I can summon myself

Chapter 304 Live Broadcast: Talking Reason to the Ancient God VI

Every time the heart contracts, the scarlet color in the sky dims a little.

When the sky returns to its azure color, the phantoms of countless ancient creatures twist, ferocious, roar, and unwillingly turn into countless fragments and are sucked into the heart.

Their statues suddenly appear on the surface of the heart.

Then, Van Zick and the other six heaven-defying myths exploded into blood mists on the spot, and also followed the phantoms to become part of this heart.

A vertical pupil as big as a skyscraper grows out of the heart.

As the eyelids open.

A red light shoots out from the blood-colored eyeballs and covers the entire team of reasoning.

Long Hantian and other heaven-defying myths are shocked to find that they have lost control of themselves in an instant.

"Little two-legged beasts, today I will show you what happens when you piss off this Old One."

"Marquee? RGB? Shaman dance?"

"You ridiculous bugs, what do you think of me? Do you think I'm a fool who can be scared away by making fun of me?"

Even though they were separated by the Internet, billions of people who were watching the show clearly felt the ancient god's fury after being teased.

At this moment, it felt to everyone that it was completely enraged by the funny behavior of Long Hantian and others.

"It doesn't make sense, it's not scientific."

"This must be a fake ancient god."

The confused white old man staggered and almost fell from the rooftop.

The smile on Fang Ziqiang's face froze, replaced by a coldness rising from his tailbone.

The genius center's mythical bigwigs all looked at Wu Qingmei's clone, and everyone's eyes were filled with the strangeness of Bai Chen asking for an explanation.

The mood of Zhou Wangu and his researchers was like a roller coaster, up and down.

What's going on?

This ancient god was not weakened as expected, but was irritated?

Plop, plop, plop.

Accompanied by the ancient god's increasingly rapid heartbeat.

Long Hantian and other heaven-defying myths felt that their power, their spirit, and everything about them began to break in this heartbeat.

At this time, Bai Chen snapped his fingers.

"Sally, let's start."


The entire dead volcano island shook.

Rocks peeled off from the huge body of the dead volcano and fell.

"Sir Bai Chen, the volcano is about to erupt!"

The public channel heard the anxious roar of Yu Zhou, the leader of the No. 5 Deep Ocean Market, who was hiding in the south of the dead volcano island.

"Look, fireworks."

Bai Chen's faint voice had just fallen.

A colorful spiritual energy beam of light gushed out from the inside of the dead volcano.

The people of the No. 5 Deep Ocean Market saw this gorgeous, dazzling, eye-catching light beam like a colorful neon, rising straight up to the sky from the center of the dead volcano island like a sharp sword.

"It's our turn."

The cloud whales swimming around the dead volcano island swooped down from all directions.

The black-headed cloud whale leader, who led the way, was the first to rush into the light column.

As the cloud whales entered one by one.

The unique flash of the psychic black iron plate appeared in the light column.

At this moment, the people of the No. 5 Deep Ocean Market, who had already floated to the surface of the sea, found that after being reflected by the black iron plates on the cloud whales of the large group of cloud whales.

This light column, which was 90 degrees from the sea surface, became parallel to the sea.

The cloud whales in the light, under Sally's deployment, became cloud whale reflectors, and they quickly, accurately, and effectively refracted the ember energy erupted from the dead volcano island into the subspace.

"What is this?"

Yu Zhou screamed.

"Super-scale space psychic fluctuations detected."

"The subspace barrier is rapidly collapsing..."

Under the powerful output of the psychic light column of the dead volcano island, the subspace closest to the dead volcano island began to fall apart from the outer layer.

A huge black hole appeared in the sight of the crowd at the No. 5 Deep Ocean Market.

At the same time, the space controller on a transport plane that had lost contact for a long time in the subspace suddenly jumped up from his seat.

"Discovered the space psychic fluctuation."

"Direction, the direction is..."

Before he finished speaking, a colorful light poured into the subspace.

Even though it was far away, the professors of the Imperial Capital Sky Eye on the transport plane could still see it clearly.

"Subspace anomaly, we found the subspace anomaly."

The space controller of the Imperial Capital Sky Eye rushed into the cockpit like crazy and turned on the full-area broadcast at the maximum power.

The colorful light crossed the sky of the subspace, like a rainbow from the sky, hanging high in the sky of the subspace.

"Sally, increase the output."

Bai Chen said lightly.


"We have penetrated the Lost Contact Zone from the subspace of the Dead Volcano Island."

"It is expected that the subspace barrier will be broken through in thirty seconds."

At this time, Krao led the armored cloud whale express delivery team to fly out of the cloud.

Each team of cloud whales controlled a short, thick, black, heavy, but righteous special package, and aimed it at the entrance of the black hole.

"Oh my God."

"Use cloud whales to launch intercontinental missiles?"

"The one who came up with this idea is really a little genius."

"Is Lord Bai Chen ready to enter the subspace?"

The people at the No. 5 Deep Ocean Market looked at the sky.

They were flushed and shrouded in excitement.

Yu Zhou, who was blessed with a heart, couldn't help trembling, and he felt that he was about to witness history.

And at this moment.

Long Hantian and others, who were about to collapse due to the heart of the ancient god, felt their heartbeats, which had been accelerating, suddenly slowed down.

The big eyeball on the heart suddenly looked towards the subspace behind it.

An unprecedented space fluctuation appeared on the bottom of the Arctic Ocean where the subspace was located.

There was a light click.

It was as if something was pierced.

Colorful and brilliant light gushed out from the bottom of the sea.

"It's over, it's over, it's over!"

In the meeting room of the Genius Center, Zhou Wangu used "it's over" three times in a row to express his frustration at the moment.

"When the ancient god awakens, there will be a shocking phenomenon."

"This colorful light that lights up the sky of the Arctic Circle like a rainbow is the scene caused by the awakening of the ancient god."

"To be honest, the team is finished."

"They will be the first meal of the officially awakened ancient god."

Zhou Wangu bowed his head and stamped his feet.

The researchers of the City of All Spirits were also like bereaved parents, with sad faces.

"When the ancient gods awaken, there will be blood."

"This time, the blood is from more than 20 of our human beings who defy the heavens, plus a large number of titled legends, and geniuses who should have had unlimited prospects."

"Even Long Yi, who is admired by the City of All Spirits, will become its food."

The female researcher with glasses glared at the bigwigs of the Genius Center.

She choked up and said, "Where is your dealer?"

"Where is your dealer who hides his head and shows his tail and is worthless?"

"Where is his back hand? Where is his amulet?"

"The reasonable team composed of the elites of all mankind is about to be wiped out. Where is your dealer?"

Bai Chen on the dead volcano island picked up the microphone: "Fire!"

Then came Sally's mechanical voice: "Fire!"

Krao rushed forward to the black hole and roared, "Fire!"

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