I can summon myself

Chapter 320 Not all humans act according to the pros and cons

Bai Chen had a sneer on his face.

"Work for me?"

"You've been doing this for so long, Arctic Circle Grudge, are you trying to show me what you can do?"

Obviously, this guy has been observing his reaction.

When he found himself awake from the state of being affected, he just said the excuse he had prepared.

Yes, this guy, like Arctic Circle Rage, had already made two preparations.

When Arctic Circle Rage found that there was no Fatty Cat Bai Chen sitting on the dead volcano island, he chose to turn hostile immediately.

And this really old cunning Arctic Circle Grudge chose to use the excuse of showing off his skills as a reason to cheat people.

"Boss Bai Chen, I don't deny that I have several plans, but isn't this natural?"

"For humans, judging the situation is a very advanced skill. How can it be insidious and cunning when applied to ancient gods?"

"To put it bluntly, humans think they are at the top of the food chain and can't stand any other intelligent creatures that have the same or even higher wisdom as humans."

"Boss Bai Chen, I am not a brainless person like Nu Shazi, nor a stubborn person like Yan Shuishui. I definitely have a lot of wisdom that an ancient god should have."

"Therefore, I will not make excuses for my behavior, and I will not deny that I took the opportunity to test your ability."

"From the results of the test, you are qualified to hire me to work for you."

There is no concealment in the voice of the Arctic Circle's resentment, nor is there the arrogance of Nu Shazi who regards humans as two-legged beasts. It just expressed its thoughts in a very peaceful but naked tone.

That is, it believes that Bai Chen has passed its test, so no matter what it thought before, now it has judged the situation and chosen the reason to show its skills in order to work for Bai Chen.

"This guy is really..."

Blue Star Bai Chen thought for a long time, and didn't know what words to use to describe this real old cunning who chose to lower himself and ask for work when he could see through its existence and tricks.

"Let's show our cards. Only by passing the assessment can we be qualified to communicate on an equal footing with the real ancient gods?"

Immortal King Bai Chen had never seen such a grudge in the Arctic Circle.

If this guy is full of nonsense, just slap him with a cat's paw.

But the problem is that this guy is so honest, because this deity Bai Chen saw through it and was making trouble, so it chose to show its skills as an excuse, and then wanted to work for Bai Chen.

If Bai Chen hadn't discovered its existence until now.

Then the unspoken subtext is that Bai Chen deserved to be cheated by it, and it would naturally not express anything.

"God's eyes look down on people?"

"No, this is actually the true appearance of most ancient gods."

Ancient God Cleaner Bai Chen started by asking himself questions and answering them.

"All the creatures that they play with are symbols that they can play with as they please, fodder."

"Once you show your ability to see through everything, the ancient god will treat you as an equal and communicate with you calmly."

"It is your strength that determines its attitude."

The ancient god cleaner was not surprised at the attitude of the Arctic Circle's resentment.

It is the basic operation of the ancient god to serve the food to the person.

"Whether to accept it or kill it with one claw depends on your mood."

The ancient god cleaner said happily.

An ancient god who took the initiative to show his recognition that the deity is qualified to be its boss has actually admitted defeat and surrendered.

And a cat star who came forward for the shit shoveler Bai Chen can let Bai Chen deal with the Arctic Circle's resentment as he wants.

The absolute power gap brings absolute crushing.

No matter how many conspiracies and tricks the Arctic Circle's resentment has, no matter how many red hairs it has, it will be settled with one claw.

Bai Chen's silence made the Arctic Circle's Resentment a little flustered.

He continued to show his ability and said: "Sally complained that you didn't design a mechanical body for her."

"Ao Twelve complained that you only fed it Sally's leftovers."

"Iron Jaw and other national treasure teams complained that you didn't feed them improved crayfish."

"Cold Snake complained that you ignored its existence."

After a pause, it continued: "Not just your pet."

"The seven-member group of mathematical tools complained that you made them work hard but didn't give them any benefits."

"Western coolies complained that you were unfair, and all the benefits were given to the teachers and students of Yanyu College."

"Old Monster Wu complained about you..."

Enough, Bai Chen interrupted the Arctic Circle's Resentment coldly.

"As an ancient god of emotions, I can feel the attitude of all living beings towards you from their resentment, and analyze and judge their reliability from it. Except for those who have the perfect control of emotions at the mythical level, the resentment of anyone and any living being can be my source of information."

"With me here, those who want to deceive you, Boss Baichen, through their expressionless appearance and superb acting skills that have been tempered through thousands of trials and tribulations, will never escape my analysis of their true thoughts through their resentment."

"I can understand that you, Boss, don't want to test your own people's thoughts, because human nature cannot withstand temptation."

"I will also follow your instructions and set the people around you as an exclusion list from accepting their resentment."

"But for your future enemies, as long as you are willing to accept me, I can make them understand that they will never try to deceive you, Boss Baichen, who works with me, the emotional resentment, through words and acting."

"In addition, I can help you, boss, to accelerate the hatching of the seeds of anger, so that the anger of emotions can reappear in the world in the shortest time and become another trump card of your ancient god of emotions."

Finally, the Arctic Circle's Resentment concluded with a threat: "Of course, if you, boss Bai Chen, still choose to destroy me in this life, I can't just sit there and do nothing."

"Even if I can't let everyone here be buried with me."

"But I can still leave the seeds of resentment in them."

"Maybe these seeds will never explode in my lifetime, but from now on, boss Bai Chen, I'm afraid you can't trust them as unreservedly as you do now."

The Arctic Circle's Resentment openly said its trump card.

Emotions are one of the instincts of human beings. As long as the instincts are not erased, then emotions will always exist.

As a kind of emotion, resentment will last forever.

It is betting that Bai Chen will give it a chance to live for the sake of so many people in front of him.

Bai Chen smiled faintly: "Arctic Circle Resentment, you are indeed much smarter than your twin brother Arctic Circle Fury."

"The so-called insight into people's hearts is nothing more than this."

"I don't deny your ability, and I don't deny that you can be of great help to me now."

"It's a pity that you are not human after all."

"I don't understand, not all humans will act according to the pros and cons."

"You calculated all of us silently, don't you feel my resentment?"

"I have resentment, and my thoughts are not clear. I am very unhappy when my thoughts are not clear."

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