I can summon myself

Chapter 365: Want to take credit, but the Genius Center won't allow it

Time goes back to half an hour ago, in the East, at the headquarters of the Genius Center, the big guys gathered together relaxed and happy.

"The young people nowadays are really amazing."

Cheng Changdong crossed his legs, full of emotion.

"Each generation is more exciting than the last, and Bai Chen is a unique wave among waves." A familiar big guy was eating a watermelon.

"You are almost catching up with me." The alien big guy, who was even more bizarre than the ferocious dragon Hantian, was full of boasting.

"Bah, have some shame, you came from that place, but Bai Chen is a real self-made man, and he is also dragged down by the unqualified burdens of Yanyu Academy and has to worry about everything big and small." Wu Qingmei's clone, the muscular girl, gave the alien big guy a middle finger directly.

"Wu Miejue, let me make it clear that you mention it to classmate Bai Chen. I am quite interested in Franklin God. When Max brings the God to my door, I will take our Genius Center's artificial God project team to the dead volcano island to observe and see how the Ivy League's peers' god-making technology is."

A bookish boss said.

"Don't mention it!"

Wu Qingmei's clone raised the middle finger again.

"Our Genius Center creates artificial gods to protect the East, but sister, you see that group of people are actually doing scientific god religion."

Cheng Changdong was speechless about Max and his crazy scientists.

The melon-eating boss laughed and said, "Scientology is definitely stronger than the weird beliefs of the mainland. If it weren't for classmate Bai Chen, we couldn't imagine that the chief scientist of the third place on Earth would want to be the Pope."

The bookish boss disagreed: "Don't be stupid. Theology is the ancestral skill of scientists in the Western Alliance. Look at the first person Isaac Newton. He looks like a scientist who will go down in history, but his real job is a theologian."

The alien boss with a very alien look said, "Max, the biggest ambition of the Ivy League is to make Scientology the Pope. The California Consortium, the Red Neck Consortium, the Gotham Consortium, these big groups hiding in various small worlds, space nodes, and space rifts are the real unstable factors."

If it weren't for the pressure from the East, if the current human beings on Earth were not working together.

With the nature of this group of consortiums, the mainland would have long become a chaotic place for these people to become kings and saints.

Suddenly, the door of the conference room was pushed open by a staff member. He gasped out of breath and said, "Look, live broadcast worldwide."

Three minutes later, fellow villager Walter, with his big golden hair and slicked back hair, looked very decent at first glance, and highly in line with the aesthetics of Ah Mei, you see people are about justice, trustworthy, etc., appeared in front of the bosses.

"Rescue, has it started?"

The furious Cheng Changdong suddenly jumped up from his chair.

"What is the Ivy League doing?"

The melon-eating boss didn't even eat the melon.

The bookish boss's face was terribly gloomy: "You are bullying too much. You are so inconsistent. Do you really think that classmate Bai Chen is easy to bully?"

The nameless fire burned in the eyes of the alien boss. Those who knew him knew that the treacherous Max and the fellow villager Walter who came out of nowhere and performed the eye-glow Yes RGB hole-drilling in front of the global melon-eating people had already made him really angry.

Wu Qingmei's clone even picked up the phone: "Connect me to the Ivy League headquarters in Ameikan Continent!"

She wanted to ask for an explanation for Bai Chen.

"Sorry, Mr. Wu Qingmei, we can't contact each other."

"Not only that, the existence of the Arctic Circle fog has interrupted our regular communication with Ameikan Continent. The temporary communication system in the Bering Strait is now only 37.5% complete. We can't contact them through this line."

"Due to the existence of the lost contact area, our backup communication channel through the City of All Spirits is now also unable to work normally."

"Unless we activate the highest level of emergency plan and directly activate the war preparation portal between Ameikan Continent and Ameikan Continent, we currently have no other way to contact the Ivy League headquarters."

"There is no way to contact the California Consortium."

Wu Qingmei's clone's eyebrows stood up into two black lines.

The angry bosses calmed down.

"There is no such a coincidence in the world."

Cheng Changdong said coldly.

The bookish boss walked to the blackboard, picked up the chalk, and drew three communication channels between Dongtu and Ameikan.

"The Lost Contact Zone has descended, directly separating us - City of All Spirits - Sister, look at the continent."

"First there was the Arctic Circle's wrath, then there was the Arctic Circle's fog, and the ancient gods in the Arctic Circle separated us - Yingzhou - Sister, look at the continent."

"In addition, we - Europe - Sister, look at this third communication line, which is also separated by the Arctic Circle."

"We have at least an 80-day window before the new communication system in the Bering Strait is completed. Without activating the highest level of emergency plans, we cannot contact the Ivy League and the California Consortium."

The big guys' eyes burst into a light of "Is that so?"

"The California Consortium, Max and his gang are very ambitious."

"Then the question is, what is their purpose in being so shameless to become heroes who rescue millions of people in the Lost Contact Zone?"

"It's not an election year. This so-called fellow villager with eyes brighter than light bulbs can't be the great commander you see, even if he wants to. Besides, it's still a long time before the California Consortium's turn to be the mascot. The California Consortium can't be so stupid as to think that they can get support from other consortiums just because they rescued millions of humans in the Lost Contact Zone."

"What's more, we in the East will never allow the California Consortium to take the credit for breaking the subspace barrier so shamelessly!"

Cheng Changdong's sonorous voice echoed in the conference room.

The big guys kept nodding, and Wu Qingmei's clone even clenched his fist as big as a casserole.

This fellow villager representing the California Consortium wanted to take away Bai Chen's honor. He was dreaming.

The eyes of the alien boss flashed with an inexplicable color: "Max wants to establish the Church of Science. Does the California Consortium also want to establish the Two-Headed Bear Church?"

"Becoming a so-called hero is just a means. Will the purpose be the same as that little dog in Bai Chen's hand, harvesting the gratitude of the melon-eating people through global live broadcast, and then gaining strength from it?"

The bookish boss frowned: "This possibility cannot be ruled out."

The melon-eating boss looked at Cheng Changdong: "No matter what Max and his gang want, their so-called earth-shaking rescue is based on Bai Chen's opening of the subspace barrier. They want to erase Bai Chen's credit, and our Genius Center will never agree!"

The bosses nodded continuously.

Suddenly, Wu Qingmei's clone's face became strange.

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