I can summon myself

Chapter 182 Egg

The core of the cloud whale group is a floating platform built by cloud sea spiritual plants covering an area of ​​about half a square kilometer.

As soon as he stepped onto the floating platform.

Bai Chen instinctively closed his eyes.

Wei Changkong, Yu Zhou and others behind him were caught off guard.

Tears streamed down his face because of the sudden light on the platform. The field of vision was full of light beams with no rules and no beauty, like various colors of oil paint mixed together, but each color was extremely bright.

"Oh, sorry, I forgot to adjust the brightness."

"Sir Bai Chen, are you okay?"

"It's okay, I closed my eyes."

Bai Chen smiled and responded.

Yu Zhou, with tears streaming down his face, looked resentful.

Bai Chen, who still had his eyes closed, seemed to be able to read minds, and smiled at everyone with a mouthful of white teeth.

"Okay, Sir Bai Chen, you can open your eyes."

The cloud whale patriarch adjusted the brightness of the light beam to a level that humans could accept.

Everyone then saw that behind the light beam were strange buildings with completely different styles.

These buildings are big enough to accommodate cloud whales, comparable to football fields.

Small ones are too small for even humans to fit in.

The only thing is that each building has a luminous layer on the outside that is colorful and beyond the limits of human aesthetics.

"Sir Bai Chen, these buildings look good, don't they?"

A cloud whale patriarch was very proud, these were his masterpieces.

"Not good-looking."

"The colors are not coordinated, the brightness is not coordinated."

"The shape of the building is terrible, and the layout is even more chaotic."

The head of the cloud whale patriarch turned black at a clearly visible speed.

Wei Changkong subconsciously raised his vigilance.

Other cloud whale patriarchs laughed.

"Sir Bai Chen, you are so right."

"Not good-looking is not good-looking!"

"This pile of ugly things is simply a disgrace to our cloud whale group."

Krao was even more ruthless and added insult to injury: "I think it would be best to tear it all down and start over."

That's right, this patriarch was his enemy.

"Sir Bai Chen, I don't accept it!"

"I understand your feelings, but this place is really ugly."

Bai Chen shrugged his shoulders, turned his head and said to the other clan leaders: "If you have any good things, take them out quickly."

"Also, my friend wants to buy some things."

Bai Chen introduced Yu Zhou to the Cloud Whale clan leaders.

The Cloud Whale clan leaders glanced at Yu Zhou.

"Okay, you can go shopping."

"Just ask for anything you like."

"It's our gift to Sir Bai Chen."

"If you want to buy again in the future, you can go to Yanyu Academy with Sir Bai Chen."

The clan leaders blocked the possibility of Deep Ocean Market contacting the large group of Cloud Whales alone through Yu Zhou.

They led Bai Chen to the highest and thickest central warehouse on the floating platform.

The black-headed Cloud Whale clan leader pushed open the door of the warehouse.

A pile of eggs of different sizes came into view.

Black, white, red and green, just like an egg specialty store.

"Sir Bai Chen, these are our treasures."

"Look at this egg, which is covered with mysterious patterns and exudes the breath of the sea of ​​clouds. Its parents are both famous titled legends in the sea of ​​clouds ecosystem."

Everyone looked at the chiefs of the Cloud Whale Clan in disbelief.

The descendants of two titled legends dare to collect?

The Cloud Whale Clan is crazy.

Although they are not small, the highest is only the ninth level of the controller. The entire Cloud Whale Clan may not be able to stop this pair of titled legends.

How dare they do this?

Bai Chen turned around and cast a calming look at everyone.

He walked to the light gray giant egg with a diameter of about one meter, which was the most precious to the chiefs of the Cloud Whale Clan.

His index finger knocked on the natural pattern on the surface of the eggshell.

It was like picking a watermelon.

While knocking, he put his ear close to the giant egg to listen to the movement.

"The echo is too muffled."

"The image is too scattered."

"The analysis is even more terrible."

"This egg is overcooked and not delicious."

The cloud whales understood Bai Chen's last sentence.

"Not delicious?"

"No way!"

"I heard that this kind of egg is delicious. We spent a lot of money to buy it."

Everyone was upset after hearing the conversation between Bai Chen and the cloud whale leaders.

It would be fine if Bai Chen used the metaphysics of evaluating sound to evaluate the descendants of the titled legend.

The cloud whales even said directly that this egg was bought to eat.

Doesn't it mean that the eggs in this warehouse are actually food for the cloud whales?

"The black egg has dragon power."

Wei Changkong's eyes twitched. This is a dragon egg.

"I have felt the life breath on the green egg at the No. 5 Deep Ocean Market. At that time, the owner of the breath was a deep ocean creature with a 20th level of control."

Yu Zhou said firmly.

"How come all the signs on the red egg are similar to a paper published by the City of All Spirits that specifically introduces high-level creatures in space nodes?"

The college boss smacked his lips.

Bai Chen said: "Eggs and offspring are not the same thing."

"The higher the level of the creature, the more difficult it is to have offspring."

"But their egg production is no different from that of ordinary creatures of the same species."

"So, it's common to sell eggs that can't produce offspring."

"You may not believe it when I tell you."

"There is a legendary title called the emotionless egg-laying machine."


The black stone sprayed Yu Zhou in the face.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

Heishitou's big black face turned red.

"It's okay, don't wipe it for me, my face is almost scratched by you."

Yu Zhou quickly shook off Heishitou's unicorn arm.

After this interruption.

Everyone's mood became much more relaxed.

Bai Chen continued: "Of course, there are also cases where there are several eggs that can hatch offspring in a batch. Parents with insufficient resources will choose the one with the highest probability of becoming a strong man, and then sell the others in exchange for resources, and fully support the one with the most potential."

"And these eggs with obvious life breath will not be eaten by the cloud whales, but will act as middlemen and sell them to creatures that need offspring."

"Don't worry, there will be eggs that can hatch in this warehouse."

Bai Chen suddenly thought of Meis's daughter who was sold.

Could it be the same situation?

He raised his head and said to the cloud whale leaders: "Have you ever encountered living eggs of blood and dragon energies?"

"Blood and dragon?"

"To be precise, it is the sea dragon, and perhaps it also has some breath of the abyss."

Bai Chen added.

The Cloud Whale leaders thought about it.

All shook their heads: "We have no contact with sea dragons. Sea dragons mainly cooperate with other groups of Cloud Whales in other waterways."

"There are even fewer blood-related ones."

"There are some blood-related plants."

"But eggs that contain blood-related spiritual energy, let alone living eggs, are not even dead eggs."

"Well, if you encounter one in the future, notify us."

Bai Chen said seriously.


The Cloud Whale leaders solemnly noted Bai Chen's request.

"Sir Bai Chen, what type and flavor do you like?"

Bai Chen raised his chin and looked at the eggs in the warehouse.

Sharing favorite food with allies.

It is the highest courtesy of Cloud Whales to treat allies.

Bai Chen, who is familiar with the habit of Cloud Whales, will not violate their good intentions.

Suddenly, in a sea of ​​lifeless eggs.

He felt a strange breath.

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