I can summon myself

Chapter 153 Getting started?

"Master, I suggest you take action."

Bai Chen······

Lan Xing Bai Chen······

"Master, I'm not kidding."

"I think there's something wrong with her physique."

"Her limbs are not coordinated and her sense of balance is extremely poor. From the details of how she looks at people, it can be judged that her eyes cannot focus like normal people."

"The spiritual energy and life fluctuations on her body fluctuate up and down, like a small boat in a violent ocean, which may be swallowed by the raging waves representing death at any time."

Bai Chen frowned: "Isn't this a problem caused by congenital disease?"

Liu Ershiwu had said long ago that Miss Liu had a serious congenital disease since she was born from her mother's womb.

"No, it's not a disease."

"It's a physical condition."

"The so-called disease is just the result of the Liu family's lack of understanding of physical condition."

Immortal King Bai Chen said firmly.

Bai Chen picked up the microphone decisively: "Command Center."


The response from the bald postdoctoral Wang Botang, the rotating team leader of the command center, came from the earphone.

"Enable the special detection matrix's life scanning function."

"Minimum power, target, Liu Fenghua and Liu Juedai sisters."


The seniors in the command center were confused by Bai Chen's order.

Scan the Liu sisters?

But no matter how confused they were.

Everyone in the command center immediately activated the special detection matrix.

"I think there is something wrong with their physique."

Bai Chen said seriously.


What is physique?

Wang Botang kept scratching his bare head without a single hair.

The Bear bomber quickly opened its four mechanical arms.

Under the curious gaze of the cloud whales.

The special detection matrix was activated.

When the spiritual energy fluctuations and life breath of Liu Fenghua and Liu Juedai appeared on the big screen.

Wang Botang immediately discovered the abnormality.

There was nothing wrong with Liu Fenghua's data. Except for the insect-related fluctuations caused by the insect transformation, everything else was within the normal range.

But Bai Chen, the new little maid.

The data was up and down like a roller coaster.

There was no pattern, it was chaotic.

They simply couldn't believe that this was a spiritual energy fluctuation that a human could emit.

"Junior Bai Chen, your little maid is in big trouble."

"Her life breath is weaker than the deep-sea aquatic products fished out by Western coolies."

"She is simply terminally ill!"

"Butler Liu, he actually dared to cheat you!"

Wang Botang's voice was full of anger.

Before, everyone was very happy for Bai Chen when they heard Liu Juedai recommend herself as a maid.

But now, judging from her scan data.

She seems to be able to die at any time.

This is simply a sinkhole.

If she died in front of everyone.

Wouldn't Junior Bai Chen become the murderer who killed the maid?

"Liu Twenty-Five!"

Wang Botang glared at Liu Twenty-Five who came to the command center after hearing the news.

Liu Twenty-Five was confused.

However, when he followed the direction of Wang Botang's finger and saw Liu Juedai's scan data on the screen.

Finally, he understood the source of the anger of the people in Yanyu Academy.

He quickly explained: "Mr. Bai Chen, Miss Liu Juedai was born like this, and we definitely didn't deliberately lie."

"We don't know why she is like this."

"But even if her life force is sometimes as low as the dying stage of a normal person, she is still alive and kicking."

"This is even used as a topic of conversation by Miss Liu's father, who brags about it everywhere."

Bai Chen······

Command Center······

"That's true."

Wei Changkong, who walked to Bai Chen's side, confirmed Liu Ershiwu's statement.

"At the request of the Liu family, the Genius Center has also tracked and studied Liu Juedai for several years, trying to figure out what happened to her."

"Unfortunately, even our legendary doctors can't figure out her condition, let alone solve it."

Shi Qingqing added.

At this time, he noticed Bai Chen's gaze.

Liu Juedai took her sister's hand and walked in front of Bai Chen.

She took off her big sunglasses and the big mask.

She showed a face that was inverted and unparalleled.


"Yandere twin ponytails!"

"You are so lucky, junior brother!"

"I thought Miss Liu was pretty good-looking, but I didn't expect her to be even better."

"You made a profit, you made a big profit, junior brother."

Liu Juedai's stunning appearance conquered everyone in the command center.

In Bai Chen's sea of ​​consciousness, the Immortal King Bai Chen was very serious.

"My Lord, Liu Juedai and I have read about a physique in the autobiography of Emperor Quan Tian."

"Although it has no name, it ranks first in the sequence of physiques that Emperor Quan Tian wants to have."

"However, due to insufficient resources, Emperor Quan Tian had to miss it and chose the Immortal Holy Fist Body that ranked after it."

"And in the recent autobiography."

"Emperor Quan Tian, ​​who is already the only supreme existence in the Fairy World, once again mentioned this nameless physique."

"Her original words were that if she had the nameless physique back then, perhaps there would be no more Emperor Quan Tian in the Fairy World, but she herself would have the opportunity to go to the next level."

"At least before I left, Emperor Quan Tian was obsessed with the nameless physique."

"So, my Lord."

"We need to get started, check every inch, so that we can confirm whether Liu Juedai has the nameless physique that Quan Tiandi has been longing for all his life."

Bai Chen fell into deep thought.

Lan Xing Bai Chen also persuaded: "Anyway, she has volunteered to be your little maid, and warming the bed is a basic operation. What's the big deal about checking it out?"

"The Quan Tiandi can't forget about the little fist that killed people."

"If that's the case."

"Wouldn't that be a big profit?"

"As long as we get her data."

"In all the heavens and worlds, there is always a world in the parallel universe that knows what the nameless physique is."

"In this way, you can cure her and bring out her physique."

Bai Chen weighed the pros and cons.

The nameless physique that Liu Juedai may have is indeed attractive.

It can make Quan Tiandi never forget it.

It shows that she has extraordinary potential.

With an explosive appearance, even if Bai Chen doesn't like yandere twin ponytails, he will not deny that she is very pleasing to the eye.

Although the identity of the second daughter of the Liu family is a problem, judging from the selfishness shown by the housekeeper Liu, Liu Ershiwu, and a group of Liu family members.

The two sisters Fenghua Juedai, who had long lost their power in the imperial capital Liu family, would not cause much trouble.

The problem is that Bai Chen's understanding of her is limited to the stories told by Liu Ershiwu and the survivors of the Liu family.

Even they can't say that they know Liu Juedai very well.

It can be said that not only Bai Chen, but also the Liu family are quite unfamiliar with Liu Juedai.

Bai Chen can't confirm whether she is trustworthy.

If she is an ungrateful person, Bai Chen will be very upset.

If she has big plans, the entire Yanyu Academy will be implicated by her.

Lanxing Baichen also recalled the dark history of his hormone-dominated fall into the pit when he was on the rise.

Immortal King Baichen also remembered the painful lesson of his youth when he was tricked to death by "his own people".

"My Lord, you are still calm enough."

Immortal King Baichen just finished speaking.

Liu Juedai made a move that shocked everyone.

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