I can summon myself

Chapter 181: Gathering Clouds into Steps

"Your Excellency Bai Chen, please visit the Cloud Whale Group."

"Okay, let's go."

Yu Zhou stared blankly as Bai Chen walked towards the traffic boat.

"Your Excellency Bai Chen and these Cloud Whale Clan Leaders are all so upright?"

"Nothing fancy, not even a polite word!"

Seeing the overflowing joy of the Cloud Whale clan leaders through the porthole, Yu Zhou felt that Bai Chen's understanding of this kind of creature was truly astonishingly human.

"Captain Yu Zhou, don't be stunned."

Black Stone reminded softly.

Yu Zhou woke up as if from a dream, nodded gratefully to Black Stone, and pursued Bai Chen with rapid strides.

A quarter of an hour later.

Under the protection of the Yunjing clan chiefs.

Bai Chen took the traffic boat and flew towards the cloud whale group.

"Your Excellency Bai Chen, the black iron psychic suit is so useful."

"For us Cloud Whales, this is an artifact."

"The only problem is that the quantity is too small."

"Two hundred pieces are really not enough!"

"Your Excellency Bai Chen, how can we increase the production speed of Black Iron Psychic Suit?"

The voices of the Cloud Whale clan leaders penetrated the outer shell of the transport boat and entered the warehouse. They were like children eager for toys, and their voices were full of requests.

If not for knowing that these clan leaders and Bai Chen were face to face for the first time.

Yu Zhou almost thought that like Crao, they had become oversized fans who obeyed Bai Chenyan.

If replaced by humans.

Even if the Black Iron Psychic Suit was truly an artifact, it would be impossible for him to just tell Bai Chen how good it was in front of the supplier, Bai Chen.

In his opinion, these cloud whale clan leaders simply took the initiative to put the large group of cloud whales on Bai Chen's chopping block, and even actively told Bai Chen to kill them however he wanted.

"No wonder Bai Chen would remind you not to treat Cloud Whales with the same attitude and thinking as you would treat humans."

"The brain circuits of these creatures in the sea of ​​clouds are really different."

At the same time, Yu Zhou had a suspicion in his heart.

If the cloud whales were really that innocent, how could they survive until now?

In the age of psychic energy, the real Silly Baitian has long been extinct collectively as the tears of the times.

If the Cloud Whales had no brains, it would be impossible for them to survive.

"Could it be that these are actually the disguises of the Cloud Whale clan leaders?"

"All the Cloud Whale clan leaders are movie stars?"

The more Yu Zhou thought about it, the more he couldn't understand.

Seeing his reaction, Bai Chen felt a little funny.

Being able to control Deep Ocean Market No. 5, Captain Yu Zhou is definitely a smart man.

But the smarter you are, the easier it is to get into trouble.

The less I understand how to get along with Yunjing.

However, Bai Chen had no intention of training him to become a cloud whale expert.

He is not a fool, how could he pass on his experience of finding the cat Bai Chen to an outsider like Yu Zhou?

Yu Zhou was confused and couldn't understand, which was the best result.

Bai Chen said to the Yunjing clan leaders: "Now with the help of vampires, and the second batch of teachers and students of our Yanyu Academy have also arrived on the extinct volcano island, the supply speed of Black Iron Psychic Suit will definitely be greatly improved, don't worry."


"Your Excellency Bai Chen, we believe you."

"Your Excellency Bai Chen, I listen to you!"

Just such a straightforward communication.

A swarm of cloud whales has arrived.

"Your Excellency Bai Chen is here!"

Kraao's angry roar exploded in the sky.

The cloud whales that covered the sky and sun broke away from the group one after another.

They rushed to the traffic boat.

"Your Excellency Bai Chen!"

"Bai Chen ally!"

"Bai Chen Bai Chen!"

Big, happy heads appeared at the portholes.

No matter the level of strength.

No matter the size.

The big eyes of each cloud whale are full of joy.

"Your Excellency Bai Chen, please!"

The Cloud Whale Clan leaders flew to the traffic boat.

Under the confused gaze of everyone except Bai Chen.

lined up.

The leader closest to the transport boat opened his mouth.

A cloud of pure white air spurted out from the body.

Under his control, this life breath with a strong breath of life kept changing.

It finally condensed into a flawless psychic staircase.

Other Cloud Whale clan leaders followed suit.

Next, there is Krao.

Next, came two hundred armored cloud whales.

Then, the strange cloud whales from the swarm of cloud whales collectively used their most important breath to build a long spiritual path for Bai Chen leading to the swarm of cloud whales at an altitude of 35,000 meters.

"Open the door."

"We just step on it."

Bai Chen opened the hatch of the traffic boat.

Wei Changkong subconsciously assumed a defensive posture.

What is being defended is not the cloud whale, but the highly ubiquitous psychic turbulence.

But what surprised him was.

There was no violent wind as imagined, nor the expected surge of spiritual energy.

The long steps built by the cloud whales with their natal breath are like the best shield, isolating all possible impacts.

Bai Chen is in the expectation of the cloud whales.

Stepped onto the first level.

It was soft and bouncy, but enough to support his weight.

The natural breath exhaled by the cloud whales, with their wholehearted dedication, the illusory spiritual energy condensed into reality.

Very stable.

Bai Chen climbed up the stairs, stepping on each step.

The joy in the big eyes of the owner of the steps only added to the joy.

For the cloud whales, Bai Chen entrusts his safety to them.

This is the greatest recognition of the Cloud Whale clan.

As Bai Chen moved forward steadily.

The length of the psychic level is also steadily increasing.

The cloud whales flew up and down around Bai Chen, and all the cloud whales in the entire group joined the queue of using their own breath to build a long spiritual energy ladder.

Bai Chen walked more and more steadily.

His speed also increased.

The joyful shouts of the cloud whales resounded through the sky.

"Bai Chen!"

"Bai Chen!"

"Bai Chen!"

With the rhythmic shouts of Krao and two hundred armored cloud whales.




"Sir Bai Chen, you are an ally of our cloud whale clan!"

The roar of the cloud whales was earth-shaking.

Everyone behind Bai Chen heard their recognition of Bai Chen from the voice of the cloud whales.

"Gather clouds and form a ladder!"

"If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes and witnessed it in person, I, Yu Zhou, would never have imagined that the cloud whales would use this method to welcome and recognize Bai Chen as a human ally!"

The knowledgeable person in charge of the No. 5 Deep Ocean Market was so shocked at this moment that he couldn't close his mouth.

Gather clouds to form a ladder.

No matter how imaginative a human being is, it is impossible to think of this scene.

Wei Changkong raised his head, and Bai Chen's back was so tall.

As a human being, he won the approval of all the cloud whales in the cloud whale group. This is incredible.

Black Stone's eyes were full of admiration for Bai Chen.

Mr. Bai Chen, you are indeed the big boss appointed by your teacher.

The college big boss who fell behind, the familiar senior and other representatives of Yanyu College, raised their heads and chests.

Their faces were flushed.

Every face was full of pride.

That's right, classmate Bai Chen is so awesome.

Classmate Bai Chen, you should be so awesome.

The founders of Yanyu College should really jump out of the coffin and witness the supreme glory of classmate Bai Chen gathering cloud whales into a step!

At this time, in the cloud group not far from the cloud whale group.

Hedria's eyes bulged bigger than light bulbs.

A flame called jealousy rose in every cell of her.

"Bai Chen, why!"

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