I can summon myself

Chapter 248: Unprotected

The Great Void Cultivation Method in Bai Chen's body accelerated slightly, and most of the mental scan that shrouded everyone's heads disappeared in an instant.

The rest of the mental scan falls on everyone.

Everyone felt a touch of warmth from the underwear printed with basic text.

"Misty Rain Pirate Zuo Miao."

"Misty Rain Pirate Mo Qianxing."

"The Misty Pirate King Botang."

The statue read their message.

Everyone kept winking.

As expected, Bai Chen knew what was going to happen and had already prepared special clothes to deal with any form of mental scanning, otherwise it would be really difficult to deal with it.

At this time, the second mental scan struck again.

But this time the target was only Bai Chen.

But it's the same as the first one. As soon as all the spiritual power approached Bai Chen, it was sucked away by the Great Void Training Method as a resource.

If the statue was alive at this moment, it would be in a daze.

But now it has no thinking.

According to the preset, mental scans hit Bai Chen one after another, but they were swallowed up every drop by the Great Void Training Method again and again.

Having unleashed all his spiritual power, the futile statue fell into silence.

Although I felt the changes in the Great Void Training Method.

But Bai Chen, who didn't know that there was not a drop left in the statue, still remained vigilant enough.

"It's a little hot."

He said to Zuo Miao.

"It's a little hot but bearable."

Senior Sister Zuo Miao answered seriously.

In this seemingly ordinary exchange, Bai Chen had already received the information conveyed by Senior Sister Zuo Miao.

Hot, indicating that the ancient gods had spiritual temptations.

Acceptable means that the other party's mental strength is not high.

The fishman warrior glanced at Bai Chen, these two-legged beasts talked a lot.

"Old man."

Wang Botang patted Turk's head.

"I heard from my companion that there is a tavern here?"

Old Turk nodded and shook his head.

“The tavern closed when the king went off to war.”

Wang Botang pretended to be depressed. "Forget it, let's go somewhere else. We don't need so many people to move things."

The fish-man warrior looked curiously at the foodie senior who kept taking pictures with her selfie stick.

Finding that there was no movement on the statue, he chose to ignore it.

"Come on, let's go move things."

Bai Chen said to Wei Changkong, Zuo Miao, Mo Qianxing, and several tall and round seniors.

"Let's go for a walk."

The old witch with his hands behind his back motioned to the bald head, and the foodie senior and others followed him.

Twenty teachers and students were divided into two groups in front of the fishman warriors.

"Don't cause trouble!"

The fishman warrior warned.

"Don't worry, we know the rules and let's go."

The old wizard took the lead and walked into the depths of the ancient underwater city.

The fishman warrior shook his head, these two-legged beasts were really strange.

It turned around and said to Bai Chen and his party: "Since the king has told us, we will not follow you, but please don't leave any traces."

Bai Chen raised his chin, looking impatient.

He waved his hand, signaling the fishman warrior and his men to get out.

The fish-man warrior was not angry either. It had long been accustomed to human pirates being such a bunch of bastards, and led the fish-man team towards the light mask.

They will continue to patrol.

"Turke, don't leave!"

Bai Chen stopped the fishman Turk who was also about to leave.

Zuo Miao took out a bottle of unbranded medical alcohol from the space equipment and threw it away.

The old fish man's dead fish eyes suddenly became brighter than a light bulb. It opened its big mouth full of fangs, took it with its mouth and bit open the glass bottle.

"Wow, wow, this is good!"

The old fish man spat out the glass shards with great satisfaction.

"Newcomers, what do you want to know? Give me three more bottles, no, give me five more bottles. I promise to tell you everything I know."

Zuo Miao directly took out a dozen or twelve bottles of medical alcohol.

"Wow la la la, Old Turk's life is yours!"

Mo Qianxing picked up the selfie stick and started live broadcasting.

Seeing the old fish man clearly telling the story of the ancient underwater city for medical alcohol, the big bosses at the Genius Center twitched at the corners of their mouths.

"The pirate who came up with this idea of ​​giving the fishmen drinks is really a genius."

The chief archaeological expert Fang Ziqiang cursed.

Downed several bottles of medical alcohol.

The old fish man was drunk and hazy.

It was like a fish-man question and answer machine. No matter what questions Bai Chen asked, he answered them accurately.

The age of this ancient city is unknown, its original inhabitants are unknown, and it is also unknown when it fell into the hands of the fishmen.

The ancient city has a permanent population of one thousand, most of which are fishmen and a small number of other deep-ocean creatures. After King Mogo Mogo went to war, there are now only two murloc teams left, led by two murloc warriors whose highest combat power is no more than the eighth level of the Awakened, and a group of less than a hundred weaklings living near the ancient city's mask. Foreign creatures.

Apart from this, there are no other living beings in this ancient city of thirty square kilometers.

Zuo Miaomo Qianxing exchanged glances.

Is this an undefended ancient city?

Seeing that the old fish man was almost drunk, Bai Chen said directly: "There are some good things in the ancient city."

The old fish man couldn't help but shake his head: "No, there is nothing. I have searched every building, and they are all empty!"

"No gems, no metals, no antiques like you Twolegs like."

"Nothing that could be sold for money."

Bai Chen curled his lips.

This result was actually expected by him.

In such a pirate settlement, even if there was something there, it would have been looted by the pirates long ago.

Moreover, God knows how many fishman kings and pirate leaders like Mogomogo have occupied this ancient city over a long period of time.

However, in any case, Mogomogo's warehouse is still there.

"Take us to the king's treasure."

Bai Chen ordered the old fishman.


The old fishman held the alcohol in one hand and gave Bai Chen a western military salute learned from Rand with the other hand.

The bigwigs of the Genius Center were speechless.

This fishman was just short of saying "Sir, this way."

Just as Bai Chen followed the old fishman who led the way to the statue.

The live broadcast of Wu Laoguai and his group also appeared in the Genius Center.

"There is no psychic fluctuation, no life fluctuation."

"There is no trace of any living creature!"

After confirming that it was safe, Wu Laoguai screamed and rushed into the nearest building.

Baldheads, foodies, teachers and students rushed into their respective targets.



After searching for a while, the teachers and students who didn't find even a copper coin walked out in frustration.

Wu Laoguai opened the space equipment depressedly.

"Forget it, let's start with Plan B now."

"Lay out these black iron substrates."

Bald Wang Botang sighed with despair.

It's obviously a pirate character, but in the end he still has to move bricks.

"Remember, if anything comes to interrogate, tell them we know nothing, it was the fishman king Mogomogo who asked us to set up the black iron matrix."

Although I think this place is more haunted than a ghost town.

But Wu Laoguai still reminded everyone.

"I just hope that Bai Chen's black iron matrix can let us know what is in this city."

The foodie senior sister put the selfie stick on the street. Roll up your sleeves and move the black iron substrate with everyone.

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