I can summon myself

Chapter 398 Anti-Tracking

Bai Chen briefly recounted how he discovered that the riddle man Jiabusi had a hidden meaning in his words and that he and the California directors were targeting Mo Qianxing.

"This matrix is ​​specially used to reduce your presence. Its glow means that it is working, which means that someone is sensing your presence through the Heavenly Dao or other means."

"From the intensity of the glow, the other party is at least as high-level as Xinda's high-level myth."

Mo Qianxing looked dazed.

She never thought that Jiabusi, who was full of riddles, was actually talking about herself.

And the high-level myth, that was even stranger.

She racked her brains but couldn't figure out what kind of connection she had with a strong man of the level of the high-level myth.

"Qianxing, could it be from your parents?"

The foodie senior sister put forward her idea.

Mo Qianxing kept shaking his head, and Zuo Miao laughed dumbly: "You should have seen Uncle Mo. He is the fat boss of Mo Pangzi BBQ on the commercial street of the university town where our college is located. He is a second-level awakener, and Aunt Mo is an older generation of the battle group of Captain Qianxing, but like Li Yan, she is mainly responsible for administrative and financial affairs, and is also a second-level awakener."

"How could they have anything to do with the high-level anti-sky myth?"

The foodie senior sister opened her eyes wide.

Even Bai Chen was a little surprised, you know, he also ate and drank at Mo Pangzi BBQ.

A smiling fat face suddenly appeared in his sea of ​​consciousness.

"My Lord, if the fat boss loses 200 pounds, he is really printed out of the same template as Mo Qianxing."

"That's right, this fat boss is most likely your future father-in-law (one of them?). It is not the case that Mo Qianxing was picked up and taken in by them."

Mo Qianxing told Bai Chen about the history of his family.

"Our family is just an ordinary native of Yanyu City. Our relationship with Yanyu College can be traced back to the period when Yanyu College was founded. My ancestor was a homebody and didn't want to leave Yanyu City, so he joined Yanyu College when it was founded. Maybe Wu Laoguai knows him."

Bai Chen asked Sally to invite Wu Laoguai.

Like Mo Qianxing, when Wu Laoguai learned that she was the focus of the California Consortium and was now being sensed and searched by high-level myths from time to time, he was also confused.

"That's impossible."

"Although I didn't teach Mo Qianxing's ancestors in person, they were definitely natives of Yanyu City, because Yanyu College was just a makeshift team. In the first few decades after its establishment, it could not accept any students from outside Yanyu City."

"And Yanyu City has never produced a powerful person with a title of legendary level in its history."

"Although I don't want to admit it, Yanyu City is a remote and poor place even in the Jiangnan region."

"There are no celebrities, no sects, and the spiritual power strength is also the last in the Jiangnan region."

Bai Chen looked at Xiao Cai who was lying on Mo Qianxing's shoulder.

"Could it be it?"

Mo Qianxing took Xiao Cai off and handed it to Bai Chen's palm.

Xiao Cai's snake head spit out a snake tongue and made a flattering hissing sound.

"Try it and you will know."

Bai Chen put a dragon bone card that reduced the sense of presence on Xiao Cai.

Xiao Cai obediently spit out a stream of her own spiritual power and activated the card.

This card did not have any abnormality.

"It doesn't look like Xiao Cai either."

Bai Chen gathered a ball of void energy the size of a fingernail on his fingertips.

Xiao Cai sucked the ball of void energy into his mouth like sucking noodles.

At this time, the dragon bone card of Mo Qianxing shone brightly.

It was obvious that the other party had once again strengthened the intensity of the search.

"God-killing Willow."

Bai Chen called to the little willow stick standing outside the gate.

A translucent figure walked in.

When it saw the familiar matrix of reducing the sense of existence on the card, which came from the ancestral land of the God-killing Willow inheritance: We are all wooden people, it instantly understood Bai Chen's purpose.

Without waiting for Bai Chen to speak.

It took the initiative to use the secret method to reversely track the location of the high-level anti-sky myth.

Following the long river of heaven in the dark.

It saw the other party.

"This is a woman wearing ancient costume, who looks like a young girl in her twenties."

"Beside her is a young man with a broad shoulder and a door-sized bag on his back."

"Both of them are high-level myths against the heavens."

"They should be in the City of All Spirits, yes, that's right, in the City of All Spirits."

When Da Shen Liu was about to continue using the bloodline magic of "We are all wooden people" to draw the specific appearance of this man and woman for Bai Chen.

The girl in ancient costume interrupted the connection with the long river of heaven.

"Strange, why do I feel that something is spying on us in the long river of heaven?"

"But I can't confirm its location, its race, and its strength."

The sword-carrying man Chu Fang said indifferently: "Didn't a group of ancient gods awaken in the Arctic Circle of the earth? It could be them, or it could be the human myths hidden in various parts of the earth that sensed your breath in the long river of heaven."

"Don't look at the low spiritual power strength of this broken place, but the water here is deep."

"Anyway, we will run away after finding people. If we can have nothing to do with the earthlings here, we will have nothing to do with them."

The ancient costume girl Nan Qingqing frowned and said: "The problem is that we can't sense the existence of the target now. It's not what we said in the task when we took on the task of the master. When we come to the earth, we can find the target in the long river of heaven by letting go of the sense."

Chu Fang was also a little confused.

"What should we do? If we go back now to get more information about the target and come back again, we will lose money."

"The cost of cross-world teleportation is very expensive."

The reason why they took this task was to make a little money.

But now, if they make one more trip.

The pitiful reward of the task is not even enough to cover the cost of the second teleportation portal.

"I'll try again."

Nan Qingqing contacted Tiandao Changhe again.

As a result, Mo Qianxing's existence was still not found.

On the contrary, the anti-tracking Dashenliu got their specific appearance.

"Man and woman in ancient costumes?"

"I don't know them."

"I don't have any impression."

Zuo Miao, Mo Qianxing, and the foodie senior shook their heads.

Wu Laoguai also looked like these two people were unfamiliar.

"Master, look at the sword on the man with the sword on his back."

"This looks like a weapon made of human-grade metal that is one level higher than the black-grade metals commonly used on Earth, such as black iron."

"Under normal circumstances, the world that can condense human-grade metal has a minimum spiritual energy strength of six times that of the dead volcano island."

"In other words, these two come from a world with much greater spiritual energy than Earth."

The Immortal King Bai Chen said affirmatively.

"The man doesn't look like a relative of Mo Qianxing, and the woman doesn't look like one either."

Blue Star Bai Chen said with certainty.

At this time, the God-beating Willow sensed that a third person had entered the room where the man and woman were.

This was a staff member wearing the uniform of the City of All Spirits.

Nan Qingqing once again disconnected from the Heavenly Dao Changhe, and she looked at the stranger who came in uninvited with confusion.

"You have violated the regulations of the City of All Spirits by spying on the Heavenly Dao."

"A fine of 500 grams of entry-level God-level essence."

"Excuse me, will you pay on the spot, or will it be deducted from the teleportation array when you leave?"

The staff skillfully issued the ticket.

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