I can summon myself

Chapter 187 Song Nian

"A large number of members of the third group want to be transferred to the extinct volcanic island to serve as laborers?"

Yu Zhou was shocked and angry.

What was surprising was that the news that Bai Chen needed long-term employees spread so quickly.

What made him furious was that the members of the third group actually went directly to the teachers and students of Misty Rain College who were taking turns taking a break at the No. 5 Deep Ocean Market. Although these guys had the sense not to offend the teachers and students at the moment.

But this kind of thing that is obviously giving him eye drops, and if it is not handled well, it will directly affect Bai Chen's opinion of him, we must not tolerate it.

“Who is pulling the strings, who is fanning the flames, who is bringing the third group of members together to make big news?”

Although Yu Zhou responded immediately, it was already too late.

Confirm that the teachers and students of Mist and Rain Academy are the right ones.

A large number of members of the third group surrounded the independent VIP flat where they were located.

"Our people were kidnapped?"

When he heard the news, Bai Chen was still a little sleepy.

Although the Great Void training method makes him look energetic under normal circumstances.

But after calculating a lot of numbers.

Bai Chen was equally dizzy.

But when the news reached his ears.

The sleepiness in Bai Chen's mind suddenly disappeared without a trace.

"Aren't they at Deep Ocean Market No. 5?"

"Has Deep Ocean Market No. 5 been invaded again?"

Bai Chen jogged to the command center.

I found that all the senior students on duty looked dumbfounded.

"It's not kidnapping."

"You are asking us to recruit workers."

The foodie senior started the live broadcast.

I saw the teachers and students of Mist and Rain College who were taking turns taking turns, each with a stack of thick introductions.

A group of young Eastern natives, both men and women, stood in front of them eagerly.

Waiting for the verdict from Yanyu Academy.

"Classmate Bai Chen, they want to transfer to work on an extinct volcanic island."

The leader of the leading academy said to the live broadcast camera.

With the maintenance of the main power of No. 5 Deep Ocean Market completed, they maintained 24-hour uninterrupted communication with the Bear bombers.

Bai Chen raised his eyebrows and asked in confusion: "How do they know we want to hire someone?"

The leader of the leading academy looked puzzled.

They had just arrived at Shenyang Market No. 5 and got the list of open facilities here from the staff arranged by Yu Zhou. Before they had time to plan a walking route, they were blocked by this group of people at the entrance and exit of the flat floor where the guest rooms are located.

Obviously, it was impossible for Yanyu Academy to leak the news.

In the camera, a middle-aged man with an ordinary appearance and average height, whose only feature is a pair of very bright eyes, walked out.

The third group members in the audience suddenly became quiet.

A rush of footsteps came from behind them.

Yu Zhou, who was sweating profusely, pushed aside the crowd and appeared in the live broadcast.

"It's you?"

Upon discovering the existence of the middle-aged man, Yu Zhou's voice was full of surprise.

"it's me."

The middle-aged man glanced at the mobile phones held high by the seniors.

"I want to talk to the talker at Mist and Rain College."

He spoke earnestly.

"My dear, why do I think he looks familiar?"

Lanxing Baichen was very puzzled.

Although I had never seen him before, this middle-aged man gave me a feeling of familiarity.


"This person's temperament is very similar to the veterans who have survived a hundred battles in the experience I have gained."

Immortal King Bai Chen affirmed.

Bai Chen took a deep look at the middle-aged man and agreed to his request for a talk.

The college boss took him and Yu Zhou to the temporary conference room on the flat floor.

"Song Nian, the controller is at the tenth level."

"When I first joined the Dongtu Psionics Association combat team, I was assigned to garrison on an unknown island outside Yingzhou."

"In the third year of stationing, we encountered an invasion by a foreign team caused by a micro-space rift. Most of Song Nian's teams were composed of locals from Yingzhou. After a hard battle, he was the only one left."

"Song Nian took Captain Yingzhou's ashes home. As soon as he arrived at the captain's widow's home, he encountered a group of tattooed men bullying the widow of the captain (big mistake here)!"

"The truth is that the captain and his wife were childhood sweethearts. Both of them are avid fans of Yingzhou's traditional dark dramas. The captain and his wife are filming a dark drama, not because of life pressure, but because of the captain's With the support, we invested in a dark production team of "My Girlfriend is Yingzhou Welfare Princess".

"Not only is she one of the major shareholders, she also wants to experience the misplaced filming of a man with a large body. In fact, it is all performed from a distance without any actual contact."

"However, affected by post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), Song Nian mistook this normal filming for bullying. Not only did he hit the tattooed man with stickers all over his body, he also hit other members of the crew who were also wearing extra costumes."

"Except for the widow, the entire Dark Crew is destroyed."

"Song Nian, who made a big mistake, took the initiative to invite himself to the front line."

"After fifty years of blood and fire, killing countless aliens, he has completed his sentence."

"But the hurdle in his heart could never be erased, and he continued to choose to ask for hard labor."

"So we came to Deep Ocean Market No. 5."

"In effect, he is a free man."

"The combined seniority and salary are one level higher than me, the captain."

After introducing the past of the middle-aged man Song Nian.

Yu Zhou had a look of helplessness on his face. Due to his legendary past, this old man had worked hard at Deep Ocean Market No. 5 for so many years and had a very high prestige among the entire fleet.

He, the captain, really doesn't deal with the opponent easily.

Across the screen, the seniors stared at each other.

This old man Song Nian is too miserable.

Why are there so many strange traditional arts in Yingzhou?

It's all the world's fault.

"This deity, it's better to call him over to have a look."

The Immortal King Bai Chen felt that Song Nian had a physical problem.

Bai Chen responded in the sea of ​​consciousness.

He said to Song Nian: "No matter what your request is."

"Now don't let your people hinder our Yanyu Academy from taking a break at the No. 5 Deep Ocean Market."

"How about this, you will take the transport airship of the No. 5 Deep Ocean Market to the Dead Volcano Island later."

"After completing the handover later, I will also return to the Dead Volcano Island, and we will have a face-to-face meeting."

Song Nian's bright eyes seemed to be able to see through people's hearts.

But when he saw Bai Chen on the screen, it was like seeing a cloud of fog.

No matter how hard he tried, he could not see through it.

"Okay, let's have a face-to-face meeting."

"Captain Yu Zhou, I'm sorry."

Song Nian arched his hands to Yu Zhou.

Yu Zhou squeezed out a smile that was uglier than crying.

At this time, the cloud whales brought the second batch of teachers and students who came to change shifts to the airspace where the Bear bomber was located.

Bai Chen took the initiative to end the communication and returned to the command center.

"Start the handover."

Bai Chen ordered.

The foodie senior sister picked up the rotation list that had been prepared long ago.

The handover began.

In the end, the second batch of 500 teachers and students will learn how to operate the Bear bomber.

"Junior brother, you go back to the dead volcano island to rest."

"Just leave it to us here."

The foodie senior sister said seriously.

"Well, then I'll go over first."

In addition to bomber fishing, Bai Chen's next focus is to formally build the dead volcano island.

Strive to complete the basic psychic matrix system covering the entire island before finding a breakthrough in the subspace.

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