I can summon myself

Chapter 107 The Hunter Becomes the Prey


"Instead of running away, we rush over?"

"The eighth level is not the eighth level of the awakener, but the eighth level of the controller!"

The seniors who had their bodies hollowed out were all panicked.

Those who trust Bai Chen, and those who listen to Bai Chen in important matters, face this eighth-level predator that is in control and far beyond their ability to bear, and their survival instinct overwhelms everything else.

"The real and genuine eighth-level controller."

Bai Chen's calm voice contained a hint of joy.

"Junior brother?"

Zuo Miao discovered that Bai Chen was not the one who hurriedly raised his head and ignored the gap between the two parties as everyone imagined.

But found a flaw in this predator?

"I don't know if it's the smoke coming out of our college's ancestral graves, or if this predator has suffered eight lifetimes of bad luck."

"Our 50mm main gun, even if it fires at close range at any other Level 8 predators within fifty kilometers, it will not be able to penetrate their skin."

"This is a level gap that cannot be made up by firepower."

"However, there are always exceptions to everything. The eighth-level predator in front of us is the only unlucky one among all the eighth-level predators that we can injure or even kill."

"Tracer Vine, an extreme space plant with all its evolution points focused on space talent."

"It has extremely strong spatial concealment capabilities, spatial flash capabilities, and the ability to suppress the bloodline of most space-based creatures."

"It can be said that it is one of the deadliest hunters of space-attributed creatures."

"However, all its talent points are focused on space. It is a long, crispy skin that is more fragile than a first-level controller."

"And the same is true for its attack power. It can even penetrate the defenses of heaven-defying mythical species against all space-attribute creatures. But except for space-attribute creatures, I doubt it can even penetrate the thick skin of a first-order ordinary cloud whale. Don’t go in.”

"The psychic armor plate of our bomber can resist its physical attack methods."

"Before our energy is exhausted, the special reconnaissance moment can weaken its space psychic attack to the point where our psychic armor plate can resist it."

"The most unlucky thing about it is that as an eighth-level pinnacle, it is only one step away from being able to flash space and upgrade to space warp."

"If it has the ability to jump through space, no matter how weak its offensive and defensive capabilities are, or even if there is interference from a special reconnaissance array, any attack we make on it will be distorted by the space shield brought about by its outer layer of jump skills. Ten meters away. Even if it hangs motionless in front of the main gun, let us attack."

"Our artillery shells will also be automatically deflected by its shield..."

"It's simply impossible for us to attack it effectively."

"It's a pity that it is only at the peak of the eighth level and has not yet evolved this layer of folding shield that can automatically distort attacks."

Bai Chen's eyes sparkled with the excitement of meeting his prey.

Among space creature predators, Tracer Vine is an extremely rare space plant type hunter.

Most of the ninth-level tracer vines have the space jump skill, but the one in front of them is actually one of the few that is only one step away from the eighth-level peak.

It happens to be a Bear bomber, and both the main and secondary guns can penetrate the outer shell.

"So? We have a chance?"

The eyes of the three girls, Mo Qianxing, Zuo Miao, and Zhu Huan, were filled with eagerness to try.

The internal communication channel rang with the rejoicing sounds of teachers and students as the smoke rose from the ancestral graves of the college.

"This is very mysterious."

"This Tracer vine has a miserable look on its face."

"Where is the ancestral grave of our college, we should go and offer a stick of incense."

"The strongest hunter of space creatures encountered a special reconnaissance array created by Junior Bai Chen that specializes in confusing space, and was restrained in all directions."

"The eighth-level trophy of the controller at the beginning?"

Bai Chen gave everyone in Yanyu Academy a bold idea.

"Don't think too much, after all, you are the eighth level controller."

Mo Qianxing poured cold water on Bai Chen to relieve his pressure.

Teachers and students also responded.

You can dream about it, but the fact is that this Tracer Vineman, even though it seems to be full of weaknesses, is still a terrifying existence up to the eighth level of the Master.

At this time, Cloud Whale Bear Child had entered the bomber's range of 150 kilometers.

And Tracer Vineman, who was still unwilling to give up his prey, even entered the core area less than 100 kilometers away from the bomber.

"Replace all with heavy alloy slugs without psychic text."

Bai Chen said in a deep voice.

Although the psychic text can give the warhead special abilities.

But for ultra-high perception predators like Tracer Vineman, all talents focus on space.

Any additional psychic fluctuations can cause it to become alert.


Zuo Miao responded.

"You guys will pilot, and I'll take over the tail turret."

Mo Qianxing and the bald postdoc exchanged places.

"Our computing team is ready."

The weak voices of math masters came from the communication system.

They endured their discomfort and joined the fight.

"Okay, you are on standby."

Bai Chen declined politely.

He was very grateful to the calculation team for not missing a beat at the critical moment, but facing an opponent like the eighth-level awakener.

Any delay will result in failure.

Bai Chen handed over the most important calculation task to Blue Star Bai Chen.

"My dear, don't worry."

Lanxing Baichen also wants me to get a good start.

When Tracer Vineman approached the Bear bomber, it was seventy kilometers away.

Bai Chen suddenly ordered: "Special reconnaissance array, overload to the maximum extent."

"Psychic Booster, always ready to start."

The bald postdoctor successfully completed Bai Chen's request with the help of two seniors.

The blue light emitted by the special reconnaissance array reached its maximum brightness.

The psychic energy within 75 kilometers of the bomber was in chaos.

Just then.

The Tracer vine on the radar screen suddenly split into two.

Although its rank dropped from the peak of the eighth rank to the upper part of the eighth rank.

But judging from its flashing speed and flashing distance, its agility was not affected at all.

Mo Qianxing and Zuo Miao took a breath.

Looking at the Tracer vine that split into two ways and rushed towards the Cloud Whale Bear Child from two directions.

They understood that Bai Chen increased the interference to confuse its perception, and also let it take advantage of this chaotic space. Under the interference of his own side, he used the killer mace that split into two to launch a fatal attack on the Cloud Whale Bear Child.

"Left side, 66 kilometers."

"Right side, 62 kilometers."

"Which one should we hit?"

The bald postdoctor's voice was a little trembling.

His fingers hanging on the start button of the psychic booster kept trembling.


"This is too cunning."

"Oh my god, it can also split itself?"

The teachers and students were equally confused.

Seeing that they were about to fight, this cunning Tracer Vine actually had the ability to split itself, and it was a super-clone ability that the reconnaissance array could not tell the authenticity.

Bai Chen's eyes narrowed into a line.

"Left or right?"

If the Cloud Whale Bear Child was successfully hunted by it, even if Bai Chen destroyed its clone, it would still be a failure in the end.

The Cloud Whale Group would expel the Bear Bomber because of the death of the Cloud Whale Bear Child.

The Tracer Vine that successfully swallowed the Bear Child's spatial attribute flesh and blood is likely to get the last bit of energy it needs to advance from eight to nine.

Once it evolves to the ninth level.

With the characteristic of the Tracer Vine that remembers revenge.

The Bear Bomber, and even all humans who enter the No. 5 channel, will face its endless revenge.

At this moment, all the pressure is concentrated on Bai Chen.

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