Chapter 994 Chapter 298: All failures can make you stronger

As a martial arts researcher, Ji Chen is naturally curious about this unprecedented martial arts, but there are many ways to solve curiosity, and physical experience must be the most direct but also the most dangerous one.

It’s just as a walk of the High Heaven Sect, he really can’t refuse such a request. As a disciple of the Han family who has already used the secret technique and used the indestructible body, if he doesn’t even have the courage to fist, it is not only a sect slander, but also Shame on Han.

So even if he knew the dangers, Ji Chen nodded and said: "Since it is Tianjiao's invitation, Ji should be respectful, it is better to follow his life!"

The blood-colored giant Ji Chen focused his energy on his thick right arm, and the crimson meridian resembling a blood snake violently again. The blood dragon around his waist seemed to be summoned by something, and swam to Ji Chen's right arm. Loop tightly around.

The turbulent blood infiltrated through the pores of the right arm, and the long dragon turned into a red light, which was imprinted on Ji Chen’s right arm. However, the originally thick right arm swelled again with a punch. There was a dragon pattern on the arm, and the dragon head fell on On the back of Ji Chen's hand, he opened his mouth in the blood basin, and his dragon teeth were shining with dignified cold light.

Holding his right arm as thick as a dragon pattern totem, the blood-red giant stepped on the cloud-climbing platform with one stride, the blood-dragon arm that lay beside him hooked and swept towards Tang Luo like a hurricane, the blood dragon roared, Zen Zhen Zong, this fist is the strongest combination of strength, vigor, and spiritual strength. Ji Chen's expression is not sad or happy, pushing this unstoppable blow in the direction of Tang Luo.

And Tang Luo, who had been preparing for a long time, smiled and greeted him with his right fist.

The blood-colored dragon-printed giant arm and Tang Luo’s divine ape long arm met in mid-air, and the strength of the two burst out, and a biting wind appeared out of thin air. It was a vacuum created by the interlocking force. All the spiritual power and The vitality was completely evacuated, and this powerful force lifted all the disciples of the Lingxiaozong on the side of the cloud climbing platform, and even the elders of the Lingxiaozong on the viewing platform in the distance were affected.

With just a fist confrontation between the two, the Climbing Platform seemed to be caught in a gust of wind, and all the stone platforms and pavilions were lifted and collapsed. Everyone stared at the two people on the stage with shock and inexplicable shock. Walking in the middle of the world cheered and won, but saw that the blood dragon's giant arm that had just appeared evenly matched was suddenly twisted, like a pig's heart that suddenly burst open.

Torn muscles and blood mist scattered all over the place, and Ji Chen was lifted out by this surging force, like a red glow hitting the mountain wall and unable to move.

"How can this be!?"

The disciples of Ling Xiaozong were shocked and stared at Tang Luo on the stage one after another. Everyone knew that no matter how many strengths were combined, it was all an explosion.

Even if it was a secret technique that broke out several times, to put it bluntly, it was just to divide a force of strength into several bursts. Since it is a pact, since the scarlet giant in the incarnation of Ji Chen has already taken a punch, it is considered a victory. .

What does this second outbreak mean!

The disciple of the Lingxiaozong thought that Tang Luo was a fraud, so he glared at him. Just as he was about to yell, he heard the sound of falling rocks on the mountain wall. Ji Chen, who was holding his twisted right arm, returned with a wry smile and Yukong said: "Tang Tianjiao's fist With the unpredictable changes in the anode and the yin, I really thank Tianjiao for his teaching, this time Ji was defeated, and he was convinced!"

The so-called hard not lasting, the more fierce and inexhaustible, the more you must pay attention to the inability of successors. The principle of prosperity and decline can be said to be true even for young people who have just studied martial arts studies, and the same is true for the masters of physical skills. Master Jiu-Jitsu takes an endless path, so Master Gang Jin uses the three-in-one quick killing method.

Grandmaster Gangjin and Grandmaster Gangjin face each other, usually after a punch, both sides can know the gap between each other, but the master of Jiu-Jitsu makes a move, but you need to come and go for dozens of times to know the exquisite technique of the other party.

Although the two are physical skills, they go against each other with the in-depth research. Throughout the ages, there have been many great masters who want to complete the yin and yang fusion, and the hardness and softness. In the end, they have found nothing, and some are even depressed because they can't find the way forward. end.

But just now the fist winds interlaced, Ji Chen clearly felt the yin and yang taste from Tang Luo's fist. In addition to being vigorous and strong, it also had an endless meaning.

The reason why he was knocked into the air was not because Tang Luo’s strength exploded twice, but because the two punched each other. His strength was consumed extremely fast, while the opponent’s strength was getting stronger and stronger. It was actually possible to withdraw safely by retreating with strong force, but he said that if he did a good punch, he would lose, so he chose to infuse his spiritual energy to continue to hold on, and the final result was like this.

But the biggest advantage of listening to Jin with the body is that Ji Chen also understood the reason why Tang Luo could complete the yin and yang.

Just when he was hit by the force to fly above the mountain wall, he looked dumbfounded, not because he was shocked by the force, but after finishing a punch, Ji Chen faintly felt the strength of the opponent's fist. Softness is not derived from softness, but derived from changes in rigidity.

It is said to be soft, in fact it is still strong. It is said to be strong, but it also has the characteristics of softness. This is like yin but not yin, like yang but not yang. It seems to open the door to a new world for him, which makes a lot of troubles. After a long time of his question, it suddenly became clear.

The so-called true transmission of one sentence, false transmission of thousands of books, for a highly perceptive person like Ji Chen, as long as you give him an introduction, he can draw out a world.

Although he lost the competition, he got more than the victory, so even if he was seriously injured, he was still calm and grateful.

As wit as Tang Luo heard Ji Chen's words, he naturally understood that the punch he had just clashed had already made the opponent comprehend, but it hadn't reached the original level of the same root of yin and yang, and was still in the category of yin and yang changes.

But this is the first time he has seen this kind of person who can make progress in a fight,: "Ji Chen has a high sense of walking, and he can have an epiphany in just one fight. It is really admirable. I believe it will not take long before he can break through again. Congratulations to Tang in advance."

After saying a few beautiful scenes, Tang Luo retreated to the viewing platform. As soon as he sat down, he heard Ji Fu's voice transmission and asked: "How does the walking of the Lingxiaozong compare to the walking of the Daozi of the Holy Land Sect?"

"It's stronger than the sect, and weaker than the holy land." Tang Luo replied in a calm voice transmission: "Ji Chen's combat power level is about the same as Qilinshan Daozibulin, but slightly longer in age."

"I understand." Ji Fu's surface was calm, but there were a lot of waves in his heart. Just when he wanted to speak, he heard the secret spy voice behind him.

"Report to Saint Son that Ji Yongchen has been found in the Mangshan area. He has been refined into a white zombie. From the technical point of view, it looks like the guardian of the ancient blood building, the corpse monk Shang Guhan's unique corpse alchemy."

(End of this chapter)

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