabashedly attacking the earth's heaven.

"This is a provocation!"

The staff member picked up the walkie-talkie expressionlessly.

Just when he was about to summon his colleagues to let this arrogant man know the consequences of causing trouble on Earth.

The other party actually walked over in a swaggering manner.

"Nan Qingqing, have you found anyone?"

Nan Qingqing and Chu Fang looked at each other. Isn't it such a coincidence? Their target was the fat white man in the field of vision with a big back, a pink shirt, large flower pants, and two different colors and shapes of support shoes. related?

"You are also the one who fined me."

"It saves trouble now."


He photographed a bank check from the City of All Spirits with a denomination of 100,000 divine essence coins, equivalent to one ton of divine essence, in front of the staff.

"Franklin, is that you the fuck again?"

The staff member who recognized the other party looked angry.

"That's right, it's me, Franklin Forty-Two."

Franklin Forty-Two stretched out his big fat hand full of colorful rings: "I know the rules of the earth."

"I broke the rules and I know it."

"You can deduct these 100,000 spirit coins. If it's not enough, you can charge it to my account."

The staff looked like they were sorry for the Husky, but there was nothing they could do about it.

This fat man with pink shirt, yellow hair and white hair is also a frequent visitor to the City of All Souls.

He keeps making small mistakes and never makes big mistakes. In terms of his understanding of the rules, he is no worse than a staff member like him.

What's even more annoying is that they are different from Nan Qingqing and Chu Fang who don't look very wealthy at first glance.

This fat man from the Blue Sky World, one of the worlds most closely related to the earth, is himself a member of an extremely wealthy consortium, and he is also a descendant of Amei See, who is inextricably related to various consortiums. .

For such meat on the hob, the only thing the staff could do was to accept the check and glare angrily at him: "Franklin, I will keep an eye on you."

"It's like you haven't stared at me before."

"I want to talk to them about something, you can go."

Franklin pointed to the open door with a smile.

The staff left angrily.

Franklin's smile remained unchanged, and he walked around the room like a host. The shabby furnishings in the room made him shake his head: "Pack your things and follow me. The place you live in is too shabby."

Nan Qingqing and Chu Fang looked confused. She asked doubtfully: "Franklin Forty-two, do we know each other?"

"I didn't know you before, but now you know me."

Franklin flicked his fingers, and a bottle of whiskey that still exuded a cold air flew out of the space ring set with a green gem like spring water.

"Let me introduce myself, I, Franklin Forty-Second, am the sole partner, major shareholder, and major financier of your Dongwu Sword Sect."

"The target you are looking for this time: Mo Qianxing, is the marriage partner and future wife given to me by Mo Wentian, the Supreme Elder of your sect."

"Although I don't think the so-called marriage is of any use, and I don't think that this additional relationship will be more important than the common interests of both parties."

"But since your sect insists on giving me a future wife."

"I have to come and see for myself, don't I?"

He sipped his whiskey.

"Tell me, where is she?"

Franklin looked at the shocked man and woman in ancient costumes with a burning gaze and took out a nameplate with the word "Mo" printed on it.

This was the personal emblem of Mo Wentian, the supreme elder of the Dongwu Sword Sect.

"This nameplate is real."

After confirming the authenticity, Chu Fang found that except for the cooperation that the two of them could not touch, all the information revealed by Franklin could match the information within the Dongwu Sword Sect.

The idea of ​​recalling Mo Qianxing from Earth to replace Mo Wentian's most beloved junior Mo Qianqian's marriage was also logically consistent with the sect gossip that they had gossiped about more than once.

If nothing else, just the strange dress of this yellow-haired fat man, although not ugly, but definitely not handsome, no wonder Mo Wentian would rather issue a master's mission to find Mo Qianxing on Earth to take the blame than marry off the sect's flower Mo Qianqian.

"We didn't sense her."

Nan Qingqing told the truth.

Franklin put down the bottle: "Are you serious?"

Nan Qingqing and Chu Fang nodded at the same time: "We can't sense her from the Earth's Heavenly Dao. If you don't show up, we are ready to return to the sect and wait for more information about her before coming to complete this task."

Franklin's eyes flashed with interest.

"That's interesting."

"Your Supreme Elder said that my future wife's blood has been awakened, and he can sense her existence even in the Azure Sky World."

"The fact that her blood can be revived in a place like Earth where the spiritual power is far less than that of the Azure Sky World shows that she is a person with outstanding talent and is definitely marked by the Earth's Heavenly Dao."

"But now you can't sense her existence."

Franklin raised an arc at the corner of his mouth.

"Dexter, find her for me."

In the air, a bearded old man wearing a black robe and a golden statue on his chest appeared.

The spiritual power fluctuations of the 30th level of the anti-sky mythology were revealed from his green eyes as deep as the sea of ​​stars.

"Yes, Master."

"They didn't lie."

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