I can summon myself

Chapter 123 Let’s give these poor people some scientific knowledge


Bai Chen looked calm.

Judging from the other survivors who were furious, the treasure Liu Da said should be true.

After he got the life experience of Blue Star Bai Chen, Immortal King Bai Chen, and Cat Finder Bai Chen.

Unless it was the top rare treasures.

The other treasures were not very attractive to him.

The treasures in the eyes of Liu Da and his companions were most likely ordinary goods in his current vision, which naturally could not arouse his interest.

Although the teachers and students were a little curious, they were not as blushing and salivating as Liu Da imagined when they heard the word treasure.

Bai Chen, who could make the ancestral tombs of the academy smoke, was the most important existence in their hearts.

Even the rarest treasures were not as good as Bai Chen.

And Bai Chen's calmness made them subconsciously think that the so-called treasures were nothing big.

They keenly felt that Bai Chen didn't care.

Liu Da gave up the idea of ​​keeping the secret, and he revealed the answer.

"This dead volcano island is gushing with a strange spiritual energy, which has trapped us here for a year."

"After the food ran out, we could only survive until now with the active sacrifice of the eldest lady."

"It can create illusions, it can emit an atmosphere of keeping strangers away, and it can even block spiritual energy fluctuations."

"After our life-saving search, we finally found that this spiritual energy came from a quiet room inside the volcano."

Liu Da took out the harvest they got from the quiet room.

"A human skeleton."

"A space capsule."

"And a book compiled in an unknown language."

"In addition, there is a spiritual energy matrix in the quiet room that we can't understand."

"The strange spiritual energy is emitted from this formation."

Liu Da placed the white jade skeleton in front of Bai Chen and the teachers and students of Yanyu Academy.

Next, there was a palm-sized gray space capsule with a silk texture and inlaid with mysterious runes.

Finally, he gently placed a black book that was neither gold nor jade, and was very different from the Earth in both shape and style on the skeleton.

"I guess this should be a cultivation method that matches this strange spiritual power."

"It is guaranteed to be cultivated to the fifth level of the controller."

"I am willing to take them out in exchange for your help."

"I hope you can take the young lady away."

Although Liu Da wanted to drag Bai Chen and his Yanyu Academy into the water.

But from the fact that Bai Chen directly rejected his story,

He obviously did not want to get involved in the internal disputes of the Liu family.

Liu Da chose to settle for the second best.

"No matter whether you take the young lady back to Yanyu Academy, to the City of Ten Thousand Spirits, or anywhere else."

"As long as she is alive and safe, you can take these away now."

Liu Da looked at Bai Chen with a burning gaze.

The visitor from another world who cultivated strange spiritual power, including all his wealth.

Bai Chen had no reason not to be tempted.

"Strange psychic energy can not only deceive our perception but also create illusions, making people fall into it unconsciously."

"The fog produced by strange psychic energy can isolate the outside world from prying eyes."

"Except for a few rare periods of time every year, you can enter and exit the dead volcano island."

"Most of the time, the dead volcano island shrouded by this strange psychic energy cannot be entered or left."

"It is really a very magical and special psychic energy."

Liu Da spared no effort to introduce the various characteristics of the mirage psychic energy to Bai Chen, so as to increase the attraction of the mirage psychic energy to Yanyu Academy.

He stopped until his mouth was dry, but he found that whether it was Bai Chen himself or the teachers and students of Yanyu Academy, they all had strange expressions and wanted to laugh but couldn't.

Liu Da was very puzzled.

Is this funny?

He didn't tell a joke.

The other survivors didn't understand that it was obviously a great discovery that shook the world. If the information about the strange psychic energy and the remains was leaked, it would definitely cause a sensation in the imperial capital and the East.

Such a rare treasure, why did Bai Chen and the people of Yanyu Academy act as if they had seen a joke?

They were very puzzled.

This shouldn't be the case. With the strength displayed by the aircraft above his head, Bai Chen shouldn't have even had this vision.

"As long as you can understand it and control it, you will have a powerful trump card."

Liu Da looked at Bai Chen seriously.

Pursing their lips and resisting the urge to laugh wildly, the teachers and students who were almost injured kept winking at Bai Chen.

Their eyes seemed to speak: "Student Bai Chen, let's popularize science to these poor people."

"Ordinary and ordinary mirage spiritual energy, they actually regarded it as a rare and powerful treasure?"

"The Liu family of the Imperial Capital, since they dared to ask us if we know the Liu family of the Imperial Capital, according to normal logic, the Liu family of the Imperial Capital must be very famous in the Imperial Capital, but such a famous family doesn't even know the mirage spiritual energy, and calls it a strange spiritual energy. I feel embarrassed for this old man."

"A sense of superiority in knowledge arises spontaneously."

Bai Chen thought about it and agreed to teach these people some basic common sense of mirage spiritual energy.

"First of all, the scientific name of this kind of psychic energy is mirage psychic energy."

The college leaders like to teach others.

"Secondly, your understanding of it is very one-sided and superficial."

The bald postdoctoral fellow looked arrogant and said, "You are so ignorant."

"Third, the lack of knowledge at the basic level has led to your judgment of mirage spiritual energy being wrong by a thousand miles."

Even Senior Sister Zuo Miao has joined the ranks of education.

Just like everyone else, I gave Liu Da the knowledge about mirage psychic powers they learned from Bai Chen in one word.

The basic common sense of mirage psychic energy perfectly matched the countless details they ignored.

Even Liu Da, who was most reluctant to accept that mirage spiritual power was not as valuable as he imagined, had to admit it.

The people at Mist and Rain Academy are not deliberately belittling it just to lower the price.

Their understanding of mirage psychic powers far surpassed that of his and his companions.

Liu Da's face suddenly fell.

A treasure in his eyes. In front of people like Bai Chen who know the truth, he is really unattractive.


"It's because we are ignorant."

Liu Da, who was suffering more than Coptis chinensis, finally understood why everyone in Yanyu Academy wanted to laugh but couldn't bear to laugh.

Sell ​​strange psychic powers that are half facts and half imagination to professionals like Bai Chen.

Butler Liu of the Liu family in the imperial capital has never been so embarrassed in his life.

He never dreamed of the strange psychic powers that caused them so much misery.

Not as powerful as they imagined.

"Thank you for teaching me a lesson."

"I have learned a lesson."

Liu Da sincerely bowed to Bai Chen and everyone at Mist and Rain College beside Bai Chen.

A violent spiritual energy wave appeared in the sky.

Kraao led the Cloud Whale Pathfinder team to the sky above the extinct volcano island.

Looking at these flying giant beasts that covered the sky and the sun, Liu Da was greatly shocked.

He murmured something to say.

Suddenly, the loudspeaker of the No. 1 boat came from the exclamation of the senior on duty on the Bear bomber.

"Unknown psychic energy not recorded in the database was detected."

"Distance, one thousand four hundred and twenty-three kilometers."

"Aiming, the edge of subspace due west."

"The fluctuation intensity of unknown psychic energy continues to increase..."

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