I can summon myself

Chapter 321 Woof, Woof, Woof

"Then I'll make you feel good, boss?" The Arctic Circle resentment, who felt that he could still be saved, suddenly became chatty.

"The resentment I received from the three female hosts during the global live broadcast was enough to represent a hundred resentments that lasted up to twenty-four hours each."

"Tall ones, short ones, fat ones, thin ones, two-legged ones, three-legged ones, whether they are human or not, there are even many alien visitors who are mixed among you humans, all of them can complain about their spouses." It’s manifested in the form, you can enjoy it however you want.”

"If you don't think it's enough, Boss Bai Chen, I can use my resentment to get those truly resentful women to form a group and come to your door."

"When I advance to the heaven-defying myth, I can condense my divine body according to your preferences and meet all your requirements."

A translucent shadow appeared in front of Bai Chen.

Although the appearance is not clear at all, judging from its captivating lines, it is definitely the product of The Revenge of the Arctic Circle that combines the aesthetic aesthetics of hundreds of millions of people who eat melons.

"My dear, where is this guy's moral integrity?"

Lan Xing Bai Chen was completely stunned.

The dignified ancient god said he was shameless, but he was really shameless.

You can even say things like making your boss happy.

Immortal King Bai Chen also looked hard to accept.

He punches the mythical beings who defy the heavens, kicks the god-level rulers, and plays with the emotions of hundreds of millions of old creatures in the palm of his hand.

Transform into an ancient god-level sex toy that Baichen can pick, and it comes with a hundred clones and new tricks every day.

Such a huge contrast, so shameless.

Immortal King Bai Chen really has nothing to say.

On the other hand, Bai Chen, the cleaner of the Ancient Gods, was very calm: "This is the way of thinking of most Ancient Gods."

"They are the ones who really only care about profit. As long as the benefits are enough, let alone juicers, it's okay to turn them into universal sockets."

"When dealing with them, you must not use the three views of humans or other intelligent beings, otherwise you will find that all the ancient gods are mentally ill, so just talk about benefits and be done with it."

Bai Chen looked at the Grudge of the Arctic Circle thoughtfully.

"Want to live?"

The Grudge of the Arctic Circle kept nodding like a chicken pecking at rice.

"Boss, I really want to live."

"The earth now is the paradise of my Arctic Circle resentment."

"In the hundreds of millions of years since birth, whether it is ancient creatures or prehistoric humans, even if you add in the occasional aliens who stray to the earth for unknown reasons, they are as pure as gems compared to today's humans. ”

"Even if I tried my best, the resentment I collected during that era was just enough to maintain a normal life, so that now I am the resentment of the Arctic Circle, the ancient god of emotions, a mere first-level controller, and even a He's not even a title legend, he can only rely on the red hair of an angry fool to make things happen. "

"It's as miserable as it gets."

"In addition to eating, drinking, and having sex, ancient creatures basically lived a simple and primitive life like paramecium in human terms. No matter how much I want to collect resentment, I can't."

"But times are different now."

"Humanity is worth more than 10 billion, but the grievances it generates every day are more than the grievances the earth has generated in the past 10,000 or even 100,000 years."

It only takes a few dozen days to wake up.

But the resentment in the Arctic Circle has collected a lot of human resentment through global live broadcasts.

Not only are these resentments huge in quantity, but their quality is also astonishingly high.

If it can overcome the current difficulty, it is even confident that it will complete the realm of heaven-defying mythology that it has not entered since its birth within ten years, and become a true god-level ruler of the past.

"Boss Bai Chen, it's very easy for you to kill me, a useless ancient god with the first level of controller."

"With the current environment of so much resentment on earth, it will only take three to five months at most for the seeds of resentment to be resurrected."

"But the resentment of the Arctic Circle in the second life has not been severely beaten by the lack of resentment in ancient times. I don't understand how good it is now. Even if you, boss, have thousands of means, it is not so easy to convince and control it."

"And I'm different."

"First of all, I know how difficult it is for me to survive until now, and how rare the opportunity is now."

"Secondly, I know what happened to you, boss, because of the fury of the Arctic Circle. I absolutely don't want to follow the footsteps of my plastic brother."

"Third, as long as I have resentment, I can suck it away. I don't need any dignity. Boss, you don't even need to treat me as a human being."

"Fourth, boss, you can use all the means to control the ancient gods on me, and I will absolutely cooperate and accept it 100% voluntarily. I will be a very obedient god."

"Fifth, every time the seeds of resentment are reborn, the new generation of Arctic Circle resentment is unpredictable. If the boss wants to get a satisfactory Arctic Circle resentment, he needs not only enough time but also enough luck, and As long as I keep this divine destiny and ensure the supply of resentment, I will be whatever you want me to be, boss."

The shadow of the resentment in the Arctic Circle is gradually shrinking.

Finally, it turned into a translucent husky that kept wagging its tail.

"My dear, apart from hostility, why do I feel that this Arctic Rage, who was beaten up by the ancient earth, is a bit pitiful?"

Lan Xing Bai Chen was suddenly moved.

You must do your best to stay alive.

Even this ancient god is no exception.

"Bai Chen, the cleaner of the ancient gods, must have some means to control the ancient gods."

Even if he found clues, and confirmed the existence of the troublemaker Arctic Circle Grudge from the details, the Immortal King Bai Chen felt that he could give this guy a chance.

Bai Chen's mouth twitched: "Change your image."

A yellow light flashed, and a Dongtu pastoral dog with a black nose and earthy yellow appeared in front of him.

"Eliminate all the bad luck on the dead volcano island."

The pastoral dog raised its four paws to the sky, revealing its white belly.

"Boss Bai Chen, I can't do it."

"I can only stimulate bad luck and use the red-haired bad luck, but I don't have the strength to control bad luck."

"Don't kill me for meat."

The Arctic Circle Grudge, which turned into a pastoral dog, kept rubbing Bai Chen's trouser legs with its dog head.

Confirm that this guy didn't lie.

Bai Chen kicked it unhappily.

"Then eat all the bad luck on everyone."

"This is OK."

When the Arctic Circle Grudge saw Bai Chen pick up the happy water and didn't kill it now, it quickly rushed to the crowd with its tail between its legs.

"Woof, woof, woof."

The little dog-like Arctic Circle's resentment barked.

Amid the barking, the resentment aroused by the red-haired unknown rose from everyone's head.

Its scarlet tongue flicked back and forth.

It was as if a black hole had grown on its mouth.

The resentment of the people was sucked into its body.

The light of reason reappeared in everyone.

"What's wrong with me?"

"Are you being dominated by unknown again?"

"Long Yi, what did you do to me?"

Wang Botang looked down and saw the ghostly symbols left by Long Yi on his bulging muscles, and screamed.

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