I can summon myself

Chapter 122 Do you know the Liu family in the imperial capital?

Bai Chen's first impression on the survivors was that he was young.

The strength of a second-level awakener made them think that Bai Chen was just average in terms of strength.

Except that he was indeed very handsome, they really couldn't see anything else worth praising about Bai Chen.

However, how Bai Chen became the leader and whether he was qualified to be the leader were none of their business.

"My name is Liu Da, a member of the Liu family in the imperial capital. I want to borrow one of your transport boats to join the main force."

The old man Liu Da made his request. He had no impression of Yanyu Academy at all, but the temporary team at the No. 5 Airport where the Yanyu Academy's aircraft was located should have the Liu family or the Liu family's allies.

He wanted to use their channels to pass the news back to the imperial capital.

"There is no main force. We came here alone."

Bai Chen pointed at the Bear bomber and said lightly.


Liu Da's aura surged.

The next moment, a ninth-level spiritual energy fluctuation of the controller that made him tremble fell from the sky and locked him.

"Bai Chen, is there trouble?"

Krao's huge body drilled out from the other side of the Bear bomber.

"What kind of monster is this?"

"A flying giant beast that is a hundred meters long?"

"So scary!"

The survivors stared in amazement as Krao descended from the clouds and finally floated beside Bai Chen.

Its huge size was full of oppression.

"It's okay."

Bai Chen briefly told Liu Da about the current situation.

Liu Da and the survivors looked at each other.

"The subspace created by the intersection of the psychic energy of the Earth and the alien space nodes has isolated the surrounding 200,000 square kilometers of sea area, causing 2.35 million people to lose contact!"

"You left the large army behind just to rush to the scene as soon as possible?"

The survivors were in awe of Bai Chen and Yanyu Academy.

"You have two ways to contact the outside world. Either you stay here and wait for the large army from Airport No. 5 to come."

"Or, please send your people to take Boat No. 1 back to Airport No. 5."

Bai Chen pointed to Boat No. 1 surrounded by insectoids and signaled Liu Da to get on it now.

"When will the large army come?"

Liu Da asked.

"Not sure."

Bai Chen didn't know how many days it would take for the cloud whales to gather. He also didn't know the specific situation at Airport No. 5. If the teams from various regions stranded near the airport felt that the cloud whales were too dangerous and the waiting time was too long, then it was unknown whether they would take the No. 5 route.

Liu Da and his companions discussed and made a decision.

"Then please send me back to Airport No. 5 now."

Liu Da decided to take the news back as soon as possible.


"I'll call my tribesmen over now."

Krao flicked his tail and flew back into the sky.

"Bai Chen, what is it?"

Liu Da squinted his eyes and couldn't see Krao's whereabouts after looking for a long time.

This made Bai Chen very strange: "You don't know it? Aren't you from the East Earth Psychic Association?"

"We are the joint investigation team of the Overseas Department of the East Earth Psychic Association."

Liu Da and the survivors took out their identity cards. This is a psychic QR code carrying the mark of the East Earth Psychic Association and their personal aura.

"We really don't know your flying giant friend."

The survivors' behavior was not fake.

At this time, Bai Chen's mind rang with Krao's voice: "Bai Chen, anyway, sending him back will pass through the cloud whale group. I will ask my companions to ask. The tribesmen who are responsible for trading with them should have arrived at the group."

Bai Chen nodded in the direction of Krao.

"Excuse me, which region is Yanyu College from? Jiangdong Region?"

It is true that Liu Da knows Yanyu College, but he and his companions don't know where the big boss of Yanyu College where Bai Chen is from.

The Bear bomber in the sky is a top-level killer. It can pass through Channel 5 alone and has an ally of a hundred-meter giant beast. Logically, Yanyu College must be famous.

But neither Liu Da nor other survivors have any impression of this college at all.

If it weren't for the injection, the date on the bottled water would be very fresh.

Liu Da almost thought that the strange energy on this island not only trapped their freedom, but also silently changed time. Now it is actually hundreds of years later.

"Jiangnan Region, Yanyu City, Yanyu College."

"Jiangnan Region?"

"When did Jiangnan Region have such a powerful college like yours?"

Bai Chen and the teachers and students of Yanyu College smiled but said nothing.

"So, do you know the Imperial Capital Liu Family?"

Liu Da asked cautiously.

Bai Chen looked at the college leaders.

"I don't know."

Except for Jiangnan Region, Yanyu College, like other ordinary colleges, has no time to pay attention to other news outside the region.

Because in the era of psychic energy, cross-regional communication requires not only massive resources, but also sufficient authority.

The embarrassing thing is that Yanyu College, which does not even have a controller, does not have the qualifications to obtain information across regions.

Liu Da and the survivors looked at each other.

They do know that there are quota restrictions for cross-regional qualifications in each region.

But Yanyu College, which is so powerful, does not know the Imperial Capital Liu Family.

Is the seemingly ordinary Jiangnan Region so powerful that Yanyu College cannot even get a place?

Liu Da suppressed his distracting thoughts and made a decision.

"Bai Chen, and everyone from Yanyu College."

"This is the eldest daughter of our Liu family."

He pointed at the petite woman standing outside cabin No. 1 and gritted his teeth.


Bai Chen and the teachers and students reacted indifferently.

They didn't even know about the Liu family, and this insect-transformed eldest daughter of the Liu family meant nothing to them.

Liu Da, who had been secretly observing Bai Chen's reaction, breathed a sigh of relief.

Suddenly, he found this was an opportunity.

Bai Chen was so young, but he was in power.

Although Yanyu College was unknown, it also showed a considerable degree of strength.

If you can arouse Bai Chen's pity and drag him down...

Grief and anger brewed in Liu Da's heart.

His eyes became sad.

"Bai Chen, I wonder if you have time to listen to what I, an old man, have to say."

"This is a very long story."

"Our eldest daughter is named Liu Fenghua, and she has a younger sister named Liu Juedai."

"It happened a year and a half ago."

"It was a summer."

Liu Da's voice was low, and his old face was full of sadness and anger.


"If there is nothing else, I will work first."

"There are still so many survivors who need to be treated."

Bai Chen, who had already discovered through details that Liu Da was in a bad mood and might cause trouble, did not give him a chance to perform.

Not only that, he also said to the teachers and students: "Now the plan is adjusted."

"Since Mr. Liu is going back to Airport No. 5 to report the news, then we will ask Airport No. 5 to send a transport plane over."

"Now, after we check everyone, leave the supplies and return to the bomber."

"Formally start construction with this island as the center."

"We will be flying in the sky, and our partners will always pay attention to your situation. There is no problem with safety."

"With the efficiency of Airport No. 5, their transport planes will definitely arrive here and bring you all back before we leave."

"If there is a low-probability event, we can take you with us when we leave."

Bai Chen directly killed the possibility that Mr. Liu wanted to drag him and Yanyu Academy into the water.

"Now, please."

Bai Chen pointed to Boat No. 1.


"We found a treasure here!"

The unwilling Mr. Liu shouted.

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