Chapter 993 Chapter 297: Fist

Tang Luo looked at Ji Chen up and down, his eyes getting more and more admiration, "Yuanyang boy body, Tiangang war aura inspires pure Yang Qi to stimulate the change of Yang attributes of the indestructible combat body, if others do it, it will only You have been attacked by Yang Huo and your heart is self-immolated, but when you come to use it, you are strong and upright, with blood like a dragon, and a heart like a pump. You really have supernatural powers!"

A strange color flashed in the eyes of Ji Chen, who was incarnate as a blood dragon giant. The world said that Tang Luo was a martial artist, a rare encounter in a thousand years, but he had always disagreed.

Without a trace of bloodline talent, he can go to this day, relying on his own research and fusion of martial arts, and this blood dragon sun dry technique is a masterpiece of his fusion of Lingxiaozong Tiangang's battle aura, and several secret techniques fused with the immortal battle body spirit array. , He also relied on this secret technique to become the walking of High Heaven Sect.

It's just that Mu Xiu Yu Lin Feng will destroy it. It is much more difficult for an ordinary person without blood to sit and walk firmly than someone with blood.

Because humans are the animals who are best at making excuses for themselves, those who change their bloodlines will become the Lingxiaozong, and other disciples will push this achievement to external factors such as blood luck.

For example, "He is a bloodliner!" "He is a descendant of a grandmaster, and there is a grandmaster figure who is not strong?" "Who has a strong family background? With so many resources, he can pile up a walk. "In this case, it never stopped.

But when Ji Chen was in high position, he slapped all Ling Xiaozong disciples severely with facts, and even took away all their opportunities to find excuses from outside.

In terms of family history, he was only the son of the leader of the Lingxiao Sect's Slaughter Immortal Army, and he was sent to the Lingxiao Sect by his family since he was a child to eat and live with other Ji disciples.

Even the awakened Earth-level bloodline is no more than 9th-rank, better than nothing, but relying on an excellent understanding of martial arts, it overpowers other disciples of high-ranking bloodlines of the sect.

Any spiritual skills used by him will always have a taste of turning decay into a miracle. Even the indestructible combat body that Han's compulsory training is trained to be different from other people's.

Although Ji Chen's scenery is infinite, the voice behind him has never stopped. Everyone feels that the blood dragon sun is dry and lonely, the sword goes slanting, and the strong is strong, but the indestructible battle body itself has been lost, although I didn't say it in front of Ji Chen, but there would always be a few words like Kang Long regretful behind him.

Many people seem to be sure that Ji Chen’s fusion secret technique will cause problems. Although he has never responded to these voices, he has been unhappy for a long time, but Ji Chen is too proud, thinking that facts are stronger than words. Over a hundred times.

Although the battle against Tang Luo was instructed by several leaders of the Slaughter Immortal Army, he also wanted to fight Tang Luo for the Blood Dragon Sun and prove his secret technique.

Unexpectedly, the other party broke the roots and feet of the fusion secret technique. Such eyesight naturally surprised Ji Chen.

Holding his fists in both hands, Ji Chenweng, who was transformed into a scarlet giant, said: "Everyone says that Tang Tianjiao is a once-in-a-millennium wizard without a path. At first sight today, he really deserves his reputation. Ji Chen admires it!"

"It's nothing great to see, you can think of such a way to strengthen the indestructible combat body to be really powerful." Tang Luo looked at Ji Chen up and down, and said with amazement: "It is unheard of to develop the heart and fire **** to such an extent. With the combination of Tiangang’s battle energy and blood condensing blood dragon offensive and defensive, the High Heaven Sect’s walking really deserves its name!"

On the issue of martial arts, Tang Luo has always been objective and fair. He has never entrained any personal feelings. Judging from what Ji Chen is showing now, his combat power will not be weaker than that he has seen on Wusheng Mountain. Qilinshan Daozi Bulin, this is only the opponent's first god.

Such a creative warrior, when his second and third gods are opened, his strength will surely be greatly improved. Such a person should be praised physically.

"Tang Tianjiao overwhelmed." Ji Chen replied modestly, but his attitude was significantly softer than the challenge he had just taken the stage, but the fighting spirit in his eyes was still strong.

This made Tang Luo a little bit difficult. It wasn't that he couldn't beat Ji Chen, but that he had to win a match with such a strong player. That would really have to be a bloodbath, and it was too **** to compete with each other. Ugly!

He came to Lingxiaozong to look for Ji Clan for something, but he was not here to shake his might. After thinking about it, Tang Luo said to Ji Chen: "Ji Chen’s walking fusion mystery has opened his eyes to Tang. It just so happens that Tang was also excited recently. Lifa has some insights, and made a punch, please walk and comment."

As he said, Tang Luo raised his fist, just a small movement of bending his arms and making a fist, there was the sound of dragons and tigers roaring, and the moment the five fingers were gathered, there was a loud noise that shattered the universe, even overshadowing the giant blood dragon like a drum. Heartbeat.

Experts will know if there is any as soon as they take action. As the youngest master of physical skills in the world, Tang Luo’s three-strength fusion has become famous with the end of the 20th Longzhou Youth Martial Arts Conference. Everyone knows that Longzhou has made a great A good physical master, good at fusion of strength.

It’s just that Tang Luo’s fist is slightly different from the rumors. Ji Chen can see that in that thick right arm, countless muscles seem to be consciously beating, like a tide, alternating strong and weak, sending to Ying Now, it's completely different from the tightness and stiffness before the ordinary physical masters used their strength.

Ji Chen was very interested in this kind of martial arts beyond general cognition, and couldn't help but ask: "This is?"

"This boxing is considered to be the result of Tang's research after he entered Beimang. It was still in the initial stage so he did not name it. Ji Chen Walking was the first person to feel it!"

It has only been more than ten days since the realization of the same root of Yin and Yang, but it has overturned his knowledge of martial arts that he spent 20 years building up. Although this punch was only an initial creation, it also made him understand that he is on the right path.

Just exploring this kind of thing, after all, it takes a lot of time to verify, so this punch can only be applied to the body now, and the preparation time is too long, although it cannot be used for actual combat, but it is excellent for comparison!

Looking at his fist with emotion, Tang Luo said to Ji Chen: "Since it’s a discussion and exchange, naturally the point is over, Tang Mou will fight with Walking. As long as Walking takes this punch, he can still stand on stage. If you go up, it's a victory, how?"

The disciples of Lingxiaozong watching from the side of the Climbing Platform were in an uproar after listening to Tang Luo's words. They did not expect that the number one **** from afar would be so arrogant!

"Senior Brother Ji Chen promised him to let this arrogant boy understand the vastness of martial arts in the world!"

"Senior brother, teach him, let him see the abilities of my Ling Xiaozong."

Compared with the excitement of the crowd under the cloud-climbing platform, Ji Chen didn't change his face and looked at Tang Luo carefully.

(End of this chapter)

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