I can summon myself

Chapter 364 Rescue begins!

"Bai Chen, you are not a human being!"

Yan Shuishui, who was shaking all over in the hot weather, was sweating all over and had cold hands and feet, slammed the table and stood up.

Four new subjects had just unveiled their mysterious veil in front of her. She was reading with great interest when she found that there was nothing below!

If eyes could kill people.

Zhou Wangu and other researchers from Wanling City, who were as furious as Yan Shuishui, wanted to kill Wang Botang, the bald man who printed out the broken chapters at the beginning and disappeared at the key point, ten thousand times with their eyes.

Let everyone fall into it, and then, there was nothing below, is this what a human would do?

"Hey, you red-skinned elf, don't talk nonsense, what does this have to do with my junior brother Bai Chen?"

Wang Botang stared at Yan Shuishui with dissatisfaction.

"Although Wanling City is a foreign aid, these four subjects are the bottom-line skills of our Yanyu Academy. I am very kind to show you the beginning of the textbook."

"Don't be ungrateful!"

Wang Botang said righteously.

Yan Shuishui's eyes flashed red, and she had the urge to beat the bald guy to death and then beat him to death again after resurrecting him.

Is this what a human would say?

What's the difference between this and those "free" novels that require you to pay after reading ten chapters?

And this bald guy didn't even give them the chance to pay.

"If the City of Ten Thousand Spirits doesn't work, I can do it."

Long Yi, who was mixed in the researcher team, suddenly stood up.

The bald senior tilted his head, where did you get such confidence, Long Yi?

"Senior Wang Botang, starting from next spring, I will be a new graduate student of our Yanyu College. As a student of Yanyu College, I should have the right to study these four courses."

Long Yi said seriously.


Wang Botang jumped up in shock.

Long Yi said seriously: "Yanyu City has flexible enrollment quotas for Yanyu College. I just happened to get a quota for new graduate students of Yanyu College next spring through Yanyu City, so now I am already the next freshman of Yanyu College."

Wang Botang's eyes twitched. How could he not find such a big loophole in Yanyu College?

"I don't have the final say on this matter."

After saying this, he left the temporary command center.

Yan Shuishui, Zhou Wangu and others looked at Long Yi with admiration, saying, "Look at you, you are really a clever ghost."

"Long Yi, can you help me get in touch with someone?"

Yan Shuishui put her arm around Long Yi's shoulders and said with a smile.

"I can also be a graduate student of Yanyu College." Zhou Wangu, who is older than the founder of Yanyu College, Wu Laoguai, said shamelessly.

Long Yi smiled bitterly: "It's okay to help, but what if Bai Chen doesn't admit it?"

Yan Shuishui's eyes widened: "Then I'll ask the Elf Alliance to come forward!"

Wang Botang came to Bai Chen's tent.

Bai Chen was taking the God-Slaying Willow out of the dog's nest.

Liu Fenghua, who had been transformed by insects, was quietly waiting by the bed. Bai Chen's maid Liu Juedai was sleeping soundly on the big bed.

"Junior brother, Long Yi has found a loophole and has sneaked into our new graduate student admission list next spring." The bald senior who had confirmed from the teachers and students who stayed in Yanyu College that Long Yi was on the new graduate student list smiled bitterly.

Bai Chen was surprised and said, "Isn't this against the rules?"

Wang Botang shook his head: "Long Yi has never joined any college before. According to the rules, she can indeed join our Yanyu College."

Bai Chen was speechless.

He casually put the God-Slaying Willow on the workbench and walked out of the tent with Wang Botang.

"What did the old principal say?"

Bai Chen asked.

Wang Botang shrugged: "I haven't told the old principal yet."

"He definitely doesn't know about this loophole either."

Bai Chen nodded, and turned to the direction of the college's seniors such as Wu Laoguai with the bald senior.

Just halfway.

The little fart dragon suddenly fell from the sky.

Sally's voice came from the fingernail-sized speaker on the little dragon's neck.

"Max's global live broadcast has started again."

Bai Chen and the bald senior looked at each other, and each other's faces were full of surprise.

"What is the Ivy League doing?"

"You talk like farting."

"What happened to the promised gods?"

"Franklin didn't come, and the global live broadcast that took advantage of us has started again?"

"Max is teasing us!"

"Channel No. 5 Bili Bili has been talking for a long time, but it seems that it is just a lie to stabilize us!"

"The third place on the earth is actually a liar from Hollywood!"

Before Bai Chen and Wang Botang entered the temporary command center, they heard the angry voices of seniors and seniors and a group of seniors in the big tent.

Bai Chen pushed the door open.

Max's live broadcast appeared again on the giant screen of three meters * three meters in the temporary command center.

On the icy and snowy Arctic ice field, Max, dressed in alloy armor, and his companions dressed in the same way lined up.

The two-headed bear logo on everyone's chest shone brightly.

Max suddenly raised his head.

The live camera was also aimed at the distant horizon.

In the clouds, a blond man with a flower cape, blue tights, and red boots broke through the air.

He put his hands behind his back.

His straight and strong body was as straight as a vigorous red pine.

He stood in the clouds and slowly fell towards the direction of the Arctic Circle's Wrath Lair where Max was.

The cape with the two-headed bear logo fluttered vigorously.

"This is Mr. Walter from the California Consortium!"

Max's ugly old face was full of enthusiasm.

His companions raised their hands at the same time, shouting louder and louder.

"Fellow countryman!"

"Fellow countryman!"

"Fellow countryman!"

The showy blond man made a gesture of pressing down with reserve.

Max and his companions suddenly became quiet.

They took the initiative to make way.

Let the live camera point to each other.

Walter's mouth corners raised, and his golden hair with hairspray all over his head looked very stylish in front of the camera.

"Hello everyone, I am Walter, a fellow countryman from the California Consortium."

"This time, I will host this amazing rescue operation that is about to begin, breaking through the subspace barrier, going deep into the lost contact zone, and rescuing all the millions of human compatriots trapped in it."

"Our California Consortium is based on the purpose of blessing all mankind. It was born in the old institution you see before the psychic era."

"As a member of the California Consortium, I, Walter, am very worried about the plight of these millions of lost compatriots."

"After the efforts of scholars from the California Consortium day and night, we finally have a perfect rescue plan."

"That is to break into the nest of the Arctic Circle's Wrath, directly break through the subspace barrier, and enter the lost contact zone."

As Walter's voice fell.

His eyes instantly turned scarlet.

Two beams of red light shot out from his eyes and directly broke the thick ice under his feet.

"The rescue has begun!"

In front of billions of people, he jumped into the ice cave he opened.

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