Chapter 987 Chapter 291: Meet

After spending only half a day in the tribe, Ji’s waiter came to Taicang Mountain and said that he was going to take Tang Luo to the Lingxiaozong to see the son. Along the way, the young people looked at Tang Luo from time to time, as if to be sure. This person in front of him is the rumored Longxi Tianjiao.

Tang Luo also knew that the opponent should have been frightened by his burly figure. After all, the fourth-rank Xuanwu Immortal Body was looking to be strengthened to the limit by innate aura, and his body shape had changed a little, even if it was. The well-informed disciple of the sect would be scared when he saw himself suddenly.

He shook his head helplessly, thinking that a few years ago, he was still a handsome prince of the family, the figure is the one that looks thin in clothes and has flesh when undressed.

But at this time, he was burly like a giant, his whole body knotted muscles seemed to burst a wide robe, and his two knee-length arms were thicker than the messenger’s thighs, even some strong men who had exercised their bodies gathered together. They all looked like a slender girl's house in front of him, so it's no wonder that the other person looked like this.

Riding the wind not long came to the Lingxiao Peak, and the disciples of the Lingxiaozong who got the news gathered on the welcoming stage, wanting to get a glimpse of the true face of the first **** of all races.

But when the messenger brought Tang Luo to the welcoming platform, there was only a cold exclaim.

He seemed to hear the heartbreaking voices of many sect disciples. After all, the Long Xi Tianjiao in the world's impression should be the kind of gentleman from the family. When he suddenly saw a fierce man like himself, he would inevitably be a little disappointed.

Forcibly enduring the discomfort of being watched, and following the messenger to the main hall of Lingxiaozong, Tang Luo finally saw the Lord of Han Zhongxing who had been for several years, and this first glance surprised him.

Because the difference between the person in front of him and the Ji Fu in his impression is too great!

A few years ago, he was a slender young man. Ji Fu was a sturdy man. He still remembers the unparalleled dominance of Ji Fu facing the sky full of sword soul with his double mace.

But now goodbye, Ji Fu in a long gown is like a gentle scholar, even the domineering between his eyebrows has been reduced to peace, and he has already opened up the qi and blood like a dragon, and his heart is like a pump, but his face is pale. It's like a patient suffering from anemia.

Seeing the surprise in Tang Luo's eyes, Ji Fu smiled and said: "I haven't seen him for several years, Brother Tang has forgotten Ji Fu's appearance?"

"Forget it, but Brother Ji has changed so much that he dare not recognize each other for a while."

It was too big, Tang Luo said helplessly.

"Brother Tang didn't do the same. In just a few years, Longxi Tianjiao fisted Bi Fangshan and defeated Xiaoshengwang. Even Ji Mou had heard of it in the sect retreat!"

"It's just a little false name." Tang Luo said calmly: "If Brother Ji came out, there would be more than four Little Sage Kings in this world!"

Although Ji Fu once had the undead bloodline of the first rank, Tang Luo did not take it in his eyes, because a arrogant warrior who thought he could be invincible with the bloodline ability was just a bloodline slave at best. After all, people can't become a climate.

If Ji Fu had heard of his deeds of winning against Wang Chan, his first thought would be to issue a challenge.

Because at that time Ji Fu's pride was based on the glory of the Han family and the bloodline of the first rank, he needed to prove through battle that he was stronger than other holy sons, and the Han family was stronger than other holy places.

This is not so much pride as it is a naive young man defending his distorted self-esteem, but now Ji Fu has changed.

Under the gentle praise and calm and calm appearance, he was absolutely confident in his own strength. Ji Fu no longer needed to prove himself to others, because his existence was the best proof of Han's.

Tang Luo had only felt this invincible self-confidence in Bu Xiao. Although he hadn't fought against each other, he was already certain that the face of Ji Fu, whose face had become ruddy again, had become unfathomable.

Everyone is growing up desperately. Tang Luo couldn't help but sigh in his heart that many times you will fall behind. It's really not because you haven't worked hard enough, but your progress is not fast enough.

Who could have imagined that in just a few years, the most incompetent guy would turn and overtake. The undead bloodline of Ji Fu a few years ago was nothing great, but Ji Fu today is better than some days ago. Level blood is even more terrifying!

"Brother Tang is polite. If it weren't for Xiling and his party, maybe Ji Fu is still confused and unable to recognize himself. Although he has lost a small spirit world, he has met his righteous brother and formed an ally with the Tang family. Up."

Even if he was straddled to rival the Little Sage King, Ji Fu did not have any mood swings. Instead, he was concerned that Xu Lao won. "I heard that the righteous brother issued an edict to destroy the Buddha in Yuanzhou with the Imperial Phoenix Sword on Wusheng Mountain. Because of being wronged?"

"That's not true. It's just that Buddha Yankong was designed to initiate his brother, and his cousin was so angry that he ordered Yuanzhou to destroy the Buddha. Now the matter is over. Under the mediation of Wusheng Mountain and Dutianwang, Yuanzhou Xu Both the Clan and Zhongzhou Buddhism have calmed down, which is a good thing."

Tang Luozheng introduced the ins and outs of the matter to Ji Fu, but saw a heroic and domineering young man walked straight into the temple, "This is a good thing for the Buddha Kingdom and the Xu family, and it is also a good thing for the people of the world, but not for us."

Integration's sudden evaluation attracted the eyes of the two in the hall. Tang Luo turned his head and looked at Ji Fu and asked, "This is?"

"This Lingxiaozong is walking in his own generation, Ji Chen." Ji Fu introduced to Tang Luo: "I am also one of the most outstanding disciples of Ji's generation, the king's qualification!"

"Shengzi is absurd!" After the heroic young man first met Ji Fu respectfully, he turned to Tang Luo and said, "Ji Chen has seen Longxi Tianjiao!"

After returning his hand, Tang Luo said calmly: "Just now you said that this is not good news for us, what do you mean?"

"Tianjiao should know that if Ji wants to get back his surname, he will definitely fight Zhongzhou, and the first to bear the brunt is the Buddhist leader Wuxiang Temple and the Anshi Dynasty." Ji Chen replied: "If the Buddha Kingdom in Zhongzhou Being able to confront Yuanzhou Xu's family will bring great convenience to our uprisings, but now that the peace is calm due to the mediation of Wu Shengshan and Dutianwang Xun, how can it be a good thing!?

After a pause, Ji Chen suddenly asked Tang Luo: "Only when the world is in chaos, can dragons and snakes rise together and re-set the universe. But if it is peaceful today, as quiet as a pool of stagnant water, it is easy for the Han family to see the sky again, but to restore Zhongzhou. But it's idiotic about dreams, does Tang Tianjiao think so?"

"You young man, the idea is very dangerous."

"Thank you Tianjiao for his kind words." Ji Chen said lightly: "In fact, the Tang family should know more about this kind of thing than Ji Chen. If there was no sudden natural disaster, how could the nobles occupy the seven cities of Lingjiang in one fell swoop? It has become the top power in Longzhou."

(End of this chapter)

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