I can summon myself

Chapter 261 I'm so envious

"God-level essence, a resource exclusive to creatures of the heaven-defying mythical level."

"It can comprehensively improve human qualifications. The effect weakens as the level of the person being improved increases. However, even for super controllers of level 20 or above, god-level essence can still help them further improve their qualifications."

"Although the people from the extinct volcano island immediately activated the mirage matrix after discovering that our three clusters were spying on us."

"But there are various signs that the seven-man tool group is definitely not aimless. The Bear bomber has indeed obtained the god-level essence this time."

In the public channel, the commanders of the three major clusters were filled with envy, and their hearts were filled with jealousy.

The Bear bombers were miserable.

But if they could exchange it for god-level essence, the three major clusters would be willing to risk their lives to obtain it.

Judging from the fact that everyone among the left-behind teachers and students had a share, the amount of god-level essence Bai Chen caught this time must be beyond imagination.

"I'm so envious."

"Now I finally understand why three architecture departments responded immediately when the old man Wu said he wanted to be a real brick-moving construction site dog."

"Everyone has a share of treating the god-level essence as a big dish in the cafeteria. If the old monster comes to the Jiangnan or the Gonggong Union and roars, I, Maggie, will be the first to apply for transfer."

Maggie's truth made the teachers and students in Jiangnan District nod their heads.

Isn't it?

Fame, rankings, these ethereal things have no effect at all in front of the god-level essence.

The same goes for teachers and hardware environment.

When you enter the academy and practice in your personal spiritual age, resources are the only core that crushes all other options.

As for the god-level essence, let alone the awakened ones, even most of the controllers will be out of reach in this life.

If Mist and Rain Academy shouts, "Come on, come and get god-level essence distribution with us."

Not to mention Maggie, the students represented by Poppy.

Even on the Jiangnan, the bosses of the major colleges in Jiangnan on the Gonggong Union will probably be upset. Like the three major architecture departments in the past, there will definitely be no shortage of people who went to Yanyu College en masse.

"It's just a god-level essence."

"What I envy the most is that Bai Chen is so generous."

"God-level essence, a peerless treasure that can make people think like fools, is actually shared by all the teachers and students of Yanyu Academy on the extinct volcano island."

Maggie wished she could jump from the Gonggong Complex to the extinct volcano island right now.

Crying and shouting, he knelt down and begged Bai Chen to take him in.

"There are two-legged leaders everywhere these days, but one as generous as Bai Chen is rare in the world."

The poppy thought of classmate Bai Chen's ex-girlfriend for no reason.

She who chose to leave for her own cultivation, if she knew today that Bai Chen was so generous that everyone had a share of the god-level essence, I wonder if her intestines would be destroyed.

It is unknown how Bai Chen's ex-girlfriend feels.

But the ex-girlfriend’s best friend Wu Huanger had already exploded and spiraled into the sky.

"Why is there no god-level essence for me?"

She stormed into the Bear bomber command center menacingly.

Bai Chen pointed at the old man Wu who ran back to the command center.

The old man Wu glanced at Wu Huang'er, the junior he loved most, and said calmly: "I took you off the list. Do you have any objections?"

"Yes, why don't you belong to me? Am I not a member of Mist and Rain Academy?"

She roared unwillingly.

"What is your mission?"

The old wizard said coldly.

His emotionless voice was like a basin of ice water, calming down the furious Wu Huang'er.

"Working as an errand boy for Bai Chen."

Wu Huang'er lowered her head and pursed her lips.

"So where were you then?"

Wu Huang'er burst into tears.

"Teacher, calm down."

"Classmate Wu Huang'er performed very well on the extinct volcano island."

The left-behind boss defended Wu Huanger.

"Yeah yeah."

"To be honest, although junior Huang'er stayed on the extinct volcanic island, she did not paddle."

"Every time she was assigned a task, she completed it very well."

The seniors who stayed behind were not excusing Wu Huang'er. In fact, it was in Sally's daily task statistics.

Wu Huang'er is among the top one percent in terms of ability to complete tasks.

Because of this, Bai Chen did not cancel her three liters of evil energy essence potion.

"so what?"

"Her job is to run errands and nothing else."

The old wizard said inhumanely.

Wu Huang'er cried louder.

The left-behind boss shrugged, not daring to persuade him any further.

Like a human spirit, he understood the meaning behind his teacher's deliberate cancellation of Wu Huang'er's share.

Wu Huang'er did a great job on the extinct volcano island.

Although the classmate Bai Chen, who is also a member of the ordinary Yanyu Academy, does not deliberately hold grudges, Wu Huanger will have no shortage of benefits.

But that's it.

And continued to stay with classmate Bai Chen as an errand boy.

Only Wu Huang'er could truly make up for the mistakes she made.

From then on, he became a bald postdoc, and the foodie senior student Bai Chen took extra care of people around him.

The old monster Wu obviously wanted to use the god-level essence to teach his most beloved junior how to behave.

It was discovered that the old wizard had no room for softening.

Bai Chen, who simply ignored her existence, continued to explain the maintenance plan of the Bear bomber to the teachers and students.

Wu Huanger ran away angrily.

The old wizard shook his head in disappointment.

Continue to join the repair discussion.

At this time, outside the Bear bomber.

The entire extinct volcanic island has become a busy construction site.

Except for the unlucky boy Mengxin Commander, everyone else has joined in the construction of the black iron matrix covering the entire island.

"Classmate Bai Chen said that the extinct volcano island has a special environment, and it is necessary to use the black iron matrix to stimulate the special spiritual energy contained in it."

"Although God-level essence is good, it can only exert its effect 100% under the most suitable environment."

"Three days, within three days we must complete the laying of the entire dark iron matrix!"

After briefly telling the teachers and students the importance of the Black Iron Matrix.

Everyone spontaneously invested in this huge project.

Of course, in addition to Yanyu Academy, when Bai Chen was doing archeology in the ancient underwater city a few days ago, the two thousand laborers sent from Deep Ocean Market No. 5 were the basis for completing the task within three days.

These Western coolies were unified under the coolie leader Nimitz.

Under the assignment of the newly joined architects, he became the main force in digging trenches and moving earth.

"Why don't I feel how special the environment here is?"

Lao Huang looked at it for a long time and didn't find any clues.

"I can't even understand the black iron base plate used to set up the formation."

Erhuang had an embarrassed look on his face. Although he was most concerned about basic psychic formulas, as a mythical person, and in a genius center where there were as many students as dogs, where geniuses were everywhere, his knowledge was definitely not bad.

But holding the black iron base plate and looking from top to bottom, from left to right, he had no idea what the function of the winding ghost symbols on it was.

A sense of powerlessness as a scumbag lingered in his heart.

Three days passed quickly.

The dark iron matrix covering the extinct volcanic island has been completely laid.

"100% complete."

Sally reports to Bai Chenhui.

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