I can summon myself

Chapter 186 Finalized

"No need to fish, we use a spear gun in the shape of a big iron stick."

"According to the data collected by the special detection matrix of the big cage, we can confirm the target's height, length, speed and other parameters."

"Match the corresponding spear gun, and shoot the spear gun from the platform hung on the reinforced ribs. After hitting the target, the fishing line at the end of the spear gun will be used to pull it out of the water with the help of the winch powered by the main engine of the Bear bomber."

Ximen Fuyun nodded.

Use eggs to attract targets, and use the detection matrix around the eggs to confirm the target type and other parameters.

Then use the spear gun to fork them out of the water, which is much more effective than conventional hook throwing.

"What if we encounter a large group of targets?"

However, Ximen Fuyun still diligently raised the question from the perspective of a nitpicker.

Zuo Miao casually put the big iron stick aside.

Take out a "small melon" the size of a fist.

"If there are too many, just fry the fish."

"The Bear bomber is professional in frying fish."

Ximen Fuyun held his forehead.

The experts at the No. 5 Deep Ocean Market were also at a loss for words.

Frying fish? This method is indeed simple and crude.

"What if the target is heavier than water, and it cannot float up after being blown unconscious, but sinks to the bottom of the sea?"

Ximen Fuyun argued.

"Simple, guide them to the shallow water on the surface of the ocean, and ask the cloud whale allies to prepare."

"Once they reach the control range of the cloud whales that can pass through the fishing net, throw bombs to knock them unconscious, and then use the net to catch them."

"What if the bombs don't work?"

Ximen Fuyun continued to argue.

"Clubs, anesthetics, there are always more solutions than problems."

Find faults from all angles.

But no loopholes were found.

Ximen Fuyun closed his laptop.

"For me, there are no problems on paper."

"Bai Chen's plan fully considers various details, some of which we even didn't think of."

"I think that bomber fishing/exploding fish is theoretically flawless."

"Of course, how to systematically implement things on paper is not something that I, who only know theory, can help with."

"Bai Chen, and everyone, goodbye."

Ximen Fuyun took the initiative to leave the remote meeting with reason and evidence.

First, as he said, he has no problem with paper deduction, but he doesn't have the ability to swing a sledgehammer to turn the paper mask into reality.

Second, he is not qualified to listen to the following content now. Instead of being politely kicked out by Yanyu Academy, it is better to take the initiative to say goodbye so that everyone can be convenient.

Wu Laoguai's ex-girlfriends really want to listen.

But after all, she is an old aunt who is hundreds of years old, so she still has some vision.

"You and Wu Laoguai have been together for so many years, have you never thought about taking a step further and becoming a regular?"

"With Bai Chen's face, even if Wu Laoguai can't reach the stage of a controller in this life and can't marry you three openly, the Psychic Association will definitely make special arrangements for Bai Chen's sake."

Ximen Fuyun suggested.

After loving and killing each other for so many years, isn't it good for everyone to be happy?

"It's not a question of status."

"It's Wu Laoguai who is stubborn."

"If it's a question of status, it would be easy to deal with."

"Just live a good life. We are all so old, what can't we see?"

"But Wu Laoguai insists on being the one in control."

The three ladies sighed in unison.

Once Wu Laoguai makes up his mind, even eighteen cows can't pull him back.

"It's different now."

"Now we have classmate Bai Chen. No matter how stubborn Wu Laoguai is, he can't ignore Bai Chen's opinion."

"Bai Chen doesn't want his old principal to live a lonely life like this."

Although Ximen Fuyun is not familiar with Bai Chen, from the information he has obtained, he can analyze that Bai Chen has a positive outlook, is a nice person, and is even better to his own people.

Ximen Fuyun believes that Bai Chen will most likely help the three ladies.


They looked at each other, and there was a touch of interest in each other's eyes.

Ximen Fuyun, an outsider, knows the importance of Bai Chen to Wu Laoguai.

The three of them knew more about Bai Chen's influence on Wu Laoguai.

Asking Bai Chen for help was indeed a good way.

On Bai Chen's side, the meeting was still going on.

The experts from the No. 5 Deep Ocean Market began to discuss related engineering issues with the four doctors A, B, C, and D.

Bai Chen said to Yu Zhou: "At Yanyu College, Senior Brother Tian Gang will be the general manager and take charge of everything."

Yu Zhou nodded: "I will be in charge of the No. 5 Deep Ocean Market and ensure that the task is completed on time and with quality."

Bai Chen smiled.

The bomber fishing project was officially finalized.

Yu Zhou took out a list.

"Mr. Bai Chen, your Yanyu College wants to hire a group of workers. We have carefully selected three groups, each with 1,000 to 1,500 people."

"The first group is selected employees from ordinary Dongtu employees. They can accept a minimum of ten years and a maximum of thirty years of employment."

"We don't recommend hiring them here."

Bai Chen gestured to Yu Zhou to continue.

"The second group is Western laborers like Nimitz employed by the Liu family on the extinct volcano island. As long as the money is in place, they can even be made permanent employees."

"I recommend this group."

"The third group is similar to vampires. Easterners who have made mistakes go to the No. 5 Deep Ocean Market to serve labor. They still have a guaranteed minimum of 30 years of labor left."

"Although we can get rid of the vicious ones, the rest are not so easy to deal with. It is impossible for everyone to be talented and speak well. Although there are not many people who dare to be sneaky and cunning under the pressure of the East Earth Psychic Association, we still do not recommend choosing them."

Yu Zhou did not want to cause trouble for Bai Chen because of this group of people.

Bai Chen was unhappy.

He, who wanted Bai Chen to be happy, would also be unhappy.

After careful consideration.

Western coolies are still the most suitable for the Dead Volcano Island.

As long as the money is enough and there are cloud whales.

As long as they are not deliberately abused, Western coolies are the most suitable laborers.

And these people in the East.

Ordinary free employees, with average efficiency, average working hours, and many conditions.

Not to mention labor service, none of the laborers arranged to serve in the No. 5 Deep Ocean Market are simple people. Although they have the highest average level among the three groups in terms of work and IQ, they are not suitable for Yanyu Academy.

Bai Chen looked at the information sent by Yu Zhou, did not decide immediately but looked at Wu Laoguai.

Wu Laoguai waved his hand: "Listen to Bai Chen for important matters, including me."

With him taking the lead, the college bosses and seniors gave the decision to Bai Chen.

"Bai Chen (junior), you can choose whoever you want."

"Then choose the Western laborers in the second group, and select some people from the first group who are willing to work on the dead volcano island for 30 years."

"Forget about the third group."

"The total number is capped at 2,000, and there is no need to force it if it cannot be reached."

The vampires are very honest, because under the iron fist of the East Earth Psychic Association, the dishonest vampires are dead.

And the brothers and sisters in the third group who are doing labor service are different from vampires.

Bai Chen didn't want to cause trouble for himself.

But what he didn't expect was that he didn't cause trouble.

It doesn't mean that trouble won't find him.

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