I can summon myself

Chapter 262 Matrix Startup

In the eyes of everyone's expectation, Bai Chen slowly embedded several spiritual energy crystals into the black iron substrate.

As spiritual energy flowed from the crystals into the black iron matrix.

The mirage clouds that had been lingering over the dead volcano island disappeared.

The azure sky, like a huge sapphire, made people feel relaxed and happy.

The long-lost sunshine made everyone warm, and the entire dead volcano island was bathed in the warm sun.

"It's hot."

"Finally, we can bask in the sun."

"Under the mirage clouds, we almost got moldy."

Just as the teachers and students of Yanyu Academy embraced the sun excitedly.

Lao Huang and Er Huang discovered the abnormality at the first time.

"The spiritual energy intensity here has begun to increase significantly."

"Fifty percent is fire spiritual energy, and fifty percent is other spiritual energy!"

"According to this ratio, we should feel burning."

"But now, the whole island gives us only warmth?"

They looked at each other, and each other's eyes were full of doubts.

It shouldn't be.

Fire psychic energy is just like its name, violent is its label.

Up to 50% of fire psychic energy ratio.

Even if the dead volcano island is located in the deep ocean and surrounded by the ocean.

In such an environment, it should be a fiery red.

However, they only felt warmth, not only every cell in their body, but even their souls were surrounded by this warmth.

"Student Bai Chen, why do I feel a surge of vitality?"

The emotionless pharmaceutical machine king, Lord Da Chong, also felt the strangeness of the dead volcano island after the black iron matrix was silently opened.

A majestic vitality emerged from under his feet.

In this volcanic rock land composed of condensed magma, he even felt a stronger vitality than the green forest.

"The environment here is special."

Bai Chen smiled.

"Ga, ga!"

Four naked hairless strange birds fell from the sky and landed accurately beside Bai Chen.

"National, national treasure crested ibis squad?"

Bald Wang Botang's mouth was so wide open that a dragon egg could be stuffed in.

"So much meat, it must be delicious when roasted."

The foodie senior looked at the iron chin without even a feather with shining eyes.

"Why are they like this?"

Mo Qianxing looked at the four national treasures in disbelief.

Zuo Miao even stretched out his finger, wanting to poke.

The four crested ibises hid behind Bai Chen in an instant.

"Seeing that Ao Twelve can absorb the divine essence with his skin."

"They wanted to try it, but they couldn't absorb it after getting all over their feathers."

"So, they plucked their own feathers."

Bai Chen looked helpless.

The four crested ibises looked proud.

The bean-sized little eyes were full of this crested ibise's fierce show-off.

"Ga, ga!"

The four hairless national treasures jumped around in front of Bai Chen excitedly.

They were extremely satisfied with the environment of the dead volcano island at this moment.

"I think I'm going to upgrade."

Mo Qianxing once again felt the breath of the new DNA chain being activated.

"I want to awaken the sixth DNA chain, too!"

Zuo Miao sat cross-legged on the ground in front of everyone.

"I, why do I have to upgrade too?"

Zhu Huan, who was chasing the national treasure team, was full of disbelief in his voice.

"Oh my god, I feel it too."

Wang Botang found that the DNA chain in his body had also entered the awakening process.

The matrix was activated within an hour.

One-tenth of the teachers and students on the dead volcano island felt that their bodies, which had been dormant for many years, showed various signs of awakening again.

Old Huang and Er Huang took a breath of cold air.

Even if there is a god-level essence as a foundation.

But Bai Chen's black iron matrix is ​​too mysterious.

Awaken dozens of people at a time.

When did awakening become as common as eating and drinking?

"Warning, warning."

"The fourteenth tsunami is about to arrive."

Sally's warning sounded in Bai Chen's headset.

"Still the old rules?"

Wu Laoguai looked at Bai Chen.

For three days, the extinct volcano island used a high metal baffle to resist the tsunami from the Arctic Circle.

"No need, the black iron matrix has been opened, and this wave of tsunami can't come in."

Bai Chen said confidently.

At this time, everyone could already see the high waves that were at least four meters high.

"It was only three and a half meters last time, and it became four meters again this time."

"It seems that the battle in the Arctic Circle has not ended yet."

"Ivy League, hum!"

The tsunami hit while speaking.

The four-meter-high waves rushed to the extinct volcano island from a high position.

Just when they were about to hit the coast of the extinct volcano island.

Suddenly split into two.

The power of the Flame Demon Embers and the Embers Land formed an invisible and intangible but real arc-shaped giant curtain through the black iron matrix, protecting the entire extinct volcano island.

As soon as the tsunami hit the invisible giant curtain shield, it was pushed to both sides.

Wave after wave of tsunamis.

Isolated outside the extinct volcano island by the transparent giant curtain.

Until all the tsunamis passed.

The teachers and students on the dead volcano island didn't even get a drop of seawater.

"Too strong!"

"Now we don't have to get up in the middle of the night to put up the metal baffles."

"The product of Bai Chen is really a divine product."

Old Huang and Er Huang looked at each other.

They can also build a psychic matrix that can protect the entire island.

But so far, they have not found any psychic fluctuations, and the arc-shaped giant screen cannot be seen by the naked eye or other detection methods.

This has exceeded their understanding of the defense matrix.

Two whooshes.

The brothers flew out of the dead volcano island.

The moment they flew away from the dead volcano island within a hundred meters.

The entire island disappeared from their sight.

Not only that, even the vigorous psychic fluctuations of the dead volcano island disappeared without a trace.

"In addition to defense, this matrix actually has a concealment function?"

Old Huang and Er Huang used their senses to the extreme.

Until they returned to the dead volcano island.

Only then did they vaguely sense its existence.

"If you don't know there is an island here in advance."

"If you pass by normally from the air or the seabed."

"Even the probability of the anti-sky myth discovering the dead volcano island will not exceed one in a thousand."

The two brothers were both shocked.

When they wanted to enter the dead volcano island.

But they found that they seemed to have hit a wall of air.

No matter how hard they tried, they couldn't break through the defense of the arc-shaped giant screen.

"Bai Chen, can you test the defense capability of your black iron matrix?"

Old Huang, who was interested, picked up the headset and said.

"Okay, please both of you."

"Sally and both of you can test the functions of the black iron matrix together."

Bai Chen handed the test task to the mechanical girl.

When the three clusters completed the daily data collection of the outer subspace and returned to the dead volcano island area.

The commanders found that the dead volcano island shrouded in clouds and mist had disappeared strangely.

Old Huang and Er Huang, the mythical strong men who defied the heavens, were bombarding the empty dead volcano island.


"Meow meow meow meow, where is Yanyu Academy and their dead volcano island?"

"Did we travel through time?"

They were confused.

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