I can summon myself

Chapter 313 Differential Treatment

"These ancient gods' heart muscles are a great tonic for creatures in the deep ocean. If you don't want to commit suicide, they are definitely not suitable for human consumption."

"However, it can be used to produce an angry potion that turns you into an angry fool after just one sip. He only has anger in his head and has no IQ at all."

"This potion cannot improve your strength. After drinking it, you will attack everything around you without distinction between friend and foe."

"Under the control of rage, there will be no pain or fear. Until he is killed or the effect of the potion ends, the person who drinks the potion will be a rage machine with no emotions, venting his anger to the world."

"But it can be diluted to the extent that it will not damage the human body to develop an outlet to channelize emotions."

Realizing that everyone was confused, Bai Chen gave an example.

"For example, this group of seven."

"Give them a bottle, and then throw them into a small dark room surrounded by soft walls with an inflatable doll of me, the unscrupulous boss. After they have vented their anger, we can harvest seven maths that have vented all their anger and are full of blood. Tool man."

Zhu Huan sneered and covered her mouth, how could she make a fool of herself.

Wu Qingmei came over and said, "Can't the rage potion be used in combat?"

"If it comes to a scenario where the rage potion must be used, there is no doubt that such a battle will be a failure no matter what the outcome."

"The users of the original rage potion have no future, and the beneficiaries of the rage potion will be haunted by this nightmare for the rest of their lives until it is swallowed up."

"Because this is a matter of heaven."

"Unlike the insect transformation of the Ten Thousand Phantom Insects, the Thousand Phantom Insects at least have a chance to reverse it, while the Rage Potion will not only bring death, but also bring mental trauma that will never be forgotten in a lifetime."

What Bai Chen didn't say was that even the giant companies in Bai Chen's world, the ancient god's cleanup man, who had fed slaves the potion of rage, were attacked by Fang Tiandao and Fang Nu. All of them directly eliminated this kind of ancient god product whose side effects in battle far outweighed the positive benefits.

"Even if the Genius Center and the Dongtu Psychic Association want it, I won't sell it."

Bai Chen's voice was full of determination.

The myth-defying bosses at the Genius Center exchanged glances.

Classmate Bai Chen, who was delayed by the wrath of the Arctic Circle, does have such confidence.

"All that's left are these red-haired ones."

"This is a mysterious item extracted by Nu Fool from the resentment of billions of living beings."

"Under the blessing of the indescribable and indescribable heaven, the greatest role of these red hairs is not to build a web or to transmit messages. But once it comes into contact, a strange and unknown thing will appear."

The pale-faced Senior Brother Tian Gang pulled off the red hair that was still hanging on his body.

All the teachers, students, and coolies at the scene who were affected by the red hair looked terrified that the end was coming.

"Sally, prepare the temporary hospital. There will be a lot of unlucky people here with weird and unknown injuries in the next week."

Bai Chen spread his hands helplessly.

This unknown form of resentment is not a curse, nor does it usually cause death.

On the side of the Ancient God Cleaner, this is a must-have item used by sandbox netizens to deceive their Internet friends who they have never met but who let themselves go and chat with each other on the Internet.

If converted into money, these ominous objects are second only to Seeds of Wrath, and even more valuable than those entry-level god-level essences piled up in hills.

Because these god-level essences left by Angry Fool are even more impure than the hodgepodge Bai Chen got from the ancient city under the sea.

If you want to use them, you must design a complicated purification process.

"If you have any bad friends, you can use them as gifts."

Bai Chen smirked at Senior Brother Tian Gang and the teachers and students who were about to face an unknown fate.

"Even if it is a myth that defies heaven, it cannot resist the ominousness created by resentment and the law of heaven."

Wu Qingmei's eyes lit up: "Is it used for fighting?"

"If being unknown can weaken the opponent's strength, wouldn't we be able to benefit from it?"

Bai Chen couldn't help but shake his head.

"This is not a potion, this is truly unknown."

"If you are contaminated with the unknown, the other party will be unlucky, and you will be equally unlucky. If you kill a thousand enemies and lose a thousand yourself, who would do such a stupid thing? Maybe the unknown will befall you before this thing is delivered to the target."

After hearing what Bai Chen said, Wu Qingmei instantly gave up her plan to take advantage of the unknown.

However, several faces of old enemies who fell in love and killed each other appeared in her mind.

How about giving them some?

Anyway, classmate Bai Chen said that they would most likely not die.

This thought took root uncontrollably in her heart.

"What are you going to do with me?"

After all the things left by the angry fool were introduced, the statue suture monster took the initiative to walk up to Bai Chen.

Wu Qingmei quietly introduced the identity of the statue to Zhu Huan, who was not participating in the battle, and the Nitian Shinhwa people far away in the Genius Center: "She is from the ancient city under the sea."

The nerves of the myth-defying bosses suddenly became tense.


At such a close distance, there was no protection from Lao Huang Erhuang and others.

How could classmate Bai Chen let this ancient god run in front of him?

The bosses clenched their hands tightly and stared at the big screen, fearing that Bai Chen would overturn while enjoying his victory.

"I will give you a recipe to temporarily stabilize your divine conflict."

"Only after we rescue the people who have lost contact in the subspace will we have time and manpower to study your problem."

"You are different from Ang Fool. Ang Fool just cuts it into pieces and is done."

"But if you want to strip your divinity without damaging your core, it will take a lot of experiments."

"In this interval, whether you want to stay on the dead volcano island to help, or want to visit our base camp, Yanyu City in the Dongtu Jiangnan region, or want to appreciate the scenery of the earth in this era, it's up to you."

"We won't impose any restrictions on you."

Bai Chen said frankly.

Unlike the brainless angry fool.

The old ancient god, the statue stitched monster, which came from prehistoric times and integrated the ancient god-level giant octopus, as well as the wisdom and technology of aliens, has enough judgment and is naturally qualified to be treated differently.

Therefore, Bai Chen is not worried that she will take the opportunity to escape or lurk to cause trouble.

As long as the conflict of divinity in her body exists for one day.

She will understand the earth of this era, and only Bai Chen can solve her problems.

Naturally, Bai Chen does not need to make any calculations.

No matter where she runs to, she will come back one day.

"I, won't leave."

"I, work for you."

The mechanical voice of the statue stitched monster is full of determination.

"Then you can help everyone disassemble the Snake Hair Type 5."

"By the way, what's her name?"

Bai Chen suddenly remembered that he still didn't know her name.

A trace of confusion appeared on the face of the statue.

In the dark, countless prehistoric ancestors knelt at her feet, shouting her name.

The next moment, a group of shocking shadows appeared in the bottomless ocean without a trace of light.

Countless erect pupils lit up the abyss.

The memory of the statue Stitched Monster suddenly became turbid.

"I, I don't know what my name is."

She covered her head and fell straight in front of Bai Chen.

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