I can summon myself

Chapter 384 Bah, no see

"My dear, this guy is quite direct."

"But he may be right about one thing, and that is Compound V."

"Although the equipment here is not handy, we still haven't figured out the general properties of this thing. It is definitely not as simple as a biochemical injection."

Lan Xing Bai Chen's voice sounded in Bai Chen's mind.

With his vision and knowledge base as the chief academic master of Blue Star, it is outrageous that he has not yet figured out Compound V.

If combined with Macbeth's statement, the level of attention to this thing must be taken to a higher level.

Bai Chen glanced at Macbeth, who was full of expectations, and said calmly: "Let's see how you perform."

"Yes, Boss Bai Chen!"

He jumped for joy, puffed out his chest and protruded his belly, and distinguished himself from the Compound V battle group on the spot.

The eyes of fellow villager Walter turned scarlet, but until Jabs finished telling the story of the old wizard and Melinda, his eyes did not dare to spit out any light.

This disappointed the old wizard who was about to hang him up to dry the statue.

The old wizard said depressedly: "Now that Dongtu has started live broadcasting, Jabs should be thrown to the bottom of the extinct volcano island to feed the fish people!"

"Sally didn't detect any live signals."

The result of Sally's investigation made the old wizard breathe a sigh of relief.

"It turns out there was no live broadcast. I thought I had become the leading actor in a romance movie. If my ex-girlfriends find out about this, I will never be a human again!"

Bai Chen said thoughtfully: "It seems that Melinda is not the one in your heart either?"

The teachers and students' eyes lit up. Yes, judging from the performance of the old monster Wu, Melinda, the manager of the California Consortium, didn't look like the real owner.

Then here comes the problem.

Who is the main palace in the old wizard's heart?

Is it a human being, not a human being, or an alien?

If it is not a human being, what is its gender?

Facing the eyes of teachers and students asking for answers and correct solutions.

The old wizard glared at Bai Chen complainingly: "If you want to take care of this, build a Shura field first!"

"And you bunch of singles are not good at picking up girls or flirting with men. Now you have to rely on yourself to drive a car. It's so embarrassing!"

The old monster Wu released AOE to the teachers and students of Yanyu College.

The singles smiled playfully and said, "Then let's open a singles department."

The fellow villagers and the Compound V battle group looked at the interaction between Bai Chen and the teachers and students of Yanyu Academy with envy.

This kind of peaceful, friendly, yet full of heart-warming exchanges would simply not exist in the California consortium where everyone is a masked person.

Macbeth, who came over to strike while the iron was hot, was even more delighted.

New bosses like Bai Chen and funny colleagues like those from Yanyu Academy really seem to be much easier to deal with than the workplace tools of the California Consortium.

His choice was correct.

Macbeth is such a clever little boy.

At the same time, Jabs, who had finished his performance, said to the three geniuses including the alien boss, Nitian Shinhwa: "Your Excellencies, can we visit Misty Rain Academy now?"

The alien boss and the other three said angrily: "Why are you asking us? The extinct volcano island is right here. You want to visit Yanyu Academy and ask the real owner directly."

Jabs, who was suspended in mid-air with the help of a jump vehicle, turned his head towards the extinct volcanic island with an unchanging smile.

He loudly said: "Jabs, chairman of the California Foundation, together with all the directors of the California Foundation, requested to visit Mist and Rain College."

A minute passed.

Five minutes passed.

There was no response from either the extinct volcano island or the direction of the subspace entrance.

"Want to see us?"

"Bah, no see!"

The old witch didn't want to pay attention to the California Consortium group at all. Just because of this bullshit story about Jobs, he wanted to let these guys hang out for three to five days before talking about it.

Anyway, it’s not Yanyu College that’s anxious right now.

Bai Chen drank the happy water indifferently.

The California consortium is so anxious that they are like ants on a hot pot. They are asking for it.

So, even after flying into the airspace of the extinct volcano island, he said a lot of good things to Dongtu and Yanyu Academy in front of the camera.

Jabs and the directors of the California consortium could only watch helplessly as the three big bosses who received the notification of permission to enter the channel led the Dongtu Live Broadcasting Team into the subspace barrier channel.

One after another, the lost aircraft flying out of the subspace flew past Jabs and others and flew towards Channel 5.

In addition to receiving curious and puzzled looks from these melon eaters who did not know the truth, for three consecutive days, they were left in front of the subspace barrier passage, unable to go any further.

Jabs looked like a dead pig who was not afraid of boiling water.

He said to the veterans of the California consortium who were hiding in the aircraft: "Look, I have long said that even if we take the initiative to show up to such a ruthless guy like Wu Laoguai, it will not have any effect."

"For us to rush here eagerly to recognize our relatives will not only add to the laughing stock and embarrass people, but it is impossible for Mist and Rain Academy, which has taken the initiative, to soften."

"On the contrary, it will make them wary."

"It might even reveal our intentions with Compound V."

He wrote all his complaints directly on his face.

These old antiques only had interests in their eyes, so they subconsciously regarded Wu Laoguai, one of the founders of Misty Rain Academy, as a creature of profit like them.

They thought that by offering their favors and making up stories to show their weakness, they could make Wu Laoguai and the California Consortium sit down for talks.

But they didn't think about whether Wu Laoguai, an old scumbag with ex-girlfriends all over the world, would give the California Consortium a chance for the sake of Melinda and his daughter?

They were dreaming.

Jobs sneered: "We shouldn't even come to the East."

"The real solution is to directly break into the subspace through the lair of the Arctic Circle's Fury."

"Although Long Hantian, Fang Zihan and other genius centers are powerful, we are not without a way to exile them from the subspace."

"Once they are gone, although Yanyu Academy doesn't know how to suppress our Compound V Corps, our California Consortium still has enough power to deal with them, including the people and the ancient gods!"

"As long as we are fast enough."

"Even if Long Hantian and others break the cage and return to the subspace. We have already taken down Yanyu Academy, and we can still take the initiative again."

"We don't have to be like a group of idiots now, standing in a ghost place like the dead volcano island and the subspace barrier, praying for mercy from the old monster Wu!"

Jobs was very dissatisfied with the intervention of the old antiques.

Whether it is the fellow villagers or the Compound V Corps, although it is a myth against the sky.

But for the California Consortium, it was just a tool to promote Compound V.

Even if the California Consortium's trump card was not used, the California Consortium had enough. The real myth of climbing up step by step from the awakened ones entered the subspace and wiped out the bastards of Yanyu Academy.

Sitting on a recliner with a blanket on his knees, the old antique leader of the California Consortium, a Dinghaishenzhen-level figure, and Jobs's grandfather, Jahorn, slowly opened his eyes.

"Are you done?"

Jobs nodded.

"After that, continue to ask your brother-in-law for a visit."

Jahorn signaled that Jobs could get out.

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