I can summon myself

Chapter 154 Heavenly Oath

I saw Liu Juedai raising his hands and pointing to the sky.

"Heaven and earth are witnesses."

"Today, I, Liu Juedai, swear to heaven that if Master Bai Chen can do his best to save my sister Liu Fenghua, no matter what the outcome, I, Liu Juedai, will spend the rest of my life repaying this kindness."

"From now on, Bai Chen is my, Liu Juedai's, highest interest."

"His wishes are my highest creed, Liu Juedai."

"If there is any violation, I, Liu Juedai, will not be tolerated by heaven and earth, and will not be tolerated by mankind!"

A seven-color ribbon fell from the sky.

This pure light formed a colorful ribbon and circled around Liu Juedai three times.

In the colorful light, a bloody brilliance appeared out of thin air.

The ribbon flew towards Bai Chen.

Still after three laps.

The bloody brilliance just penetrated into Bai Chen's body.

Bai Chen suddenly felt that Liu Juedai's life and death was under his control.

"This is a great oath of heaven!"

Immortal King Bai Chen looked solemn and said word by word: "The great oath of heaven is echoed by heaven on earth."

"The bloody brilliance is the life essence of Liu Juedai's five-in-one essence, energy, and spiritual original potential."

"From now on, I can make her doomed with just one thought."

Immortal King Bai Chen didn't expect Liu Juedai to be so decisive.

He did not hesitate to swear the great oath of heaven to witness, and took the initiative to hand over his life and death to Bai Chen's control.

What puzzled him even more.

Somehow, only the strong ones who started out as legendary beings could have access to the way of heaven.

He actually responded to her vow.

The seven colored ribbons are the manifestation of the way of heaven.

"Unnamed physique. It seems that the chance of her having an unknown physique is very high."

Otherwise, even Immortal King Bai Chen could not use any other reason to explain why Heaven would respond to Liu Juedai's oath.

"what is this?"

Shi Qingqing stammered.

The seven-color ribbon and bloody brilliance were completely beyond her knowledge.

Wei Changkong's eyes burst out with unprecedented brilliance, and he looked at Liu Juedai: "You are actually able to trigger visions from heaven and earth, and get responses from heaven and earth. You are the darling of heaven and earth!"

As a seventeenth-level controller, he could not get the recognition of heaven and earth and became a titled legend. This was Wei Changkong's biggest regret and obsession, so the power of the earth and heaven came out of thin air in the form of seven color ribbons.

Wei Changkong immediately confirmed that Liu Juedai, a girl with two ponytails and a yandere look on her face, received a response from heaven and earth with just an oath.

This shocked him to the extreme.


Li Shishan's cloudy old eyes were filled with disbelief.

Is Liu Juedai the darling of heaven and earth?

Doesn't it mean that the second young lady of the Liu family, who has been tracked by the Genius Center for several years, has been recognized by the world like a handful of the top geniuses in the Genius Center?

The second young lady of the Liu family is Bai Chen's new maid.

Is he actually the genius of mankind who is attracting the attention of heaven and earth?

Li Shishan felt that the joke was too big.

If Wei Changkong hadn't made a mistake.

Bai Chen, the new maid, simply has the ability to communicate between heaven and earth, which puts her at the top of the genius pyramid of the genius center.

The privileges and benefits she can receive far exceed those of Bai Chen.

"This is definitely the power of heaven and earth."

Wei Changkong said firmly.

Li Shishan and Shi Qingqing looked at each other.

Liu Juedai, who was much higher on the genius pyramid than Bai Chen, actually took the initiative to become Bai Chen's maid.

Moreover, in front of the Eastern Earth Psychic Association Genius Center and others, he swore an oath of heaven and received a response from heaven and earth.

This is more bizarre than the pills of the titled legendary king Da Chong, and not as bizarre as the pills of Bai Chen, the second-level awakener.

“Are all the bosses in the Genius Center Assessment Department fools?”

"And the Liu family in the imperial capital. How blind do they have to be to treat Liu Juedai, who can communicate with heaven and earth, like a loser?"

"You actually took the initiative to abandon Miss Liu Er, who is the genius of mankind?"

"Bai Chen didn't do anything, so a pie fell from the sky, and he accepted a genius-level maid with stunning appearance?"

The trio from the Psionics Association looked at Bai Chen as if they were looking at gods.

No matter how imaginative the coding machine is, it cannot imagine such an outrageous plot.

Liu Juedai's oath has been made.

It has been witnessed by heaven and earth.

No matter who it is, it is impossible to bypass Bai Chen, the master identified by Liu Juedai.

"What happened today is so outrageous."

Wei Changkong's mind was filled with questions.

The evaluation department of the genius center has seriously neglected its duties, and the Liu family in the imperial capital is even more of a bunch of idiots.

"My Lord, once you make this oath, you don't have to worry about the validity of this oath until she can resist the heavenly law on earth."

Immortal King Bai Chen said seriously.

"My dear, hurry up and confirm. You can take the initiative to block us before you start."

Lanxing Baichen, whose mind was filled with unknown physiques, couldn't wait any longer.

Able to communicate with heaven and earth and get responses from earth and heaven.

Such a physique is really attractive. Even Bai Chen, the strongest cat-finding boss other than himself, had no experience in communicating with heaven and earth during his career as an awakener.

For Lan Xing Bai Chen, the top student among the top students.

Liu Juedai's physical problems are very much due to his boasting.

Bai Chen said to Liu Juedai: "If you don't let me down, I can try to trust you."

"Time will prove that I am worthy of your trust."

Liu Juedai pulled Liu Fenghua: "Master, where do you live?"

"My sister and I can just have a bunk bed."

"Your sister is not fit to board the Bear bomber in her current condition."

"She is not fit to leave the dead volcano island in her insect-like state."

Bai Chen said calmly.


"Master, do you know my sister's current condition?"

A hint of surprise flashed in Liu Juedai's eyes.

Eating the Wanhuan insect was the last life-saving talisman left by their mother.

But once they eat it, their mother's family does not have the ability to reverse it.

So, Liu Juedai's oath to the heavenly way only mentioned that Bai Chen would do his best, and she did not have any hope for the result.

She just wanted Liu Fenghua, who had been transformed by insects, to live the rest of her life in peace and stability.

But what she did not expect was that she had not yet told Bai Chen about Liu Fenghua's specific situation.

Bai Chen used the 100% adjective of being transformed by insects to confirm Liu Fenghua's condition.

Without any sign, a hope rose in Liu Juedai's heart.


"The spiritual materials that I asked Butler Liu to find are the key to solving this problem."

As soon as Bai Chen finished speaking.

He was hugged by Liu Juedai.


She burst into tears.

Wait until her crying subsided.

Wei Changkong asked seriously: "Bai Chen, can you really reverse this situation?"

"Yes, as long as the spiritual materials are in place, not only can she and her guards regain their sanity, but the power brought by the Wanhuan insects can also be integrated with them. Their energy and spirit potential lost due to insect transformation can not only be restored to their original state, but also can be increased to a certain extent from the Wanhuan insects."

On the side of Bai Chen, there are already crazy scientists who let the participants in the experiment swallow the Wanhuan insects voluntarily, and study the way to improve in the process of being transformed and restored again and again.

In Bai Chen's experience.

There is a full set of relevant information.

As long as there are the necessary spiritual materials, it is not a problem for Bai Chen to free Liu Fenghua and her guards from the nightmare of being transformed.

"Bai Chen, can you give us a list of the spiritual materials you need."

Shi Qingqing's eyes are burning.

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