I can summon myself

Chapter 295 Hedria's Parents

Twenty thousand meters above the ancient underwater city.

A fiery red crab, like a big crab just fished out of a steamer, was quietly suspended in the thundering cumulonimbus clouds.

It has a man and a woman standing on its back, which is about twenty square meters in size.

The man is about two meters tall, with a thick and round body covered with dense blue scales.

He has a Chinese character face and is covered with beards.

The woman was about 1.9 meters tall, and her whole body was shrouded in a shadow that cut off all light.

"There's one here too."

The bearded man pointed to the sea at his feet, his thick eyebrows as thick as a little finger squeezed into a line.

"The intersection of worlds has greatly stimulated many of the old rulers."

A sigh came from the shadows.

"Hey, what is that?"

Even though he was 20,000 meters above the ground, the bearded man standing on the edge of the crab carapace still saw a metallic reflection on the sea surface.

Just when he was about to go down and see what happened.

Suddenly, he looked towards the southern sky with a feeling.

I saw a high-speed flying saucer for both passenger and cargo flying over from the cumulonimbus clouds over there.

Through the transparent cockpit glass.

They immediately spotted Hedelia sitting in the driver's seat.

"It's this damn crab again. Dad, Mom, can't you change your mount?"

The blue-skinned girl's disgusted voice came from the flying saucer.

The bearded man and the shadowed woman looked at each other with confusion in each other's eyes.

"Good girl, don't you like to travel on the back of the heir of Basatan?"

"Why do you feel so disgusted today?"

The red-skinned crab raised its small eyes, and its black eyes were filled with grievances.

"If you don't bombard, you can't carve a special reconnaissance matrix, you can't create mirage fog, and you can't blow up fish."

"The most important thing is that I can't play games."

Hydelia's flying saucer hovered next to the couple.

The hatch opened.

The bearded man walked into the flying saucer.

The size of the red-skinned crab shrank rapidly, and finally turned into a mini version the size of a fingernail, and got into the shadows surrounding the shadow girl.

"Dad, Mom, sit down, I'll go down first."

While Hydelia greeted her parents, she controlled the high-speed flying saucer and plunged directly below.

As the altitude dropped to three thousand meters.

Little red dots appeared on the big screen in front of her.

The bearded man took a closer look and saw that the positions of these little red dots were exactly the same as the metal reflections he had seen before.

"What is this?"

he asked curiously.

"Sonar beacon."

Hydelia adjusted the flying saucer to hover mode and stood up from the driving seat.

"Dad, do me a favor and put these cards on these sonars."

She took out a pile of fake cards made of dragon bone.

The bearded man followed Hydelia and flew out of the flying saucer.

An hour later, Hydelia, who affixed fake letter cards to all the sonar in the ancient underwater city area, completed the task.

"The Misty Rain Academy you are talking about must have known for a long time that there is an ancient god here."

A determined voice came from the shadows.

"Yes, this ancient god was captured by Boss Bai Chen as soon as he let out a strange sigh under the stimulation of subspace spiritual energy."

Haidelia, who had activated the automatic return mode, told her parents about Bai Chen's great achievements.

"Cloud Whale allies built an extinct volcanic island, captured a mirage dragon, and even went to the ancient god's lair for archaeology?"

"This classmate Bai Chen is amazing."

"Could he be Nambo Wan, one of the young humans in the East who was used by the East-Tu Genius Center to compete with Long Yi?"

The bearded man looked thoughtful.

Thinking about it, the proud Dongtu Nitian mythology, although they say that humans and dragons are equal, in fact they definitely don't want to see Long Yi, who has the blood of humans and dragons, monopolizing the talent list for three times as a dragon girl.

They will secretly cultivate Dongtu peers who can compete with her.

At the moment, Bai Chen is probably an Eastern genius who came from the hands of the old antiques in the Genius Center.

Otherwise, how could it be possible to achieve these great achievements that can be considered significant even from the perspective of a powerful person who defies mythology?

Compared with these big news made by Bai Chen.

But the Shadow Girl cared more about the unabashed admiration on Hydlia's face.

Her mind moved: "What does Bai Chen look like? Does he have a girlfriend? What does he think of you?"

Hydelia was confused by the questions she received from her old mother's soul.

She didn't understand what this had to do with the God of Slaughter?

The bearded man turned his head and looked at his wife in disbelief: "Are you crazy? How old is a good girl? According to your bloodline, it will take at least three hundred years for her to reach adulthood."

"According to what the good girl said, it will definitely not be a problem for this classmate Bai Chen to become a high-level controller. Three hundred years are just enough time for us to get to know each other."

"If it is really that outstanding, according to the rules of the Dongtu Psionics Association, the more outstanding you are, the more you have to bear the responsibility of breeding. If we don't start early, in three hundred years, this classmate Bai Chen will have his grandson's grandson."

The shadow woman said seriously.

"But we haven't met Bai Chen yet, and it's too early to say this now."

The bearded man said speechlessly.

"Your and my opinions don't matter, what matters is the opinion of a good girl."

The couple looked at Hedelia sharply.

Hydria gave them a big eye roll in return.

"I don't want to lay an egg and have it eaten by Sally."

The man with the cheeks has black question marks all over his face.

"Who is Sally? Bai Chen's girlfriend?"

The shadow girl looked at Hydria with a serious face.

Eating dragon eggs, that sounds amazing.

"Sally is Sally, Sally is a mechanical girl."

"Chicken Crab Chicken? There are such creatures on Earth?"

The couple was confused, and the UFO arrived at the airspace where the dead volcano island was located.

"Sally, open the door."

Hydria shouted.

The couple immediately felt a spiritual energy sweeping through the UFO.

A green cursor suddenly appeared on the empty sea in front of them.

Hydria controlled the UFO to fly towards the cursor that appeared out of thin air.

"Strange, what kind of spiritual energy is this?"

The bearded man scratched his bare head, which was covered with scales like his body.

He was a great legend who could not analyze the properties of the cursor.

The shadow girl was lost in thought by a familiar atmosphere around the dead volcano island.

The scene in front of them suddenly changed.

The rows of cylinders that appeared in their sight and looked up to the sky attracted their attention at once.


The bearded man who graduated from the Archaeology Department of the top university in the East recognized the identity of these cylinders at a glance.

"Before the psychic era, this thing called intercontinental missile was one of the most powerful weapons of mankind."

"The literature records that a Tsar warhead with a yield of 100 million can be comparable to the full force of an entry-level mythical strongman."

"But, that's not right."

"Now these are much smaller than the big firecrackers in the archaeological data."

"Is this student Bai Chen going to run to the Arctic Circle to launch a close-range attack on the other side of the Arctic Circle?"

The bearded man looked puzzled.

"In space, the distance between two points is zero."

Hydria curled her lips.

My father is really ignorant.

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