I can summon myself

Chapter 305 Beautiful Fireworks

When dozens of power symbols spraying orange flames flew forward in an indomitable manner towards the black hole that opened in the subspace.

No. 5 Shenyang Market, every Eastern native who witnessed their heroic appearance felt their hearts surge.

"What beautiful fireworks."

Yu Zhou looked intoxicated.

"Even in the age of psychic energy, I still prefer these extra-large firecrackers."

"Men will remain young until they die, and men like older ones."

When the packages delivered by the Cloud Whale Express rushed into the subspace, all the missing people stared blankly at the symbols of power streaking across the sky.


"How come there is such an ancient killing weapon that only exists in archeology?"

"It's over. Have we traveled back to ancient times?"

The onlookers at the Imperial Capital Sky Eye were panicking to death.

At this time, a harsh cell phone ringtone sounded in the conference room of the Genius Center.

Zhou Wangu subconsciously pressed the answer button, and the gentle voice of the rotating boss of the Dongtu Psychic Association came from the phone's microphone: "Mr. Zhou, do you have anything to do with me?"

"Get ready for battle. Once the Ancient Gods of the Arctic Circle destroy the Reasoning Team, you in the East must send the highest level request for help to the City of All Souls."

"When the ancient gods are born, there must be blood and light..."

Zhou Wangu suddenly paused.

"Wait, what is this?"

The bespectacled female researcher and her colleagues from the City of All Souls collectively stood up from their workstations.

On the Genius Center's global live broadcast screen, a short, thick metal object with orange flames spouting from its tail appeared in the direction of the Arctic subspace.

Then the second, the third, the tenth, the twentieth, the fiftieth.

In the end, a total of seventy-five greetings from Bai Chen crossed thousands of mountains and rivers and struck at the heart of the ancient god at an unimaginable speed.

“So the ancient god’s true form looks like this?”

"It seems that this ancient god must be made up of the resentment of these ancient intercontinental missiles that have never been launched from their birth to their destruction."

"The disaster of blood and light is indeed a disaster of blood and light. Look at how thick and large the diameter is, and how many of them cover the sky. They must look great when they explode."

The myth-defying bosses at the Genius Center breathed a sigh of relief, and even began to sarcasticly.

Before the live broadcast, the billionaires who were worried about the fate of Long Hantian and others had their eyes widened.

They kept rubbing their eyes.

"What the hell is this?"

"The ancient god's new trick?"

"Why do I think it looks similar to the Dongfeng Express, Militia Express, and Baiyang Express in the museum?"

"The speed is too fast."

"Can anyone tell me why there is such a weird fire-breathing machine in the era of psychic energy?"

If the vast majority of people who don’t know what an intercontinental missile is are just shocked and puzzled by the group of specially-made packages that come at high speed.

Then Long Hantian and other heaven-defying mythical powerhouses at the scene immediately felt the labels of heaven appearing on these things.




"When will we, the Old Ones, stand up again?"

"What a great tonic, come quickly to this bowl."

"Come on, come on, become a part of me."

Somehow, a strange statue with a bunch of legs appeared in the consciousness of Long Hantian and others.

"you wanna die!"

His heart suddenly shrank, and along with the roaring roar, the world of the North Pole was shaking and trembling at this moment.


A trace of doubt flashed across Long Hantian's ferocious Dongfang Long's face.

For some reason, the rattling sounds from these big firecrackers seemed quite familiar to him.

Illusive ancient beasts jumped out from the surface of the heart.

They are connected end to end, layer upon layer, using their bodies to set up one barrier after another between the heart and the package group that is already in front of them.

"That's it?"

The corner of Bai Chen's mouth raised a mocking arc.

Bai Chen, the ancient god's cleaner, specializes in cleaning up and recycling all kinds of old rulers, some of which are defense-breaking methods.

"God-breaking cone."

As the missile head fairing, which was burned black by the high temperature, peeled off by itself.

One by one, pointed cones flashing with cold light and resembling needles appeared in the live broadcast footage.

These are engraved with the god-level essence provided by the ancient city under the sea, and are sharp cones composed of universal shield-breaking matrices.

Effortlessly breaking through the layers of defense carefully constructed by the heart.

Bai Chen snapped his fingers.

Although there is still quite a distance between the heart itself, but in the deafening explosion.

Blossoming blue "fireworks" bloom in front of the heart.

Countless Bai Chen's secret small projectiles, as fine as dust but indestructible, swept towards the heart like an endless metal storm.

Blood flashed.

The six translucent heaven-defying myths displayed their unique skills during their lifetime.

The heart body also burst out with a force that made the world tremble and directly tore apart the space, trying to sweep Bai Chen's secret small projectiles into the space cracks.

However, it was of no use.

When the first wave of small secret pellets is shot into the heart body.

Bai Chen turned to Lao Huang, Er Huang, and Haibeard and his wife and said, "Get ready, it's our turn."

Lao Huang and Er Huang subconsciously raised their heads: "Is this the end?"

"No, this is the beginning."

Bai Chen said lightly.


The heart was ignited by the secret small projectile.

Although compared to its huge body with a diameter of one kilometer.

The blue flame ignited by the small projectile was pitifully small.

But when the first ray of blue flame rose from its surface.

Billions of people seemed to be hit by a hammer in their hearts at the same time at this moment, and they covered their chests with their teeth bared.

"It hurts, it hurts!"

"My heart is going to break."

Even Zhou Wangu, a legend against the sky, felt a pain that pierced his soul.

Waves of blue flames rose on the surface of the scarlet heart.

The blue light suppressed the blood color.

It was like a little starlight, spreading and spreading in the blood color.

Long Hantian and others were surprised to find that the blood power that suppressed them and made them unable to move disappeared.

The reasonable team regained control of themselves.

Boom, boom, boom, boom.

The heart beat very fast, and every time it beat.

Its volume shrank by one point.

The global live broadcast was interrupted.

The big screen in front of billions of people turned black.

"My heart doesn't hurt anymore."

"It's like something disappeared from my body."

The revived people were surprised.

"It took back all its power."

Zhou Wangu said firmly.

"Then Mr. Zhou, do we still need to start the war preparation now?"

The gentle voice of the big boss came from the phone.

Zhou Wangu's old face suddenly turned red.

Although he didn't understand what these beautiful blue fireworks were.

But from the results, it was not the ancient god's body as he expected, but more like a backhand from a dealer who finally came online.

"I don't know, you should ask the Genius Center."

Zhou Wangu's lowered eyebrows and raised eyes made everyone in the Genius Center feel extremely happy.

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