I can summon myself

Chapter 294 Third Party

The bottom of the Bering Strait, which was once quiet and empty, is now more lively than a wet market.

A group of deep-ocean creatures who started their legendary journey gathered at the entrance to the Arctic Circle.

The powerful spiritual energy fluctuations on their bodies illuminated the dark seabed into daylight.

The weak indigenous people hid in various gaps and secretly watched these deep ocean bosses with awe and fear.

Even the most irritable crabs can only watch these deep-ocean bosses sweep away all the food near the entrance with sullen eyes that dare not express their anger.

Suddenly, a rhythmic sound came from the sea water.

The deep ocean bosses raised their heads one after another.

The large, colorful eyes collectively looked towards the south.

"Wow la la la~~~."

"When the stars return, the great murloc lord Anduin will awaken from his eternal sleep."

"The holy light will illuminate the dark abyss, and the fish-men sea patrollers will rule this blue planet together with the holy light."

"Praise Anduin, praise the Light."

"Wow la la la~~~."

A team of fishmen covered with various aquatic creatures swam from the south.

Under the malicious gaze of all kinds of big eyes, he swaggered past.

"Holy Light?"

"Are these fishmen filled with seaweed in their heads?"

"It doesn't look like these guys are destined to be connected with the Holy Light."

The big guys in the deep ocean all looked at the white old fish man who occupied a large area at the entrance.

The old fish-man, whose whole body was shrouded in the aura of death, and every part of his body was rotten and cracked, slowly took out an ancient fish-man scroll made of dried big eyeball skin.

Feel the remnants of the ancient god-level old rulers from the ancient scrolls.

The greed in the eyes of all kinds of big eyes disappeared a lot in an instant.

The old fish man opened the ancient scroll as if he was unaware of it.

After some searching, I finally found the name of Anduin, the Lord of Holy Light.

"Anduin, the Light Diver."

"The clergy is good at cheating, stealing, and mind stealing."

"How can it be considered dirty when it comes to the Holy Light?"

"Like the sky-stealing Valeera, the just-shoot-it-all Rexxar, and the technology lord Malfurion, they are all one of the ancient overlords of the Deep One lineage."

A black light burst out from the old fish man's turbid dead fish eyes.

The black ray fell on this group of fish-men sea patrollers.

These fishmen spoke in all directions.

"King Mogo Mogo, the Holy Light will punish you!"

"Take turns on the throne. Come to my house today."

"Eat, sleep and beat Ao Twelve."

"Anduin, my love, when this fish gets power from the Arctic Circle, I will definitely wake you up from your long sleep."

"Holy Light, give me a two-legged beast that can cook fish."

The messy ideals of these fishmen gave the big-eyed people a chill.

There was also a hint of impatience in the eyes of the old fishman and dead fish.

The black light that bound the fish-man sea patroller disappeared.

As if nothing had happened, these first and second level murlocs continued to make noises and dived into the entrance to the Arctic Circle.

However, what neither these titled legends nor this group of sea patrols knew was that the five Deep Ocean Defying Myths who were also hiding in the shadows above the entrance had watched this scene from beginning to end.

"Is this the fourteenth or fifteenth wave of fishmen?"

"Together with other strange deep-ocean natives, there are already more than 800 deep-ocean creatures, attracted by the strange sigh emanating from the Arctic Circle into his domain."

"Although there are not many in number, there are many such as crocodiles with six legs, giant sharks with three pairs of shark fins, and soft bodies that are four to five hundred meters long."

"Over time, the more rations it gets, the more it learns about the current Earth and the faster it recovers."

"Although the deep ocean is large, it cannot tolerate the return of the ancient rulers of the ancient god level."

"What do the Heaven-defying Myths of the Eastern Earth Genius Center want to do? Do they really want to reason with that ancient god?"

The shadows merge into one.

The five deep ocean-defying myths showed their true appearance.

Two Eastern dragons, a hybrid of a Western sea dragon and an ancient dragon, a black crab as deep as the thickest night, and a giant naga with a snake tail and a crown of thorns.

"Dongfang Longting, do you have any suggestions?"

The hybrid dragon from the Deep Ocean Dragon Court spoke.

"The Old God must die."

The two Eastern dragons, one green and one green, have surprisingly consistent attitudes.

"The Arctic Circle has no room for the resurrected ancient gods."

The black crab's blue eyes exuded a bone-chilling chill that could freeze everything.

"No Old God is welcome to the Naga."

The giant naga danced with the trident in his hand.

"Our Deep Ocean Dragon Court's opinion is also the same."

The hybrid dragon was very pleased with their attitude.

"Where are your relatives?" One of the emerald-green Eastern dragons looked at the hybrid dragon.

"Those two couples are both daughter slaves. They were summoned by their only daughter Hydelia to some unknown place."

The hybrid dragon said helplessly.

"However, with the Twolegs at the Genius Center sitting in front of twenty or so humans defying the myth, that ancient god in the Arctic Circle should be able to reason with him."

"If that ancient god just goes away, everyone will be happy."

"What if that ancient god wants to use the returning stars to regain his former position as the overlord..."

The eyes of these five deep-sea creatures all showed a look of sending the ancient god to his death.

Just as Bai Chen judged.

Although the earth is big, there is no place for the ancient god-level old rulers.

Want to occupy the territory.

The major forces in the deep ocean were the first to disagree.

The five deep-sea myths who reached an agreement continued to lurk at the entrance of the Bering Strait.

At this time, the ancient god near the subspace on the bottom of the Arctic Ocean watched the first group of fishmen patrolling through the ocean above its head.

"What is your ideal?"

A sound that could not be described in words sounded in the heart of every fishman.

The fake card was activated silently.

"King Mogomogo must pour water for me to wash my feet."

"Chew the best dragon bones and suck the most delicious kelp."

"At my command, 100,000 Walalalas will attack the Deep Ocean Dragon Court."

"Eat, drink, sleep, and play."

The originally cold deep ocean seemed to become even colder.

"What do you believe in?"

"Valila, the thief of heaven and earth."

"Just shoot, Rexxar."

"With the Holy Light in hand, be happy every day."

The voice disappeared, and an invisible force threw the group of murloc patrollers into an ocean current far away from the Arctic Circle, and the murlocs were soon washed out of this sea area.

The subspace was quiet again.

At the same time, the latest global live broadcast data statistics appeared on the big screen in the conference room of the Genius Center headquarters.

"The number of spectators has exceeded three billion."

"The related topic has become a hot topic in the East, sister, and Europe."

"The Heavenly Dao sensor in the City of All Spirits shows that this level of data can completely cover up any intentions of the twenty or so Heaven-defying Myths in our God-Slaying Team against the ancient gods of the Arctic Circle."

"Student Bai Chen would never have thought that we have such a method!"

The Heaven-defying Myths bosses laughed triumphantly.

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