I can summon myself

Chapter 309 The price of underestimating the ancient gods is...

"Two Twolegs!"

"A hybrid dragon!"

"There is also a shadow demon!"

The scarlet in Fury of the Arctic Circle's eyes turned into substance because it smelled the divine essence of the ancient underwater city on Old Huang and Er Huang.

"You are actually its helpers?"

The Fury of the Arctic Circle let out an earth-shattering roar.

"Help your horse!"

Along with the weird mechanical sound, the violent psychic energy behind Fury of the Arctic Circle disappeared.

The energy octopus head that was brighter than the sun dimmed instantly.

Instead, a statue hundreds of meters high rose from the deep ocean behind the Serpent 5. This was the mysterious statue that opened up a sky for the ancient underwater city.

The energy octopus head injected all the energy into the statue from the air. As it gradually dissipated, the head of the statue lit up with a divine light.

"Back in time and space."

Countless mysterious inscriptions washed down from the head of the statue.

A giant curtain suddenly appeared on the statue's body.

On the giant screen is Bai Chen's ultra-high-definition recording of archeology in the ancient underwater city.

Fast forward to when Bai Chen dug up the god-level essence inside the statue and left behind a pile of highly toxic feed fillings.

The fury of the Arctic Circle suddenly dawned.

These two-legged beasts are not the helpers of the suture monster in the ancient underwater city at all. Instead, they are probably the masterminds behind this divine war.

Then, sonar that exuded an incomparably seductive smell was fished out of the sea by the invisible power emitted by the statues, and they felt the smell of fake letter cards on the surface of these man-made objects that looked like they were made by two-legged beasts.

The big heart of Fury of the Arctic Circle suddenly sprouted clumps of ominous red hair.

This is a sign of extreme rage.


"You damn little bugs, how dare you play with me!"

The big eyes of the Fury of the Arctic Circle are full of tyranny that destroys everything.

The majestic and emotional ancient god, the ruler of the past who played with the creatures of an era in his hands.

He was actually fooled around by a group of bipedal beasts like Bai Chen who were hiding in the snake-haired Type 5 and couldn't even fly physically.

Not only was he seriously injured by the explosion of a bunch of his special packages, but he was also led by his trap to the innocent seabed ancient city's Stitch Monster territory to have a bloody battle with it.

What does it mean to deceive God too much? This is deceiving God too much.

The red hair on Fury of the Arctic Circle extends in all directions with it as the center.

In an instant, a giant net that could cover the sky was formed, covering Lao Huang and the other four heaven-defying myths.

The Stitches statue shines brightly.

Endless mysterious text gushed out from the inside of its body. These text were connected end to end to form psychic tentacles made purely of matrices.

Baring his teeth and claws, he blocked the escape route of the snake-haired Type 5.

With the strange spiritual energy emanating from the psychic tentacles.

The hidden snake-haired Type 5 was swept out of the air by the ancient god of suture who used the statue as his new body.

"I just said, how can the ancient gods be so easy to deal with?"

"I can't wait to pick up the bargains. Now I'm fooling myself."

"So what about the four heaven-defying myths? Even the ancient gods with two serious injuries are not something your dealer can handle."

"Underestimating the price of the ancient gods is a dead end!"

The bespectacled woman's gloating voice echoed in the genius center conference room, which was made eerily quiet by this shocking turn of events.

"Be prepared to collect their corpses, if these two ancient gods will be merciful and leave them their corpses."

Wu Qingmei's clone couldn't bear it any longer. She strode towards the girl with glasses: "Are you still a human?"

Fang Ziqiang and others also rolled up their sleeves. At such a critical moment, not only did the bespectacled girl not only think of nothing to do, but she also made sarcastic remarks to add insult to injury?

Archaeologists can't stand it either.

The bespectacled woman took off her wooden-framed glasses.

A red-haired flame elf with pointed ears and facial patterns appeared in front of Wu Qingmei's clone.

"I'm not a human being."

A layer of armor composed of flames instantly appeared on the flame elf's body.

The Awakened One, the Controller, the Titled Legend, finally stabilized at the level of the 23rd level of the Controller.

At this time, the statue suddenly sniffed.

"Embers, the smell of Balrog's embers."

"Oh no, there's still the smell of the Ember Land."

The mechanical sound was filled with excitement.

"The place of embers that can bring the flame demon to nirvana?"

The fury of the Arctic Circle's big eyes sparkled.

This pair of complementary treasures can not only restore its injuries, but also allow it to return to its peak.

"Deal with them, and then do it half the time."

Stitches and Arctic Fury made an agreement as soon as they spoke.

"The Fire Demon Embers and the Land of Embers?"

The flame elf jumped three feet high.

For them who were born in flames.

This is also a holy place that you can only dream of.

"It's a pity that no matter how good the territory is, it has become a trophy for these two ancient gods."

"Your dealer is so stupid!"

"As I said before, how could the ancient gods tell the winner so quickly?"

"Don't act rashly until you're sure they're breathing their last breath."

"But you dealers are better."

“When you see them fighting, you can’t wait to take advantage.”

"You have seen the result."

"The ancient god Stitch pretended to self-destruct, and you, the dealer, were completely fooled."

"The Embers of the Fire Demon, and the Land of Embers."

"Such a wonderful place will soon become the trophy of the two ancient gods."

"Not only can they recover after getting this land, but they may even return to the level of their former overlords."

"Genius Center, East Earth Psychic Association, you are in big trouble this time!"

"Two ancient gods who have treasures but are hostile to you are at the end of your route!"

"Zhou Wangu, call their big boss and tell him to ask for help from the City of All Spirits immediately!"

The Flame Elf spoke out her opinion like a machine gun.

"In short, they are dead!"

One Arctic Circle Fury can make Long Hantian and other heaven-defying myths become lambs to be slaughtered.

Now two ancient gods are facing four heaven-defying myths such as Lao Huang.

She really can't see any chance of the dealer at the Genius Center to turn the tables.

Zhou Wangu picked up the phone again.

At this time, the transparent shell of the Snake Hair 5 fuselage garden opened.

Bai Chen walked into the garden.

Swish, whether it was the big eyeballs of the Arctic Circle Fury or the divine eyes on the head of the statue, they instantly locked him.

This two-legged beast is the leader who dominates everything in the time travel.

"Have you thought about how to die?"

The mechanical voice of the stitched monster is undisguised cruelty.

"Two-legged beast leader, I will grind you to ashes!"

The scarlet in the big eyeballs flashed.

"Angry fool, leave your god-level essence and then kill yourself. I will leave your anger seed and give you a chance to be reborn under my nose."

The red hair of the Arctic Circle's anger turned into countless question marks.

"As for you, the stitched monster."

"Hand over the god-level essence, hand over the divine enlightenment, and consciously reduce your level to the initial stage of the controller, and I will give you a chance to be a coolie."

Bai Chen said lightly.

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