I can summon myself

Chapter 314: Unknown Attack

"Don't worry, sir."

"This is the basic operation of the stitched monster-type ancient god."

"To be honest, it's not easy for this prehistoric human who was fed with feed, fought with the angry fool, and finally didn't even want his body to survive until now."

"Just send her to a big pot that can't hold on, and throw half a ton of the god-level essence left by the angry fool into it."

"Except for the angry fool who was calculated by us, how can the ancient god die so easily."

The message sent back by Bai Chen, the online guide of the ancient god cleaner, calmed Bai Chen's somewhat nervous mood.

If the ancient god that he worked so hard to fish out died like this, it would be a big loss.

"Old Wang, and His Excellency Wei Changkong, please help, send her to the big pot and add half a ton of the god-level essence of the angry fool."

The emotionless pharmaceutical machine king Da Chong rolled up his sleeves and rushed over.

But just as he was about to enter Bai Chen's 20-meter range.

His sole stepped on a slippery and soft heart wreckage.

Wang Dachong slipped and fell hard.

Wei Changkong, who ran from the other direction, was not much better.

A head-sized Essence of Rage fell from a hill without any warning.

Wei Changkong, who was facing an ominous situation, didn't even have time to roll his eyes before being hit on the back of his head by this god-level essence. With a thud, his face fell to the ground, following the footsteps of Wang Dachong.

"My Lord, it seems that the culprit for the statue stitching monster's fainting was the ominousness left by the angry fool, in addition to its own weakness and divine conflict."

Lan Xing Baichen's voice had just fallen.

Old Huang and Er Huang, who were moving the Snake Hair Type 5 wreckage, collided strangely.

The large freezer that fell from their hands exploded on the spot.

Countless iced happy waters in the cabinet scattered, and the teachers and students who were moving the wreckage were instantly knocked down.

"Hahaha, luckily I, Wang Botang, reacted the fastest."

"As soon as my junior brother mentioned the ominous signs, I slipped away."

"As long as I run fast enough, no matter how many ominous signs there are, they will never fall on my head."

He was dancing with joy and didn't notice that a cold snake with dragon horns on its head and ice blue body exploded from the freezer and hit it on the head.

After being taken to the dead volcano island by Bai Chen's personal manager Li Yan, this cold snake, who was not cared about by Bai Chen at all, lived a good life eating dragon egg residue from Sally and Ao Twelve.

Not only did it greatly accelerate its speed of transformation from snake to dragon, but its body size also became fatter.

Although it tried its best to avoid the big bald head of the bald senior, it still knocked Wang Botang unconscious when it fell from the sky.

"Now you are pretending to be stupid."

Before the foodie senior sister's gloating lasted, the mobile kitchen in front of Gordon not far away suddenly exploded.

The pressure cooker that was forgotten to turn off when killing the gods not only made Gordon and other chefs fall on the street.

The foodie senior sister who was closest to them and was about to find some snacks was also knocked to the ground by the oncoming pressure cooker lid.

Fortunately, the unlucky people who were greatly strengthened by being cooked in Bai Chen's three pots were not in danger of life.

"Gah, gah!"

Iron jaw turned around subconsciously.

The god-level essence rain brought by the unconscious flapping of wings attacked Bai Chen.

Bai Chen subconsciously blocked in front of Zhu Huan and Wu Qingmei.

But the next second, Zhu Huan stepped on the air and subconsciously grabbed Wu Qingmei's arm, and the two slid to the bottom of the heart wreckage and were buried by a piece of debris as high as a floor.

At this time, countless god-level essence fragments rain brushed Bai Chen's body and fell to the ground.

"My Lord, the ominousness has begun. Except for you who cannot be offended by the Earth Heavenly Dao, no one who has been infected by the ominousness can escape, whether human or not."

Seeing that in a short period of time, the teachers and students of Yanyu Academy, who had not been injured in the previous ancient god battle, were beaten down by the red-haired ominousness.

Bai Chen picked up the live broadcast rod and shrugged his shoulders and spread his hands helplessly to the genius center bosses who were dumbfounded and at a loss for words, and had no idea what to do.

"Sally, call Captain Yu Zhou immediately, I need the help of the No. 5 Deep Ocean Market."

Then Bai Chen said to the bosses: "The nest of the Arctic Circle Fury, I suggest that Long Hantian and others should not go there."

"God knows what weirdness the angry fool left inside."

The bosses woke up as if from a dream, and nodded like chickens eating rice: "Yes, yes, yes, quickly notify Long Hantian and let them withdraw from the Arctic Circle immediately."

Even Lao Huang, Er Huang, and the Hai Huzi couple were clearly dealt with by this weird ominousness.

Even if there were many good things in the dead Arctic Circle Fury Nest, the bosses would not dare to let Long Hantian and others who had finally survived the disaster take risks.

The live broadcast ended.

Bai Chen stood in front of Sally's culture tank and confirmed that Sally was not hit either, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Sally, when repairing the Snake Hair 5 and the heavy Bear bomber, be sure to install the alloy armor that resists the ominous."


This time Sally was not hit by luck.

The cabin above her head happened to be piled with a layer of black iron substrate quenched by the god-level essence that Bai Chen used for research.

It was this substrate that blocked the red-haired ominous of the angry fool, otherwise, she would not be able to escape this bad luck.

Just when Bai Chen leaned against Sally's culture tank, found a bottle of happy water, drank it, and waited for the first wave of ominous to end.

Long Hantian's team received the news sent back by the Genius Center.

"The killing of gods is over."

"The Wrath of the Arctic Circle has been killed."

"The stitched monster of the ancient sea god also chose to surrender wisely."

"However, when picking up the body of the Wrath of the Arctic Circle, in addition to the dealer and his, uh, personal assistant, including Lao Huang, Er Huang, and the Sea Beard couple, all of them were stained with the red-haired unknown omen left by it. Although it seems that no one will die, we absolutely do not want these red-haired unknown omen to be stained on us."

"So, don't worry about the nest of the Wrath of the Arctic Circle."

"You should withdraw from the Arctic Circle immediately and wait for the unknown omen to pass."

Long Hantian and Fang Zihan looked at each other and breathed a sigh of relief.

In any case, the Wrath of the Arctic Circle, which almost made them doomed, even had its body picked up.

Although the Genius Center said that even the mixed-blood dragon Sea Beard and his mysterious wife could not escape the red-haired unknown omen, it was creepy to hear. But the magical dealer Bai Chen was still alive and kicking.

This gave them the greatest confidence and confidence.

"Old Fang, we owe you a big favor this time."

Long Hantian raised his hand, and a bottle of Erguotou appeared in his palm.

Fang Zihan took out a bunch of glasses.

He faced Long Hantian, but his eyes were looking at the Western Alliance legends who were also grateful for surviving the disaster.

He said meaningfully: "The grace of saving lives is greater than heaven."

"If it wasn't for the dealer, we would be dead this time!"

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