I can summon myself

Chapter 308 This Road is Impassable

"You're saying that your mysterious dealer has not been optimistic about the plan of our City of All Souls to form a group to kill gods in the name of being reasonable from the beginning?"

Zhou Wangu stammered after learning that the Fury of the Arctic Circle had already fought with the stitching monster in the ancient city under the sea.


The myth-defying boss of the Genius Center spread his hands.

They also didn't expect that Bai Chen would predict the ending before the slaughter of the gods even started.

The Eastern Earth Psionics Association, the Genius Center, relied on the carefully designed plan of the foreign aid team of the City of All Souls. Not only did they not succeed in KOing the troublesome Arctic Circle Wrath as they thought, but they were instead eaten by the other side with the help of billions of live broadcasts. Gua Gua's mood clouded them.

If it hadn't been for classmate Bai Chen who turned the tide at the most critical moment and used a special express to divert the anger of the Arctic Circle.

As the leader, Dongtu will not only be embarrassed this time, but will also directly lose more than twenty heaven-defying myths, a large number of titled legends, and geniuses such as Long Yi and Han Feng.

This will be a bruising loss.

Fortunately, classmate Bai Chen, who they deliberately excluded from the God-Slaying Plan, once again performed the miracle of mending the cracks in the sky with one hand.

Not only at critical moments, but also in a way that is beyond the imagination of these myth-defying powerhouses, justice rains down from the subspace.

He also succeeded in diverting the wrath of the Arctic Circle to the seam-shaped ancient god in the ancient city under the sea according to his plan.

Now, with Lao Huang, Er Huang, Hai Hu and his wife, Wu Qingmei, Wang Da Chong, and all the soy sauce people from Yanyu Academy, they arrived at the battlefield where the two gods were shopping, and they were ready to bring the oriole behind, the ancient god. Eat both.

The bosses at the Genius Center all apologized in their hearts for underestimating Bai Chen.

Now they can only move the small bench and shout 66666 in front of the live broadcast of Wu Qingmei's clone.

"A suture monster that is five hundred kilometers high and has an ancient underwater city that is hundreds of kilometers above its head."

"It's hard to imagine what a magnificent battle this was."

"I really want to go to the scene in person and pick up the corpses under the leadership of the dealer."

Fang Ziqiang and other archaeologists' faces were filled with relief and joy.

Even as the profession closest to mystery in the age of psychic energy.

They have never seen such a terrifying giant creature with a size of 500 kilometers in their lives.

Not to mention, it is a stitched ancient god composed of many elements such as an octopus head, half a face of a prehistoric human, metal tentacles, aliens, weird statues, etc.

Fang Ziqiang wished he could teleport directly to the snake-haired Type 5, and follow the miraculous classmate Bai Chen, the indescribable and indescribable mysterious classmate Bai Chen, waiting for the final harvest.

"Isn't it too early for them to go over now?"

The female researcher with glasses raised objections.

"Even if there is a winner between the two titled legends, if it is not an instant kill with a huge gap, it will not be something that can be over in a short time."

"Not to mention the two ancient gods?"

"If both of them were in full strength, they might be able to kill instantly. But in the current situation, one is the severely injured Fury of the Arctic Circle, and the other is the forcibly resuscitated Stitch Monster. Even if they are both weak and desperate, they may not be able to do it now. Decide the winner.”

The big guys looked at the bespectacled woman who looked unconvinced with a half-smile, and said nothing.

Wu Qingmei's avatar was a muscular girl, and she spoke like an old hermaphrodite: "Oh, it turns out that you, the City of All Souls, understand the ancient gods better than the dealer."

Zhou Wangu's old face turned blood red.

The bespectacled woman and the researchers from the City of All Spirits had the urge to explode and spiral into the sky.

These words are really hurtful.

Wasn't it because their plan failed and the dealer's backhand succeeded?

As for being so weird?

"Your dealer is so awesome, why don't you just use his plan?"

"What are you doing with our City of All Souls?"

"That's right, that's right."

Not only was the girl with glasses unconvinced, Zhou Wangu also glared at the big bosses with the Genius Center's very unkind, cheating eyes this time, demanding an explanation.

The big guys looked slightly red.

You can't tell these people that classmate Bai Chen was a miracle before, but in the final analysis, he was just a newcomer at the level of an awakener.

They simply did not believe that he could intervene in a battle at the level of an ancient god.

But the fact now is that Bai Chen not only intervened in this battle with everything under control, but also used the Fury of the Arctic Circle as his remote control tool, the Ancient God, and successfully guided it to the first enemy on the extinct volcanic island that he really wanted to deal with. Target the territory of the sea monsters in the ancient underwater city and let them fight.

The big guys really can’t answer this question.

At this time, Wu Qingmei's clone came to the scene, finally freeing the bosses from the unexplainable embarrassment.

"Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, Arctic Fury's heart beats faster than a high-powered motor."

"The Stitch Monster's body is shrinking rapidly, and it is burning its essence."

"The group of black statues suddenly turned green?"

Wu Qingmei pointed at the snake-haired type 5 with an inexplicable expression on his face, which was facing the half body of the strange ancient god being sewn together.

"Toxic substance detected."

"Neurotoxin detected."

"A large amount of volatile biological gas has been detected."

Sally said on the big screen.


The old wizard laughed.

"It's done. The feed we left for the Stitch Monster in the ancient underwater city during our previous archeology has taken effect."

"We don't know whether it has become stronger, but we can be sure that it has really turned green."

In the cabin, Wang Botang and other seniors who participated in the archaeological operation were dancing with excitement.

The secret feed that was absolutely not suitable for living creatures to eat when the god-level essence was taken away finally came into play at this moment.

The stitched monster in front of him became staggering and sluggish under the green stain.

"Rage, you are plotting against me?"

The stitched monster roared.

"You are worthy of me to plot against you?"

How could the fury of the Arctic Circle miss such a godsend opportunity.

Confirmed that the stitched monster was not pretending.

It rushed decisively to the body on one side of the statue.

The big eyeball on the heart was like an unscientific electromagnetic cannon.

The angry light column condensed with blood-colored light shattered the side of the stitched monster's body.

"You forced me to do this."

"Let's die together."

The ancient underwater city on the stitched monster's head turned into dust.

Then half of its human face and the side of the statue disappeared, and then all the metal tentacles followed the half of the human face and condensed into an energy that made the world tremble.

The remaining half of the octopus head shrank rapidly.

Finally, it became an energy octopus head composed of pure energy, the same size as the Arctic Circle's Fury, as big as a football field.

The energy octopus head that was forcibly gathered together flashed an extremely dangerous light on the surface.

The cracks on it kept expanding.

It looked like it could explode at any time.

"Haha, I'm not a fool."

The Arctic Circle's Fury chuckled and turned around and ran away.

The teardrop-shaped Snake Hair Type 5 showed up.

"This road is blocked."

Old Huang, Er Huang, and the Sea Beard couple walked out of the aircraft one after another.

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