I can summon myself

Chapter 106 The Cloud Whale Naughty Child, Here It Comes

"The muzzle speed of the main gun is seven kilometers per second. Even the Blue Star warhead with a specially optimized aerodynamic shape will take more than a hundred seconds to reach the cloud whale child 650 kilometers away. Not to mention this control For an eighth-level predator, even a more alert ordinary person, one hundred seconds is enough for them to run out of the impact point to avoid this attack. "

Before the cannon ejected from the barrel, Bai Chen confirmed that it was impossible to hit the opponent from such a long distance.

"My dear, there is nothing we can do. Even our Blue Star can't do anything with ordinary psychic cannons of this caliber at 650 kilometers. The only one who is really reliable is to find the God-killing black and hard ones from Mao Baichen."

Even if Blue Star Baichen has all the manufacturing materials for the Blue Star Psionic Cannon, starting from the Psionic Metal Ore.

However, Bai Chen's Earth lags behind Blue Star by several centuries in both the level of psychic technology and the average psychic intensity.

As for the Baichen Universe with the highest technology tree at present, the most powerful God-killing main gun in mankind that can hoist all kinds of supreme gods and hammer it, even Blue Star cannot reproduce it.

"So I didn't plan to kill him at all."

"Even if we hit it directly, with the skin of an eighth-level controller, I doubt whether our fifty-millimeter-caliber heavy-duty alloy warhead can penetrate it."

"If we can't break the defense, we are not the main force at all."

Yes, Bai Chen's current attack is just to scare away this eighth-level predator and buy time for the Cloud Whale bear child.

Just as he envisioned.

The predators attacked by the bear bombers were immediately discovered, and they decisively gave up on the cloud whale bears' children that were within easy reach.

It flashed and disappeared from the radar screen again.

"too difficult."

Zuo Miao blushed.

Up to now, the head and tail secondary artillery groups, whose muzzle velocity was less than three kilometers, were still moving slowly halfway along the road.

What made her even more embarrassed was that in her haste, the final impact zone of the artillery group she controlled was at least five kilometers away from the Cloud Whale Bear Child.

And the tail cannon group led by three temporary workers flew past 20 kilometers to the right of Cloud Whale Bear Child.

"It doesn't matter. The space concussion bombs of the secondary battery and the psychic text: Han character warheads are to convey the message to the nine cloud whales that we may be able to use these two kinds of shells to slow down the movement speed of the eighth-level predators. ”

Bai Chen comforted.

If the nine-headed cloud whales could understand.

Then his next step will be possible.

"Open all psionic detection arrays."

"Start energy input enhancement mode."

Following his command, the four mechanical arms slowly opened.

Long psychic alloy sticks stretched out from the interior of the multi-purpose warehouse, like four sea urchins covered with black thorns.

The attenuated teachers and students who returned to the living warehouse invariably grasped the special silver-plated handle closest to them.

As their psychic energy sources continue to flow into the psychic matrix connected to the handles.

The total power of the Bear bomber was increased to 700,000 horsepower.

Soon, a hidden figure of a high-level predator appeared on the radar screen.

It was lurking motionless in the sea of ​​clouds thirty kilometers away from the naughty cloud whale.

"Let's give the cloud whales a heads up."

Bai Chen hoped that the cloud whale, who was born and raised on the earth, could be as smart as Blue Star and the cloud whale on Bai Chen's side, and be smart enough to understand his actions.

The main gun fired again.

The secondary guns of Zuo Miao and the three seniors also opened fire.

Even if they miss, they can still take the opportunity to practice.

There are no exceptions and no bad luck.

The high-level predator dodged again without any surprise.

"Bai Chen, should we get closer?"

Mo Qianxing asked.

"Keep a distance of five hundred kilometers."

"Once a high-level predator comes to us, we run away."

"Always be prepared to overload special detection arrays that interfere with the predator's spatial sensing."


Mo Qianxing placed his finger next to the detection array overload button.

Be prepared to follow Bai Chen's orders if anything goes wrong.

In the psychic world, running away is not a derogatory term. Only when you are alive can you have output.

"Cloud Whale Bear, it's coming!"

Zuo Miao pointed at the radar screen and let out a startled roar.

Under the leadership of Bai Chen, everyone worked together to rescue the cloud whale bear child from the predators.

Who knows, it would be fine if this cloud whale calf didn't join the cloud whales immediately.

It actually flashed in the direction of the Bear bomber.

Confirming that the distance between the two sides was rapidly approaching again, the high-level predator hidden in the sea of ​​clouds also followed the cloud whale child and attacked in the direction of the Bear bomber.

Bai Chen went crazy.

Originally, he was confident enough to use the weapon platforms at the head and tail, and with the help of the special detection array, to buy enough time for this naughty child of the cloud whale until nine powerful cloud whales of the seventh level or above arrived. At that time, whether you choose to encircle and suppress this eighth-level predator, or rely on your credit for saving the Cloud Whale's naughty child, it is a good choice to successfully blend into the Cloud Whale's vanguard.

But now, the recklessness of Cloud Whale's naughty child has directly put everyone in the Bear Bomber under the threat of the eighth-level predator.

"Any naughty child of any living creature is the most unpredictable existence in the world."

"Special detection array overload!"

"The concealment array is overloaded!"

"Maximum energy output!"

"Prepare to activate the psychic booster!"

The faces of teachers and students all turned red.

They were like human-shaped self-propelled batteries with full power output, injecting all their psychic energy into the psychic array of the Bear bomber through the psychic circuit connected to the handle.

The four sea urchin balls on the top of the mechanical arm emitted dazzling blue light.

Psychic waves full of chaotic atmosphere shot out from their tips.

Like one blue light ring after another, with the Bear bomber as the center, they kept extending outward.

These psychic waves mixed with the surrounding psychic energy, giving birth to a group of blue psychic clouds.

Whether it was the eighth-level predator with extremely keen sense of space.

Or the cloud whale bear child, the nine-headed cloud whale strongman who flew here desperately.

At this moment, all lost the sense of the Bear bomber.

In their vision, the area around the bomber, which was originally no different from other areas, suddenly turned into a chaotic area with psychic chaos and nothing.


The eighth-level predator stopped in place, letting everyone breathe a sigh of relief.

It should be safe now.

But what no one expected was.

Knowing that this place was in chaos, the bear child of the cloud whale did not turn back.

He continued to run towards the bomber.

The distance between the two sides was shortened to 300 kilometers at this moment.

"Doesn't this guy know how to write the word death?"

Zuo Miao wanted to beat it with a big iron stick.

The nine-headed cloud whale strongman roared more and more urgently, making the bear child of the cloud whale turn immediately.

"The predator has flashed to 210 kilometers away from us."

"It will reach us in two more flashes."

Mo Qianxing's forehead was covered with a row of fine beads of sweat.

She had already felt the looming spiritual pressure of this eighth-level predator.

"Start the spiritual booster!"

"Let's rush over!"

Bai Chen pointed at the predator on the radar screen and said calmly.

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