I can summon myself

Chapter 249 Do whatever you want

"Open sesame?"

"No, blah blah blah, open the door!"

The left leg in the middle of the statue automatically opened a gap amidst the old fish man's blah blah blah sound.

"Voice-activated door?"

Mo Qianxing looked at this giant statue in surprise, which was gray and black in color, made of neither gold nor stone, and did not look like the body of a living being.

It was taller than a skyscraper, and standing at its feet they felt insignificant for no reason.

There seemed to be a voice in the dark. Although no one knew its language, everyone understood the meaning of the voice: "A small insect is worthy of looking up at the stars?"

Bai Chen frowned. He was not sure whether he was hearing hallucinations.

"My dear, this is not a voice but it is better than a voice. It is a bit like communication at the level of the sea of ​​consciousness."

Lanxing Baichen confirmed, because he also heard it.

"The experience of ancient god cleanser Bai Chen says that this is the basic operation of ancient god-level old rulers."

"These guys are born to use these indescribable, indescribable little tricks to set off their own greatness."

Immortal King Bai Chen said disdainfully.

Bai Chen didn't speak, but raised his hands high.

The big guys at the Genius Center were panicked.

What's going on here?

Judging from the actions of Zuo Miao, Mo Qianxing and others looking left and right, something must have gone wrong at the scene.

But the next second.

Bai Chen retracted eight fingers, leaving only two middle fingers shaking slightly.


Fang Ziqiang, who had just taken a sip of hot tea, sprayed the tea in his mouth onto the bare back of the head of his colleague Zhen Archeology.

His colleagues were unaware.

Each mouth was as big as a duck's egg. He looked at Bai Chen and his two extremely attractive middle fingers in disbelief.

Then came Zuo Miao and Mo Qianxing.

Then came the tall and round teachers and students of Yanyu Academy.

Everyone imitated Bai Chen and raised their hands to give the statue a pair of middle fingers.

"Is this what you said, that Bai Chen is very stable?"

Fang Ziqiang frowned and looked at Wu Qingmei.

"The statue didn't respond, which means Baichen-san is fine."

Even so, Wu Qingmei's voice was obviously lacking in energy.

"My dear, this guy didn't respond."

"It seems that even if it enters the awakening process now, it has just started."

"According to the experience of Ancient God Cleaner Bai Chen, in this state, it only retains a certain external vigilance ability and has no awareness of internal defense."

Lanxing Baichen and Immortal King Baichen burst into laughter.

Bai Chen raised the corner of his mouth and said calmly: "Pulan!"

Zuo Miaomo Qianxing is gearing up.

The teachers and students laughed silently.

The bosses at the Genius Center were confused.

Wu Qingmei's clone looked at the new commander who stayed behind in the Bear bomber.

"Sally, what is Pulaan A."

The new commander said to Sally.

“Treat the ancient undersea city as your own backyard, and you can do whatever you want.”

Whether it was a mythical boss or a real archaeological expert like Fang Ziqiang, they were all stunned by the words "do whatever you want."

"Do whatever you want at the source of strange sighs?"

"Do you really not take the Ancient God-level Old Ones seriously?"

"This ancient undersea city with a radius of thirty kilometers, this statue that can protect the entire ancient city with spiritual energy, all aspects show that the civilization that created them is extremely high-level!"

"Even if their owners haven't woken up yet, it doesn't mean they can really treat this place as a back garden."

"Being so bold, so arrogant and arrogant, is this called being steady, is this called being an experienced driver?"

"Ordinary geniuses in the Genius Center have arrogance written on their faces. The arrogance of this classmate Bai Chen comes from his soul!"

Archaeologists are slobbering.

God damn Puran A, God damn does whatever he wants.

Use the most arrogant way to cause trouble in the ancient god's lair.

What a bunch of lunatics who don’t know how high the sky is.

Fang Ziqiang said word by word: "Classmate Bai Chen, do you know how many ways to write the word "death"?"

"Stop him, stop him now!"

He rushed in front of the myth-defying bosses and roared loudly: "Classmate Bai Chen's crazy behavior must be stopped."

Wu Qingmei spread her hands: "How to stop it? In order to prevent disturbing the owner of the ancient city, all live broadcasts are one-way."

"Not even a Bear bomber?"

Fang Ziqiang roared.

"have no idea."

"Even if I could, I wouldn't do it."

The big guys looked at Wu Qingmei.

Wu Qingmei said seriously: "The strange sigh was discovered by classmate Bai Chen. The source of the strange sigh was determined to be classmate Bai Chen. After analyzing the cause and pattern of the strange sigh, it is still classmate Bai Chen."

"Successfully entering the ancient god's lair is still classmate Bai Chen."

"I used medical alcohol to make Old Turk, the fish man, know everything and tell me everything. He honestly explained everything about the ancient city under the sea. He is also Bai Chen's classmate."

"With all due respect, it is true that all of you here are true archaeological experts, but no one knows this ancient underwater city better than classmate Bai Chen."

"Then what reasons do we, the melon-eating people in the East, have and what qualifications do we have to point fingers at classmate Bai Chen?"

"Professor Fang Ziqiang, you are the chief prehistoric expert in our genius center, but even you can't find the strange sigh, locate the ancient city under the sea, disguise yourself as a pirate, and swagger into the ancient city. Treat this ancient god's lair as your own back garden. ”

Wu Qingmei's words were so harsh that Fang Ziqiang's face turned blacker than the bottom of a pot.

He wanted to refute, but he couldn't find any reason to refute.

At least so far, Bai Chen hadn't made any mistakes.

Suddenly, the live screen went black.


The next second, the screen was restored.

Mo Qianxing said to Bai Chen: "Bai Chen, this statue will block our live signal."

"As long as you enter the five-meter range of the statue, our live broadcast will be interrupted."

"Then we won't broadcast it."

Mo Qianxing took back the selfie stick.

The live broadcast ended.

"I can't watch it now."

Wu Qingmei turned her head and looked at Wu Laoguai.

"Real brick-moving scene!"

"Cloud Supervisor."

"What's that over there? At the farthest point of the camera, it seems to be a fishman warrior?"

It's not just the big boss of the Genius Center.

Wu Laoguai at the scene also discovered the rushing fishman squad at the first time.

It's not the one they met before.

It's a new fishman squad.

"Two-legged beasts, what are you doing?"

The bright black iron substrate attracted their attention.

The bald Wang Botang was about to speak.

Wu Laoguai opened his space equipment and took out a bottle of medical alcohol and threw it to the eighth-level fish warrior who was the leader of the awakening.

The fish warrior's eyes lit up.

"Find a few people who can work."

Wu Laoguai pointed to the black iron matrix in the middle of the main road in the ancient city.

The fish people exchanged glances.

"Wow, count me in."

"We work for you."

"Okay, we pay with alcohol."

Wu Laoguai directly moved out five boxes, each box with twelve bottles of medical alcohol.

"How do you do it?"

The fish warrior directly threw his weapon, a spear of unknown material, aside.

Wu Laoguai had a "kind" smile on his face.

The big guys in the genius center rolled their eyes.

"It seems that classmate Bai Chen is right. This is their back garden where they can do whatever they want."

Fang Ziqiang returned to his seat in dejection.

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