I can summon myself

Chapter 385 Testing with a Curse

"Why do I feel uneasy?"

The old wizard always felt that Jabs and his gang, who were standing at the entrance of the passage as wooden stakes, were brewing something.

Although they were under the nose of Sally and the Genius Center the entire time, they were monitored at all times.

But he still had a feeling that was neither ominous nor a life-or-death crisis, but something that made him feel very bad.

The old weirdo found Duan Debiao not far from Bai Chen's tent.

This Jiraishu, who is also an awakened person, managed to sneak into the circle of Misty Rain Academy in just one week.

Compared with those geniuses who are very approachable but have ferocious heads, alien shapes, and bookish demeanor, the teachers and students of Mist and Rain Academy and the old monster Wu find it easier to get along with them.

Because even the old monster Wu can't treat these heaven-defying myths as equal objects of communication like Bai Chen.

When facing these big guys, no one can be as free and easy as Bai Chen.

Therefore, after much thought, the old weirdo Wu was too embarrassed to approach Bai Chen, so he took the initiative to approach Duan Debiao, who had a real, ordinary, fellow face.

"I think the California consortium, especially Jobs, has a conspiracy!"

"But this is just a hunch, but I can't find any evidence. This feels very uncomfortable."

The old monster Wu got straight to the point.

He found Duan Debiao. In addition to being familiar with him, the most important thing was that Duan Debiao was more experienced than the well-known host. He had traveled all over the country and had rich experience in facing unknown premonitions.

Duan Debiao was stunned when he heard this. He didn't mean any sarcasm but looked solemn: "Is this feeling very strong?"

The old weirdo nodded and explained in detail how he felt now.

Duan Debiao looked very serious: "The problem is big."

"You are cursed!"

When Bai Chen heard the news and walked out of the temporary laboratory, Lu Zeng, the melon-eating boss, had already completed the examination of the old monster.

"You've been stabbed."

"Amei, you see the Inca curse style in the southern part of the continent, but the key to its effect is blood karma."

"Go out and turn left. Beyond the passage is the California Consortium, your daughter."

The melon-eating boss said firmly.

There is no doubt that this is the genetic crystallization of the old monster Wu and Melinda's revenge on this old scumbag who turned his back and refused to admit his fault.

"Maybe she's drawing circles on the jump craft right now and cursing you."

Lu Zeng took out a large watermelon and divided it into several large pieces with just a pinch of his fingers.

He handed Bai Chen a piece.

Bai Chen took it casually, and while chewing it, he said to the melon-eater: "What effect will this curse have?"

Lu Zeng bit the black watermelon seeds and made a clicking sound: "Uneasy, guilty, feeling sorry for the world, etc. This is an emotional curse specially used by Inca to deal with scumbag men and scumbags who are irresponsible blood relatives. It is similar to the voodoo system. This is different from a true curse with strong lethality. Its effect increases as the moral level of the cursed person increases. "

"The reason why the old weirdo is uneasy shows that he still has some conscience."

The compliment from the melon-eating boss made Bai Chen dumbfounded.

"But, the California consortium chose to use this ancient curse that can measure the moral level of the old monster at this time. It seems that it is to evaluate the moral level of the old monster and even Bai Chen."

The alien boss Zhao Wudi, who was also eating melon, looked like he had seen through everything.

Let the old wizard's daughter cast a curse to create unrest.

Waiting for the reaction from Old Monster Wu and Bai Chen.

If the old wizard showed guilt and debt to her, the California consortium would not hesitate to use this as a breakthrough.

If the old monster Wu still ignores this and ignores it.

The California consortium was also able to judge the nature of the old witch and get first-hand information from Bai Chen and Yanyu Academy's support for this old scumbag.

If the old wizard fights back with the help of a curse, it will allow the California consortium to occupy the moral high ground.

It can be said that this curse is not just Amei's version of Wu Huang'er's resentment towards the old monster Wu.

It is also the conspiracy of the California consortium Chi Guoguo.

They just wanted to use this method, which was not mysterious or weird, to test the old monster Wu's attitude towards his daughter openly and get the information they wanted.


The old wizard's face was ashen.

He may not be human, but Jabs really is a dog.

"Classmate Bai Chen, what do you think?"

Mei Jingsheng, the bookish man, asked curiously.

This kind of probing method based on blood relationship.

I believe Bai Chen will also feel pain in his head.

Bai Chen, who was eating melon, said calmly: "Sally, call temporary worker No. 1."

Five minutes later, Macbeth, a male lawyer wearing a red vest as a temporary worker from Yanyu College, appeared in front of Bai Chen.

Bai Chen briefly explained the California consortium's method of using curses to test.

"What do you think?"

Under the eyes of the mythological bosses like Bai Chen, you are really a little naughty person.

Bai Chen chose to use this question to examine Macbeth.

"Mr. Wu is not a scumbag?"

As soon as the lawyer man said the words, he received a big slap from the old wizard.

"Sorui, Saorui, it's me who looks down on others and underestimates Mr. Wu's moral standards."

Slap X2.

Bai Chen glanced at him lightly.

Macbeth, who was about to continue talking nonsense, suddenly became excited, and the playful smile on his face disappeared instantly.

He got into work mode.

"BOSS Baichen, yes, this is a test. To be precise, it is the beginning of a series of information offensives by the California consortium."

"They have a dedicated organization called the Human Mental Health Business Group."

"If Compound V is the spear that the California Consortium is stabbing at you, then this organization is the hand holding the spear handle."

"Before the psychic power began, the California Consortium used big data, machine learning and other methods to build a special data model for the information of each valuable target."

"Based on their daily behavior, how they deal with people, and their different performances in different groups of people, they conduct a comprehensive assessment of the targets and classify them into different categories using social engineering thinking."

"From the controllable chess pieces that can easily infer the next step, to the 50-50 success rate that can be secretly guided, and finally the completely unpredictable oddballs."

"Based on the intersection and comparison of the data model and the target itself, the targets are divided into the above various intervals."

"The advent of the psychic era, despite destroying the electronic surveillance used by the California Consortium to collect target data system."

"But it did not completely end the California Consortium's behavioral model evaluation system."

"On the contrary, with the revival of psychic energy, psychic means such as curses, prophecy, and suggestion have been gradually integrated into this system."

"The California Consortium's ability to judge the target person has not only not decreased, but with the large-scale testing of Compound V and other experiments that collect all data from various groups of people being widely promoted within the control of the California Consortium, the business capabilities of their department have been greatly enhanced."

"Therefore, I think this is not just a mumbling in circles, not just a test of Mr. Wu, but a comprehensive evaluation of Boss and Yanyu Academy with Mr. Wu as the target, and the beginning of a thorough investigation."

"This test proves that Boss, you are already on the list of targets that the California Consortium focuses on."

"No matter how you react, Boss, the California Consortium has achieved their purpose of collecting data."

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